Is there anything like Yas Forums for radical leftists who also hate reddit/pc culture/are politically...

see retards

How about you just stop being a commie?

It’s low iq combined with deceit and selfishness. Only wants them in to cook his food. It’s worse than just not wanting them there.


It's called hell, hurry up and go there

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Same. Browse leftypol and chapotraphouse user, that's where all the funny internet leftists are. Vaush is a good lefty streamer to watch if you hate identity politics. Yas Forums used to be far left 10 years ago and even trolled a white supremacist named hal turner. All of the board culture changed when retarded newfags and stormfags invaded this site.

Filtny bootlickers of the wealthy, go do the Hitler and shoot yourselves

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Wuhan email leaks were a honeypot bro

Are you by any chance a minor cause you sound like one

Neoliberals like you can just turn on tv

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