13 50 meme shows Nazis don't understand basic algebra

You realize "13% of the population commits 50% of violent crime" meme would get you laughed out of any Statistics course in Gradeschool, right?

Blacks number at 37 million.
There are around 1.2 million violent crimes in the US

37 million people didnt commit 600,000 instances of violent crime. This is Stats 101.

So lets clean up your stats, failson:

1) None of this final data is actually reported by the FBI and should be noted. Dont pull a Jontron and conflate stats from a meme you saw on Yas Forums.
2) There were 518,617 violent crime arrests. Lets assume these were convictions which means this number is higher than it should be.
3) 50% of 518,617 is around 260,000 Black persons.

So Yas Forumstard, the correct stat would be:

"Roughly, .08% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime."

>But niggers commit that crime level every year so its more and more blacks
Again math is hard but there's roughly 316,000 black people who die per year. 587,000 are born per year. Both numbers are larger than the violent crime number, which means that's a piece of the Black-American population which is shrinking.

Ok kiddos? So stop posting your stonestoss memes, because they're inaccurate.

What is accurate tho is that white people are dying, as we should. And maybe they wouldnt be if you werent posting Nazi frogs on shitty bulletin boards while your sister gets banged by LaShawn Jenkins.


Attached: a94f923f92920112132e87e38ff71662.png (854x463, 473.19K)

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worse thread than the bestiality spam that's happening right now desu

Does this mean only 0.000021103896103896105% of the population commits 70% of mass shootings too?

fuck canadians, worse than niggers
at least niggers have the decency to let you know that they're niggers

It’s definitely a sample of crimes because not everyone gets arrested nor caught. Therefore you can apply the rate to the whole population. That’s also why black people have a much higher unemployment rate than anyone else which is also estimated form a sample.


I wouldn't care if it turned out niggers really were good bois who dindu nuffin and whites were all murderous rapists. Fuck niggers.

Your thread from yesterday went pretty well

Attached: whew.webm (800x800, 2.46M)

stop pretending to be retarded

We’re not saying 100% of black people commit half the violent crime you retard. We’re saying black people commit more violent crime on *average*. No one is saying 100% of 13% does 50%.

We're not saying the full 13% commits all of that, we're saying that 50% of the crime committed comes from that 13%. It's like if you have a machine, and half the time there's a malfunction, it's because a part from a specific manufacturer that makes up 13% of the parts. You'd obviously get rid of the parts from that manufacturer.

>13% of the population commits 50% of violent crime"
it's homicides, your idiot leaf, not all violent crime.

For under 18s the number is even higher (60% of homicides)

Attached: 4841592012001_4871713757001_4871677104001-vs.jpg (512x288, 39.43K)

>None of this final data is actually reported by the FBI and should be noted.
SO you start by undermining the very statistics that you are about to erroneously claim to back your point
>"Roughly, .08% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime."
Yes moron, 13/50 isn't saying 13 percent commit crime, it is saying the race which constitutes 13 percent of the nation commits 50 percent of violent crime. It means if the nation was all black that there would be 4 times as much violent crime

That's why the meme is specifically worded:
>despite making up 13% of the population, African Americans are responsible for 50% of all violent crime

That way you're in NO WAY claiming that the entire 13% is responsible, but rather that African Americans are over represented in general.

Nobody said 100% of blacks commit the crimes retard.

Cope, retard.

The poorest ~20% are ~99% of all violent criminals. Do you think that 13% might be disproportionately concentrated in that bottom ~20%?

You didn’t even mention gender. You think black women are committing these crimes or what? Your numbers are fucked anyways. OP is a faggot.

lmao hold on op... you ARENT trolling? u srsly?

Don't be silly, mass shootings by whites are because of their toxic entitlement, when blacks commit crimes it's only because someone called them a nigger. Either way the white man is responsible for all crimes

>Math is hard
>commits logical fallacy
>13 still do 50

unironically this

>There are around 1.2 million violent crimes in the US
Annually, right? Which means that year after new negros would commit new crimes. 1/3 of negros in USA have been arrested in USA. while in normal ethnic groups its 1% of population. Who are you trying to fool here leaf@!!

