Just saw this screenshot (Gal Godot's grandfather). Googled what other Auschwitz uniforms looked like...

Just saw this screenshot (Gal Godot's grandfather). Googled what other Auschwitz uniforms looked like... such a bright yellow "Jude" star seems uncharacteristic of the typical uniform. Any thoughts?

Attached: 5dg23jojj8u41.png (951x1376, 1.16M)

he must have been a good jew so they gave him a gold star

Example 1 from Google Images

Attached: aus1.png (512x342, 272.71K)

Wow gassed and survived 9 times, what a guy!

Example 2 from Google Images

Attached: aus2.jpg (800x533, 72.63K)

Example 3 from Google Images

Attached: aus3.jpg (634x727, 74.84K)

that's a real jacket

>avoided death/the gas chamber 9 times
Seems to be a reoccurring narrative among the "survivors".

Attached: 1562712380255.jpg (735x866, 335.61K)


Attached: holohoax.jpg (630x549, 86.42K)

Ive seen pictures with the star on their uniforms

All of these holocaust survivors still alive 80 years after it happened. Makes you wonder

Well they're revving us up for another genocide because that's what tends to happen when economies collapse and depression hits.

Who's gonna get genocided this time?

Example 4 from Google Images

Attached: aus4.jpg (1200x723, 47.5K)

>Uniform he had to wear as a teen perfectly tailored to his fat old man body

Attached: 1510250229599.jpg (500x500, 5.66K)

9 times? Are you some kind of anti semite? The records clearly state each jew was gassed 90 times.

I saw no other examples online. Can you prove?

The stars were for regular clothes, I don't think they wore them on prison uniforms.

>still alive
Bit of a reading comprehension issue eh?

Well fed too, if he fit in that uniform back as a teenager inna camp.

Are you seriously trying to deny the Holocaust?

lol, why would they need the star if they were already there for being a Jew?

stars were common on the uniform, it's common knowledge

Attached: 7786021014_tatiana-navka-et-andrei-burkovsky.jpg (880x586, 109.52K)

Gal Gadot is a French name, don't let them fool you.

Attached: french.png (2480x772, 389.78K)

Fits pretty good for his teenage clothes


That's what I thought. It just seems crazy they'd waste all that material when the inmates would have known most of the others were Jewish anyway. Seems redundant.

And she says that it was his uniform as a teenager, why would at the very least the arms fit so well? Apparently he was born in 1928, so he would have been 17 in 1945. Not much I wore at 17 would fit me now.

Attached: aus6.jpg (620x446, 56.85K)

Checks out

Attached: Rammstein-Deutschland.jpg (960x397, 58.64K)

If they didn't want to waste resources and material on them, why didn't they just kill them all?

Even with the writing on them? In the camp? The "Jude" star with writing based on what I've seen was more appropriate in ghetto settings where interaction with non-Jews was possible, why would they use a yellow star with all that writing on it in a camp? Even with the drawn hexagram. Why not just the plain yellow star?

>Survived death 9 times

It was a miracle!

Or should I say, it was 9 miracles?

9 lies

Why did they take the time to draw/print the hexagram and write/print "Jude" when a yellow six sided star patch would have easily done the trick. Cannot find a single image online of an Auschwitz inmate with the striped uniform and a yellow star with the black hexagram outline as well as the "Jude" text.

I have a wardrobe full of my teenage clothes as well.

Probably a costume from some jewish community theater play he was in from the 1970s.

Attached: dupers delight.webm (960x720, 2.14M)

They must have fed him well.

I too keep things around for decades of shit I hated instead of throwing it away......

Lying bastards have no shame

They used wooden doors, what do you expect?