America Hate Thread

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show your real flag cucks.

willing to bet that america saved your asses in at least 2 wars.

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like clockwork

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> hates on another country
> too ashamed of their own countries to show flags

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Kike using memeflags as usual

Clearly a developing country, behind more better countries. Gini statistics says it all.

wish someone would post the discord screenshot of antifa planning to constantly shill that trump is a jewish op and we should hate him

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>> too ashamed of their own countries to show flags
The real question is, why don't you?

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everyone in this thread must post 'fuck allah and the false prophet muhummad' to prove you are not muslims..


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>B-b-but trump said he would stop immigration

Fuck the u.s. I'm so said I have to live here. I want to move to canada like I said I would in dec 2016

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I dont care a fuck about antifa, but Trump is clearly following Jewish agenda.

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Showing a picture with Stark Trek surrounding the most socialistic place, with him drinking liberal tears? The maker of this image didnt really watch star trek i think.

fuck allah and the false prophet muhummad
as a matter of fact fuck all semites, such the islamic prophet and christcuck god: rabbi Jesus
and fuck the people who created these religions to make their worshipers dumb and prime for takeover: the jews

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Oy vey. I hate the stupid goyim. I'm so glad we're destroying them.

>heh heh
do it goy

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rent free baby!

> being this butthurt that you were born in a shithole instead of Denmark
We have some of the strictest immigration policies in Europe, we're wealthy, we take good care of the elderly and mentally ill, we have no poor people and education is free.
You can't name a wealthy white country that is doing better.


Most of the stuff you posted is garbage, but this one is bretty gud