Why do we even import workers?

Why not train Americans to do the jobs? Or hire Americans who are already trained? Is it really just to save businesses money?

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too many useless postsec degree holders who are too limp wristed to do physical labour

Because they pay the immigrants below minimum wage.

>Why do we even import workers?
Drive down wages. Increase profits.

Ask yourself: Would you be willing to pick fruit in the sun for 9 dollars an hour?

do you want to do this job? no? Then that's why. Immigrants literally do what used to be slave labour. The only way to stop it is to make grape picking robots

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not true, this is just a straight up bullshit talking point made by pro-immigration liars
importing workers = driving down wages. also immigrants/temp workers/illegals are willing to work for way less pay than natives. recent study showed that the less diversified a workplace was, the more likely they were to unionize.

these are the true reasons we import foreign labor.

>would you be willing to do work for an unlivable wage

If I was a teenager looking for my first job I would gladly pick fruit for minimum wage over working at a fast food restaurant

In my teen years, yes. Would I do it for 3? No.

Yeah lol I made fucking sandwiches through college for $7.55 picking fruit with a pay raise would have been way better than working subway

do you want to buy overpriced fruits and vegetables
because that's how you end up with socialist style empty shelves
immigration is a necessity to every healthy capitalist country

farms have been pushed out by agrocorps, they are unable to pay higher wages than they do afaik. they are in a shitty position and often pay worker less than minimum wage. for instance, if you're picking flowers, you get paid per-flower and it often works out to being below minimum wage. this is how they get around paying minimum wage. i assume they can do this because they lie about the average amount a person would make doing the job.

one percent of us illegals work in fields, 42 percent collect sone form of taxpayer funded benefit.

so what did we do before immigration?
food should be controlled by the nation, not agrocorps. it should be subsidized. it should be the top priority of the government to provide good, cheap food to the people.

But it even happens in tech. How is a student in America meant to undercut someone coming from India with a master's that cost less then their first year of undergrad? Or they just pay out the ass for school to watch the jobs get taken by Indians and to see the wages driven down?

>food should be controlled by the nation, not agrocorps
enjoy your holomodor, commushit

There is also the aspect of reducing social cohesion. If society is split into dozens of subgroups it's easier for the elite to divide the masses with identity politics.


There used to be a time when the west pioneered technology to improve the life of the people but now it's just
>uhh lets just import more people, you are not racist are you?

Level 1: do the work yourself.
Level 2: cheap labor from other nations.
Level 3: robotics do the job, most people in society study STEM and are smart and socialist.

They get paid a hell of alot more than that. I would pick fruit for 15an hour which is closer to the going wage but the work gangs and personnel handlers are Mexicans so American citizens wouldn't get hired.
It's like trying to get a job in a fast food restaurant in a big city. If you're not Hispanic you can't get hired.

Game theory in practice.
If everyone paid domestic workers enough money to attract them to a job then every business has the same costs and the workers have similar pay.
But if one employer can bring in outside workers and pay them vastly less that company becomes very profitable, their sales aren't negatively effected because their low paid employees are only a tiny section of the work force so wages are high overall.
Now you have a market distortion giving one company a huge advantage. So others bring in more low paid workers and that does start to impact sales. After all if people can't afford your products because you don't pay them enough to buy them your sales are going to go down.

You can guess how this gets out of hand.
The solution is clearly to ban ALL non citizen workers and let businesses compete for employees with wages, job quality and benefits.

government regulation. when you wonder why something is fucked up, just think to yourself "how could the state fuck this up" and that's most likely how it's fucked up.

Be thankfull it's Mexicans. Fucking Europe with their mudslime importing. Mexicans are a lot closer to Western culture than the most advanced muslim-sandpeople.

What makes it even worse is that businesses are already encouraged to hire anyone who isn't a white male. So they're getting brownie points for this shit.

And the real question you should ask yourself is why do workers allow the importation of other workers to drive their wages down? Because in the answer to this question we find implicated the entirety of the political/media/academic establishment.

reducing social cohesion = disrupting the ability of workers to organize = decrease of wages

You have to thank the Americans for the bullshit in the middle east, thats why they come here now.

Anyway any white person that isn't working in STEM and can take care of their on jobs with technology instead of depending on foreign workers is a true white. Others just complain and do nothing. Low scum white that are not part of the elite whites. A white that doesn't have ATLEAST a bachelor in STEM, better to have master or higher then your not part of the elite whites that should rule the world.

We must devide whites into scum lowlive shit whites, and elites.


Companies do not want to pay money and would rather sell out their own citizens. Workers are imported because they bring down wages. The middle class of voters support this because they are comfortable in their nursing/firefighting job and want to make sure their investments increase via increased profits to the companies and land they invest in.

No, we find implicated in this the every day person. People always blame some "evil people at the top", when these people are specifically facilitated by the majority of the population who just want more money and don't give a shit about the people that these policies have a negative effect on.