Why are they censoring everything about this?

What was the motive? Why are they covering everything up? I feel like they are hiding something.

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no one cares about stuff like this anymore because of unemployment and loss of their own money. They do still have time to whine about racism though!

this. kill more canadians, i don't care

Media attention is what a lot of these attackers want. And COVID-19 news is taking up everybody's attention.

What race was he?

> "find" diary of madman that he was afraid of dying from the rona
22 more victims of corona-virus for the books, lads

Because it was a mossad sloppy job

Because it was probably a foreign attack and the real reason that they're closing all of the service industry because chinks literally can't handle competition.

you tell me

Attached: lehappymerchant.jpg (501x504, 71.8K)

>the victims included a pregnant ...

Shoot one kill one free deal, eh?

babies arent people or so ive been told.

22, eh? I read it was 15 yeasterday, so I guess several people died in the last 48 hours from their wounds. That's a big body count. Those are U.S. mass shooter numbers.

Probably a wagie who lost his job due to corona chan.

Or they found more people he killed earlier. I guess he was driving around rural areas shooting people.

He was dressed like a police officer and went around killing random people, the additional people were found later.

It is frankly unbelievable that mr trudeau is using this as a way to push gun laws,

Glossing over the TREMENDOUS fuck up of the police by not issuing an alert, and the shooter possibly stealing an rcmp handgun from the officer he killed, so who fucking knows what he had , could have been a musket or a pointy stick for all we know.

Do canadians understand us finally when we say hinky shit is surrounding mass shootings all the time now?

Keep in mind more dead than injured generally indicates a professional job.

Because only USA is supposed to have mass shootings, Canada is supposed to be a shining example of their latest "common sense gun laws" working in action.

Who gives a fuck what race he was. Why is everyone on pol so fucking obsessed with race. If you put your energy towards somthing that mattered maybe you could affect change you fucking retard

It matters because people don't just go shoot a bunch of other people randomly like this so people are looking for some way to explain it.
Getting ANY info on the guy is step 1.

>He was dressed like a police officer and went around killing random people
Let me get this straight. Basically, a schizo went off his meds, thought he as playing GTA in real life, and as a result killed a bunch of people, and somehow the police weren't able to stop him until he killed 15 people?

Their official police response was to weakly warn people on Twitter instead of their special police texting service to notify people.
They are going to get sued into the dirt by at least 23 families.


>you could affect change

You sound like a total fag



It was a Mossad false flag operation to take away your guns

They won't explain how he got the car, uniform or what type of gun was used. They alerted people on twitter instead of the National emergency broadcast system and the only thing you hear about is the dead RCMP officer, that woman

No heckin' good niggerinos where killed so it's fucking BOOOORING. Really no different from ignoring all the mass shootings in black neighborhoods.

They don't want to (a) make the police look like tools because he used the officer's gun, and (b) take away any of the momentum for gun laws by pointing out that the only gun he had was the one he stole from police.

Yas Forums asking the real questions.
>(((Gabriel Wortman)))

In fact, any pointing out anything about what actually happened would fragment the brave heroes and terrible tragedy narrative. It was a colossal fuckup on the part of the police that a mad gunman was allowed to go on a killing spree for many hours, even after murdering police, with barely any effective notice to the public at large. So everyone needs to shut up and thank our heroes.

Give up ur guns goyim, the police will protect you from police impersonators. Just trust them, dumbfucks.

Guns are banned and mass shootings are illegal in Canada.
It never happened, user.

preaches about putting effort to affect change on chinese basket weaving board

retard. No wonder you are being flooded by Haitians and Pajeets in the East and Chinks in the West