Are These Masks The Forever New Normal?

I always hated seeing chinks wearing these fucking masks, but now I'm afraid that the whole world will have the wear them. It's really sad to me that I won't be able to see the faces of my fellow human beings. The chinks have poisoned the world so badly that I'm afraid that these might be around forever, the way they are in other Asian countries.

Is this going to be like this forever, moving forward? I'm sure that the governments will stop mandating them, but will be still see large swaths of people wearing these out?

What do you guys think?

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coronachan is not going away anytime soon. it will take a decade or more for things to normalize.

I hope so. Most people need a mask because they are so fucking ugly. Aesthetics are improving.

I prefer mine. Feel the love brah.

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Seems fitting we force ourselves into muzzles

With all of the facial recognition cameras everywhere, I think masks for health if a good idea. I advocate wearing sun glasses when out of the house, as well.
For your health.

>It's really sad to me that I won't be able to see the faces of my fellow human beings
kys retarded normie

i'm worried about finding ugly women attractive with the mask

>I think masks for health if a good idea

Found the chink. Please leave.

The idea will wear off once criminals start using mask.
Describe the rapist .?
"All in black with a mask on "

Not the sharpest crayon in the box, are you.

More like The New Abnormal lol

The Strokes new album is pretty good

yeah actually I was pleasantly surprised. True to their sound decades later

It's the new normal and I have zero problems with it. A healthy populace is a productive populace.

Okay so americas ghettos are nasty, but I mean can you blame the nigglette? Typically American streets are very clean and overall the folks are hygienic. When you have population over a billion is starts getting nasty. America will not be like communist China.

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>"wear the mask goy, forget your immune system & that it can create antibodies. Wear it and become more frail."


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Welcome to that cyberpunk future we thought we wanted.

Of course they bloody are, and much much more besides. This is the new world. You live in a semi cyber reality now and you will be part of an AI, an unholy man made god.

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Got to say I do like playing masks

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No they will be temporary because theres new facial recognition cameras that's going up in cities across the western world and it won't work if people wear mask so in the future the police will fine you if you try to cover your face

Let me guess youre from wales.

>not wearing this

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>facial recognition
they dont need it. cell phones easily give up your info along with third party apps. I worked at a very large location where most poeple when they entered would ping and pull up their facebook or at least phone number.
phones are the actual mark of the beast gl.

they are gonna do it until you let them inject you with their poison vaccine.

fuck off with your nigspeak


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>Are These Masks The Forever New Normal?

Only if you let them.

A former supreme court justice has heavily criticised Derbyshire police for stopping people exercising in
the Peak District saying that such behaviour risks plunging Britain into a “police state”.

Lord Sumption warned that police had no legal power to enforce “ministers’ wishes” and that the public
should not be “resigning their liberty” to over-zealous citizens in uniform.

Nah fuck that noise, they're wasteful plastic shit and uncomfortable as fuck.
You won't catch me wearing one of these cuckmuzzles

masks are cool, but blacks should not wear them, because they look like robbers and cops could easily get scared and kill them by accident