Cure Faggotness

I am unironically a faggot and want to be cured. That means, I have never openly been gay and this will also never happen. Nevertheless I started watching more and more degenerate porn during my teenage years, got severely cucked by a crush and became frustrated. After still being a virgin at age 24, I registered on Grindr and was shocked how easy it could be to have sex. This thought was very appealing and I started watching gay porn more and more. A year later, I jerked off almost exclusivly to gay porn several times a day. At this point I met the first few people on Grindr and it felt amazing at the moment. The regret only came afterwards. I know this is not the kind of life I want to have. Deep inside I know it is wrong.
Has anyone else had similar experiences?

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Repent and redeem yourself.

I’m not reading your post so I don’t get aids in the bum off it but there’s no difference between a homo’s perversion and any other type of perversion and they are all acquired in the same Pavlovian way, by thinking about them, probably while pleasuring yourself, probably in a sock.
Homoroids are not special.

Just stop. It can be done.

If you are serious and have the money come to my country we have homosexual rehabilitation camps that can get you help. Lots of Americans send there kids here to get help.

ok redpill me on what goes down in a Dominican Homosexual Rehabilitation Camp

Do you know what methods are used there? Have you heard of people finishing these camps successfully?
The whole thing where it started was the missing accessibility of girls during my youth. Gay sex was always a repelling thing during my teenage years until I started accepting it more and more due to missing alternatives.

>Old Narrative: It's genetic, you bigots
>New Narrative: It's not genetic, you bigots.

I don't know if there is a cure once you have been groomed.

How can one be virgin with years user?
Are you ugly fat and autistic? I mean even if you are only a 3/10 beta male you can slay pussy.

Seems you are only a faggot because its easier to get man to have sex with you than girls but also seems you are so insecure that you didnt even try to slay pussy.

Virgin with 24... god.. why am I on this 4chin bs website.

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>Virgin with 24
It is hard to comprehend how so many people have lost their virginity by that age. To fuck a man it only takes you 5 minutes, literally that easy. I have no idea how you could ever bring a girl into the bed. This has always seemed like magic for me

So Im right? You are only into men coz women are beyond your reach?

well I mean everybody knows 100% of gay people experienced some kind of sexual trauma as a child

this isn't their fault, and the urges they feel because of it are genuine. You should feel bad for them and not hate them
they are sick

Were you molested as a child?

He made that clear in the op you fucking dumkopf

get electroshock therapy

You should have waited. Husband was a virgin when we met. He was 25. I love that I am his only sex partner. I am the jealous type.

Yes, this way the starting point. After a while - I literally had sex with another guy pretty much every 2-3 days - this was the status quo. Women were still unreachable and this was kind of a surrogate.


I would definetly consider electroshock therapy if I know this would help me in a productive way

>tfw I'm almost I'm the exact same situation
I've had gfs and sex with girls but years apart and it never last more than a few months.

Genuinely don’t want to blackpill you user but I am skeptical of the gay being something you can actually cure, and trying to do so could fuck your head so badly you an hero. Try if you want, just be careful.
Worst case scenario you can always work toward becoming a qt3.14 trap and finding yourself a nice white man.

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Its way out of my worldview that people a MEN can not have felt the heat of a girl in their teens so I need to double check.
I begin to understand why many of you guys here are so fucking full of hate against everything if you never witnessed love and passion, why you buy pillows with anime girls to cuddle with.

its dummkopf btw. thank me later

They need to shift the narrative to normalize pedophiles for the next generation. they beat this horse time to "Progress"

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I am not quite sure if I experienced trauma. I definetly had a strange relationship with my mother and even had a transsexual phase during early childhood around age 7. I developed some kind of a "fetish" for her poop at this age. In my teenage years I became obsessed by femdom which led to me being cucked and laughed upon. As you know, this is when my faggot career started

Virgin with 24 here, "slaying pussy" is degenerate you coomer faggot. No sex before marriage.

Do you watch porno and around thinking of gay sex?

Sit around rather.

Take 100% pure gum spirit turpentine and diatomaceous earth.

I will deworm you and therefore end your anal fetish. Then repent before God

user I...
Just get your shit together and be a men. Girls want to have sex, love, passion and a person to cuddle with as much as you do. If you are into men but you desire girls more it sounds you have given up, given up on everything, given up on life itself. Nature wants you to get in touch with the other gender and reproduce if you dont even try but go the easy way and fuck gays thats like killing yourself imo.
Ask yourself what you want from life what you would like to do if you had all options to choose from then work towards it.

The true words of a beta.

Are you bi? If so just leave it to fantasy and find yourself a wife. I personally am "bi" but I know I'll never act on it and keep it to just what it is, a perverted fantasy. It may be hard to if you can't land a girl but just try to improve yourself (work out) and in turn improve your life.

Ill bite... why is it degenerate? You buy the cat in a sack? If a qt female wants your dick right now maybe even get things going further, life is about opportunites... Would you answer her the same resignation bs you hit into your keyboard as a response and let her go away?

confront the trauma that made you cope with cock, faggot. Who hurt you?

>Girls want to have sex
Definetly not with me. I don't know what it is but I have put so much time in girls and never received hole. This frustration let to this whole process
If accessibility would be greater, I doubt this would have gone the same way.

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Have you been bi your whole life? Thats the thing, I would have never imagined being fucked in the ass by several guys a week when I was still a teenager. And this gives me some kind of hope, that those desires go away after the situation and possibilities change. Has there been a change when you got engaged?

I hope you understand that THIS is your trauma user.
Thousands of years of evolution and this generation is the first that has issues to get a girl, of course this leaves people with issues over it.

You should either see a psycho doc or get in touch with a chad to redpill you on girls I dont know.

That might be part of it. But there's more. You're not going deep enough, faggot. WHO hurt you? WHO assaulted your trust?

Because you should get things going further and then dick the female. This kind of thinking is only one step above going for all-out casual sex. This creates a society of hormonally imbalanced women unable to commit to a relationship, pair-bond and create a family.
Either way, mostly I would, yes. I wouldn't mind going out and getting to know her, but I'd politely refuse having sex like that.

>WHO hurt you? WHO assaulted your trust?
The first thing that comes to my mind is a girl I invested two years in. I had a crush on her and she exploited my betaness. Never had sex with her and afterwards I found out the made fun about me the whole time while getting fucked by another guy. This is where it all started