Murderers commit 100% of murders

If a Canadian is posting shit like OP then know they're asian.


Came to post this, sage

do you think that perhaps the relationship that you think you have noticed is inversed? Perhaps the correlation with poverty is because niggers who commit so much crime also happen to be poor? No? Why are the poorest white areas so much less crime ridden than poor black areas? I could say fat lips causes crime and that would also appear to be true, but it would just be another way of pointing out nigger crime

Thanks aussie bro. Someone had to say the obvious to the faggot OP.

>This is Stats 101.
Reads like Leaf 101

>You think black women are committing these crimes or what?
yes, their murder rate is on par with white men, probably higher when considered how many spics are called white after they commit a crime

You really shouldn't have needed to explain this to OP.
He is clearly retarded and should be banned for starting such a stupid thread.

Yeah, but don’t you reckon that blacks have a degree of responsibility for their poverty? Black people committing a disproportionate amount of crime could very well still be their fault. It’s not like white people formed black gangs.


table 43A

Attached: Table 43A.png (1029x2506, 393.04K)


100% of leafs are bitter about living in a frozen commie joke of a country.

This dude was absolutely BTFO by Metokur.

table 43B

(under 18s)

Attached: Table 43B.png (1057x2049, 157.18K)

The Union should've left the South alone and invaded the North as manifest destiny letting the South take the rest of the West. What a colossal disaster that's become.

table 43C

Attached: Table 43C.png (1057x2041, 156.58K)

Classic leaf post

13 do 50

13% of OPs are responsible for 50% of shit posted here

This might not be the case, but if whites were as disproportionately poor as blacks maybe we’d have a similar 13 doing 50 arrangement. Not saying that blacks don’t commit more crime inherently, though.

Back to r/density with you, patch zerg fan.

Toronto is basically Africa


You are a shill faggot

further notes

*bear in mind the demographic make-up of the country when reading these

Attached: FBI Notes.png (835x759, 44.63K)

Lmao africa is 10x the USA so apparently there is a nigger combat multiplier the more they group.

Come back when you understand basic statistics. You posted this gay thread yesterday and haven't learned dick in the past 24 hrs

on poverty and crime

Attached: Poverty & Crime.png (1360x4608, 1.68M)

So you don’t deny that niggers commit 50% of violent crime?

What was the point of this thread retard?


This is a strawman, nobody ever said every nigger is a criminal, just that 50% of crimes are committed by niggers and that niggers are only 13% of the population. The point is that the other 50% of the crimes are comitted by 87% of the population; That is comparing the 87% which should ideally commit 87% of the crimes with 13% that in reality does commit 50% of the crimes, thus proving the criminality of negroids is disproportional in comparison to the amount of the population they represent.

This. OP is faggot.

You haven't actually made an argument. I know you *think* you have, but you haven't disproved the notion that the demographic that makes up 13% commits the majority of all homicides in the US.

>if whites were as disproportionately poor as blacks maybe we’d have a similar 13 doing 50 arrangement
this ignores the fact that the poorest white areas are just as poor as the poorest black areas but see much less crime

Nice, you added some new text. It's still pasta though. Clean it up jannies

You think nazis don't understand basic algebra but all you've demonstrated is that you don't understand basic English.

Canadians are so dissilusioned living in their nearly 90% castle of white-dom.

Niggers commit the crime, we know it we've all seen the stats stop trying to distort the statistics, playing mental gymnastics.

Move to a city like say, Detroit - and experience first hand how the niggers fare left to their own devices. Chicago?

The fact you aren't touching upon is that there are still more white people than black (for now). So if you twist the numbers to represent the cumulative whole, as you have - you will get a higher percentage of crimes commited by white.

But putting the population portions in perspective tells a much different story.

GTFO nigger loving faggot who has never even lived near niggers.

no there is just less competent police and no free gibs

African leaf is retarded

>1 post by this ID
>Meme country

Fuck off, mouth breather.

>What is accurate tho is that white people are dying, as we should. And maybe they wouldnt be if you werent posting Nazi frogs on shitty bulletin boards while your sister gets banged by LaShawn Jenkins.