This has been eating at me for a whole year now since I have been redpilled. I want to find a blonde white guy to match my blondeness ever since I was redpilled on Hitler and race etc. I always tell myself it will be ok and I can tell him that I am a virgin but the insecurity eats away at me and can be seen right through with me. How should I go about getting over this and becoming a full member of the alt-right? I have seen the light so I dont want to be tossed away like I am garbage...
Can I still be part of the alt-right if I have been with a black guy?
Tits or gtfo
The alt-right is all about self improvement, you had no control over who you once were. Once you have taken the redpill and accepted it, you are just as aryan / national socialist as any of us, even Hitler himself. Welcome to the club sister
Depends on if your melanin receptors got stimulated. Once you have sex with a nigger unprotected, your vagina will build up arousal consciously and subconsciously until the melanin receptors are saturated again.
Nope, sorry.
You'll be liquidated with the rest of the degenerates
You burned the coal. Pay the toll. No man will ever love you.
As long has he's le based le black guy trump supporter #MAGA2020 then yes! Based!
He who without sin, cast the first stone...
>part of the 'alt-right'
No, but you can join the equally based 'lollipop guild'
this and /sage
Yes I guess so I mean it's not like you're pregnant
Ive never been with a black guy
fake thread
Jewish or Chang thread
>public school education
>Racism has no place in our society
>We need to stop the spread of hate
>It's our duty to stand up for those less fortunate then us
>What you're saying is problematic and promotes racist stereotypes ok sweetie
(pic related is suddenly available for a date)
>haha fuck niggers am I right
>omg muslims are just the worst
>I hate the smell of curry
>hitler did nothing wrong
stfu simp
Only if he fucked your mouth and/or ass. Otherwise you're irredeemable.
Kys nigger lover
Burn the coal, pay the toll you stupid fucking cunt. Anyone telling her otherwise is a fucking SIMP
My dear, redemption is for everyone. Youre beautiful
What the fuck is this autism biology
First of all, the whole "Alt Right" meme died a long time ago...
...And no. You're a filthy, disgusting, traitorous whore who should do the world a favor and swallow a bottle of tylenol.
You’re a man
Wignat retard.
Nope. Traitors get the rope.
You're a nigger now. Sorry Shoniqua.
But for real, learn to cook, obey, and be a homemaker and you're probably still perfectly capable of being the beloved mother of a thriving white family.
Assuming you don't have any chemical addictions, of course. That's worse than having trace amounts of nigger DNA in your body due to microchimerism. A mild caffeine habit is acceptable, so long as it's not the carbonated Jew.
Found the wignat
Ok bill nye
Shut the fuck up you fuckin' faggot.
Stfo christcuck
We NEED more based coal burner
Sorry sweaty, once you go black, we'll never take you back.
Your other sins are just as bad if not worse though. How fucking stupid are you to not understand one of the most basic bible passages?
No, to be a coalburner is the same tier than a men being a degenerated traitor and coward, you've no redemption
You are posting in a slide/Chang thread. Same people posting the porn threads
Well have this in file just Incase anything happens , toll has been made and now expecting payment . Hope it was worth it roastie
This is a prime example illustrating why christfaggots need to be considered enemies of the white race.
>Christians sin with intention to apologize later
That nigger is just wearing a cross. Weak argument
Chinks, niggers, or jews.
Who you calling a cuck LARPagan retard?
The best you can hope for is a low status man but he doesn't deserve that kind of misery
Don't every tell anyone this. You never got fucked by a Nigger. Lie about it if asked.
Depends if he was a based black guy that voted Trump
Femanon here, never been with a black guy but became curious about it after browsing this board and seeing people talk about them nonstop. Only problem is I never talk to black guys so its unlikely I'll ever try one.