Aus/Pol/ ‘Who here /Super/?’ Edition

More than 600,000 Australians apply for early release of superannuation under coronavirus assistance scheme

Under-40s twice as likely to access their super early under coronavirus scheme, survey finds

Did you get approved? What are you planning on spending yours on aus/pol/?

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Thoughts on oil stocks?

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>set alarm for 20th April
>one of the first to apply
Bag holding Boomers, BTFO.

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Funniest part is that they actually started accepting applications on the 19th, that’s when I applied. Got approved yesterday. Super is boomer tier shit, if you worked hard enough like I have during my under grad and post gradstudies (not even 30 yet) I had found I had heaps more than my average student so I was like fuck it, why not?

>More than 600,000 Australians apply for early release of superannuation
ASX going to take a $6 billion hit. Mines going in cryptos.

Who here awaiting consolidation...

cause it doesn't work that way unless you put it back in quickly.
It's compound interest, taking 10k out now has probably lost you 80k in the future if you're early 20s
t. accounting

>has probably lost you 80k in the future
And 80k in the future will be worth about what 20k is today due to inflation so he can probably get a better ROI by investing it himself.

got my 5 working days message on sunday night, then mygov msg monday morning, hoping for tomorrow maybe?

and you think most of the people taking the super out will invest it? Super invests in live shares a majority of the time which also rise in inflation its impossible to tell but the loss could be higher. I see a bunch of low income bogans taking all their super out buying commies and they'll all be poverty come retirement

>take $20k out
>put it towards a deposit for a house
>save yourself 40 years of renting

Yeah I'm thinking voluntary super is the path forward.

I dare say labor will demand an inquest into how they structured the requirements, there is already talk of bailing out people who shouldn't of really been able to draw down their super.

Its basically a way for the libs to push the stimulus required to keep us afloat in the dire economic climate they engineered without having to say "so yeah uuh all those years shitting on labors stimulus might of been a little heavy handed."

Wait till the housing bubble pops and the boomers are forced to sell their investment property years early at a loss so they don't forfeit on everything they "own" then buy it dirt cheap and never pay a cent of rent. If you're not saving your double neetbux I feel bad for you son.

>compound interest
>housing investment
>worked for the boomers guys hurrr
That 20k will be worth 2k in 5yrs as we crawl out of the greatest depression. Maybe when youre 65yro it'll be worth 20k again... that's assuming the government doesnt just confiscate everyones super to fund getting out of the depression and just promise a pension as replacement. But you need to not be shitpants retarded to figure that out... much easier to take advice from boomers and do what would have worked for them. We're in a completely different world, take it while you can. This is your only warning, the kikes on TV won't tell you until it's too late.

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>implying ANYONE should be denied access to their own hard earned money

Somebody call the police! Rich people are accessing their own money!

The ATO said there will be harsh penalties for anyone who commits fraud and withdraws their super but weren't facing any financial hardship, $12000 fine.

I agree self nominated super should be freely accessible down to the cent, but some people just aren't financially aware enough to be able take out all their super, it just becomes a burden to the taxpayer later on down the track.

my point was, get your money out, labor will probably pay you back before you retire kek

It's their own money faggot. Forced super is fucking horseshit. It's an extra 10% tax to prop up boomer investments. Forcing everyone to save for retirement also means that my investments compete against brainlet boomers like you, but older, who wouldnt be in the market otherwise. Its all around immoral communist shit.

Speaking of which, why is labor so against people withdrawing super early?

Ok sorry bro, super really triggers me - it's the implication that I can't be trusted to invest in my own future so the government forcibly takes a portion of my pay and gives it to some (((experts))) to "look after it for me" while draining it with their fees and investing it with their (((expert))) buddies.

The episode of millionaire hot seat I was on is on telly tonight who can guess which one I am

Making super available means your economy will tank when all those people who want gibs turn 65 and have already spent every dime

Do you really want to be paying for today's idiots with your returns in 40 years time?? stop investing in fucking boomer stocks if you don't want to compete with boomer funds you flog

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The faggot one?

Is the bom tranny still alive?

>we can't afford a pension for 65yro's
Not true. That was always how it was in the past. It was only because of the demographic bomb that was the boomers that they introduced forced super. In 10yrs once most of them are dead it's highly likely that the government will take everyone's super using some excuse like WW3 or even to get out of the depression this nothingflu will cause and just promise a pension again.

Can any1 tell me how to access super early?? The mygov website is fuckin hard to use and I am not good with a computer. The government makes it difficult for minorities to access this shit despite we belong to the country just as much as they do!!!!

aight guys I'm out

Reminder, don't download the app

Fuck cops
Fuck abc
Fuck slants
Fuck strawberry farmers
but most importantly FUCK JANNIES

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So if I have it correct, super can be accessed only on 2 dates this year? Or can it be accessed anytime between now and the next financial year?

I haven't been paying attention

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Show leaf

Lol when the "AUSSIE SUCKS SUNNI DICK" poster needs help with his super. KEK. left your flag on you eternal fag

Super investments all compete with boomers and as the boomers are allowed to take their money out before you, YOU are a forced bagholder. That is what I meant, you can't NOT be competing in a tilted game that favours boomers thanks to forced super.

Typical coward my people would have tore those Chinese apart

You can access $10k from now until EOFY and then another $10k after July.

The great country of the United States. A country for the Jews by the Jews and with and 360 million of us are Jew slaves. I get nothing and pay taxes every year and still have to write the the state and Feds a check for the money which I have been living off of to try and keep my business to survive. No matter how this turns out I will still be a slave there is no future with these globalist demons. We can and all will be replaced with new slaves we are fuel for their lifestyles.

I see. Cheers

I'll only install the app if they pay me. $100 a week and they'll get to see my dot never move because I don't go anywhere. Otherwise, they can fuck off. Why would I install something for no reason.

Im gonna run down to the IGA and get some milk, eggs and AAA batteries, want anything while i'm out, anons?

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You're assuming there won't be a massive influx of pajeet, nig nogs and chink migration in the future in the words of Whitlam to populate or perish


Lucky you. I hear they have the best tomato sauce in Australia. What sucks is, it's only sold at IGA so you have to be near one if you want it.

this Jobkeeper is really pulling the seething Boomers out of the woodwork

>some thot boutique owner had a casual employee put on JobKeeper
>employer wants employee to work more hours to earn the money the government is giving her for free
>employee doesn't want to work more hours
>employer begin seething, threatens unemployment

Who the fuck didn't see this one coming? entitled employers get a free pass on employees wages for 6 months, and demand more from their workers while providing literally nothing themselves. Read the comments, they're insisting that they only have to pay their employees pro rata and get to keep the rest.

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smokey BBQ >>>>>> Tomato
