If this "virus" is so contagious and dangerous, shouldn't grocery store workers be dropping like flies...

If this "virus" is so contagious and dangerous, shouldn't grocery store workers be dropping like flies? They are coming in close contact with literally everyone in the world, as well as non stop shipments that have crossed countless hands. "But they're wearing masks!" No faggot. They would still get sick without fully enclosed eye protection. MANUFACTURED BULLSHIT CRISIS

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I was thinking about this. Walmart workers are absolute bottom-tier people when it comes to health. Why aren't they dead?


American is so depressing I'm glad I moved here, it'll be another 20 years till this place is nigged up

They're magically immune just like Africa and India

Correct. Same thing with the whole “family members will be separated from their families if they are sick!!” thing. How can people live in the same house and not contract the virus from each other? The virus is a lot less apocalypse scenario than what it’s being said.

It took him this long to catch on?

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Sounds like you've had too much to think son.
Of course this is a manufactured crisis which they are using to pass "temporary measures" to protect us, they will never be wound back.
The patriot act was renewed a few months ago, and no one batted an eye or even debated it, its for our own good dont you know, this is more of the same they're just taking advantage of the situation and our freedoms are being eroded day by day.

Because there are 50 asymptomatic carriers for every 1 person that gets sick. Everyone has already caught it.

>shouldn't grocery store workers be dropping like flies
Some are getting the chink-flu. Wally-world workers in the grocery section have died from it.

Here they sit behind plexiglass so.

A friend of mine has been doing random surveys of local grocery stores. Nobody has even called in sick he says. We had some of the earliest US cases.

Journalists don't wear masks or gloves

faggot ccp shill, then why aren't more dropping ? Not just here and there

I work at a grocery store. Half our staff has been exposed and are in quarantine or the hospital. And thats just one of our 50+ stores. Keep your thoughts and prayers, stop calling us heroes and how about you petition for a living wage for a fucking change? Yeah, its actually no fun having to work two jobs to share an apartment with two other people and still have no car or any hope of ever owning a house or taking a vacation. And please stay home. A lot of you are sauntering around because you have nothing to do. Get in, get your shit, and get out. Go HOME. God knows I would if I could.

If it was a real pandemic there would be bodies in the streets.
Not just a few elderly dying in hospital.

>living wage

Faggot leftist shill detected

>having to work two jobs to share an apartment with two other people and still have no car or any hope of ever owning a house or taking a vacation
sounds like you live in a liberal shithole

Some of them are. Any semi-healthy WM worker has one of the strongest immune systems on the planet.

You need to be in close contact with someone for 15 minutes. Nobody is standing next to a grocery store worker for 15 minutes cock sucker.

Someone's upset.

>then why aren't more dropping?
It's called the immune system. Some wally-world workers are not the boomer age. Chink-flu is a weak virus.

A source on that apart from your ass?
Why would a virus need 15 minutes to be transmitted? Its supposedly airborne, are 14 minutes of breathing on someone not enough?
You sound like a spastic.

i just pray that we are reaching critical mass to a revolution soon. Down with the stateniggers

Have any of you faggots ever considered the fact that maybe people that're sick with covid-19 in your town / county are already in lockdown / arent allowed to leave the house, and that the protections are in place for people who're asymptomatic and don't know they have it or people who don't wear gloves when they touch shit? Also, it's an airborne virus, so they're keeping an eye and ear out for anyone who coughs publicly, while wearing masks just in case, until the cases start to flatten out.

They're not getting sick because everyones on fucking high alert and are constantly washing their hands and are (hopefully) following proper social distancing. Guess what, btw, some of the ARE getting sick. And you can't fucking prove otherwise unless you literally know every single fucking grocery store worker and walmart worker on planet fucking earth...

Them*, rather.

Because you both are fucking alcoholic. I'd be too if I lived in a country that spends it's every waking second trying to survive from sunstroke and god knows what amount of deadly creatures that lurk in your prison colony.

Only a human would be either bold or retarded. Or both, enough to consider living freely in such a hell hole.

About a dozen bus drivers and public transit workers have died so far. Grocery store workers probably can’t afford/aren’t allowed testing depending on the state, and definitely can’t afford missing work so they keep going in despite being sick.

Fearmongering pussy.

No. Everybody has seen the empty hospitals. Including ny.
Drop the charade.
We are fucking over it.
Fuck Democrats and fuck the media.
Time for all small businesses to gather an DC sue the fuck out of the gov.

Amazing response, christcuck brainlet.

It’s not airborne. If it was they would be telling people to cover their ears too as you can go through the auditory tube to get to the back of the throat. This whole thing is greatly exaggerated and everyone is misinformed.

>No. Everybody has seen the empty hospitals. Including ny.
Fake news.
>Time for all small businesses to gather an DC sue the fuck out of the gov.
How about we just nuke china, they're the ones that caused this shit.

>It’s not airborne.
It is. You're already wrong about the first thing you said. Not reading the rest.

it mostly kills old people retard

Fuck you it's fake news.
It's a fake pandemic

so why aren't they dying

cnn and pol told me it was the end of the world virus

No, a virus that everybody has doesn't just randomly kill one out of every 50 people

grocery store workers have super powers

This is literally a nothingburger

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It's real, user. Explain the thousands upon thousands of videos and thousands upon thousands of hours of china in full fucking panic lockdown, then. I'll wait, no worries. And don't try to blame the jews, either. They have no power there.

Faulty tests.faulty numbers, media panic.

Fucking over it

yeah its why im pretty sure this virus is bullshit. my mom goes on the train in LA with the fucking homeless and tons of people. her coworker caught it and tested positive. she also was coughing a while but tested negative. neither me nor my stepdad caught it or had anything happen to us. i go to the grocery store every day too because i like to cook. nothing has happened to me, my gf, my gf's grandpa who she lives with, fucking anybody. literally a 94 year old man is still fine.

They are dying, they aren’t being added to the statistics because they aren’t tested and we don’t test corpses.