Intel, Bill Gates and Israel

It's time to expose all this shit again, for fucks sake. About nine months ago the newest leaks were made and shortly after that Snowden again referenced to it. Then the big nothing. Today you will find dozens of articles with fake intel on the leaks if you use any public search-engine. What is this about?

This is about the Israeli chip inside your Intel PC. Its goyim name: the Intel Management Engine and just so you know they use different names and abbreviations trying to obscure the information out there - IME / AMT / ME / etc. Now, because this excrement site is limited to small separate posts I'll add a link at the end which contains a deep dive, however you won't have to click anything I'll explain it here.

!!When you are done reading this you'll never look at your PC the same again. You will be inclined to believe the fake intel swamping the net today, telling you that it's all fine that it's just a conspiracy and that you are in full control. Heck, you can even disable it on Windows, right?! So stop reading if you don't want to hate Israel even more.

Let's start with the fake intel. There now are numerous articles claiming you, the PC user, can disable the Intel Management Engine on Windows. Intel even released several tools over several years to, yes, disable the management engine inside Windows. Which means Windows will not use it. No seriously install it on Windows, in the first place you will need a Windows driver. So, you could also uninstall this Windows driver to get the same result; Windows cannot use it. All true.

However, the management engine runs firmware inside its chipset, it does not need drivers and software inside Windows to operate. Sure, you can add drivers to Windows so you can see it in your device list, even disable it from there or from the Intel tools, but it runs as a separate PC inside your PC. Disabling it in Windows does NOTHING to keep it from running in the background.

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's the OS level. Next you'll find information on how you can disable the chip inside the BIOS. Oh shit, now we're talking!! The BIOS. The thing that grants access to the components inside your PC, right?! Well yes and no; the BIOS itself is software, so called firmware. The BIOS is responsible for conducting basic hardware tests and initializing system devices, waiting for some bootloader to be put into memory. Your BIOS sets up a "System Management Mode", or SMM handler, to handle System Management Interrupts.

Your PC at home divides its "protection" into "protection rings". The ring-levels range like this: "3/2/1 0 -1/-2 /-3". Ring 3 is the user level, it's you. Ring 0 is the OS kernel level. Ring -2 is the SMM level I just talked about, your BIOS. Additionally ring 2 & 1 are application levels and ring -1 is the hypervisor level. Wait a moment for ring -3.

What this all means: yes, your BIOS might already show the option to disable the management engine. If not chances are high that you can download a BIOS update to show this option. And then you can disable it, in your BIOS. Yes.

However the management engine chip itself runs on firmware, like the bios, like I said it is a PC inside your PC. This firmware runs on ring (you've guessed it) -3. Disabling it on ring -2 does nothing but blocking the OS you will boot up later from accessing it, because that OS will access the BIOS. Your access (ring 3) or application access (ring 1/2) or even kernel access (ring 0) will also go through the BIOS. Get it? Yes you can disable it here, true, however it does not have the effect you want; to shut it the fuck off.

Next there is a fake HAP instruction intel blog; the so called "NSA firmware patch towards the ME firmware" which doesn't turn it fucking off at all but enters a debug mode which disables some features the chip doesn't really need anyway. See my link at the end as well on this.

And, there is the "me_cleaner" project github that, again, disables it on a security ring level above ring -3, so that isn't very important for the Israeli chip to operate. That's all the fake intel in a nutshell, we can go deeper into it but whatever this is the bottom line of all that crap.

Now, pff, that was the fake intel roundup. There is some real information out there how you can *physically* damage the chip-lanes to interrupt certain aspects of the chip, these are legit but depending on your motherboard might cause system instability. These are however the first REAL instructions on how to "shut it the fuck off". The rest is horseshit. You will will have to go at it with a solder-iron if you want to shut it off. That part is real information.

What does this chip do at "ring -3" and why is this important? Welcome to the rabbit hole:

Not so long ago you were part of an elite hacker group if you could run your hacks at ring 0 or ring -1. We're talking 1990s here. Israel found this concept interesting and invested so much into Intel (they print the USD, Jewish owned currency), that around late 1990s / early 2000s a private Israeli Intel factory was launched in Haifa, Israel, and by 2012 four design centers and two fabrication plants launched in Israel, because of investments. In 2017 several new Intel AI and cyber security centers launched in Israel. Anything from Merom, the Core-2 cpu, towards today's chips and anything in between passed through these Israeli factories. Yes Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge up to Today's Bridge, the 8G Intel Core... all passed through Israeli bought Intel Factories. Why? Because they invested into Intel and basically bought the production line and developed an additional chip, the Management chip, that runs at ring -3 like that old skool elite hacker software wanted to do (but you need hardware to go below -2!). Yes, below and beyond any protection you have access to as the end-user. Or system admin.

Or NSA admin. Well, apart from disabling it on higher protection ring levels, of course goy. Nothing you install or set on any level will have the effect of shutting it off you will only block your own access to it. A true clown world joke.

What does this additional Jewish chip fucking do then?! Well this can be kept short: it has full fucking access to your PC. It sees what you see and more. It sees what you run. It sees what you input it sees what you output. Yes it sees your i/o, all of it including memory. Get the picture? Oh and it has internet access. Yes. Even a web-server. In short: FUCK YOU.

"Ehm wait? Server processors as well?" Yes. "So what you are saying is Israel has an Intel chip that can spy on anything?" Yes, even when your PC in in energy savings mode or so called stand-by, when it looks turned off. "What the fuck are you crazy?". Well yeah but that has nothing to do with this information this is the real deal; your microphone when in stand-by? Your camera in stand-by? It has access to that stuff. "No! The google search just told me it's a conspiracy!!" Well, after investing 11 billion dollar on just the first Israeli plant do you think that Israeli owned Google would suggest articles that openly explain their terrorist acts onto you? "Terrorist acts?! Didn't you agree to be spied on when buying this hardware??" Oh you got me there, yes, you did. I bet you didn't know this but technically you did agree. From home user to NSA system admin they all fucking agreed, they don't know, but they fucking did. Right? That's how these scum operate.

So now you know. What can you do? Well, good question. What can you do? One mayor thing is:

even though this chip is the all seeing eye inside your PC / Server / etc Intel device, as soon as you are interacting on the user level (ring 3) with applications (ring 1/2) you can ENCRYPT what you send outside of your PC and like that protect the message packets online. Yes, the Management Engine chip always runs and it spies on what you do but it cannot track stuff online if you encrypt the outgoing part you do in your own little space (ring 3,2,1). You can do this with something like a VPN that does proper encryption. Now you might also get WHY they are pushing so fucking hard to get encryption compromised. It's one of the last layers of protection you still have. This is step 1.

Step 2? Use a cold system (NOT CONNECTED TO THE NET) and encrypt whatever the fuck you want to keep private there before using it on a hot system (CONNECTED). If the eye isn't connected what the fuck will it do with the information it collects? Right. Shove it up its ass, that's what it can do.

Finally, a modern system goes to stand-by by default. Make it shut down by default if you value privacy.

Anyway, Israel is inside your Intel PC. And it is looking. Always. It gets more sneaky at it every update. Disable it in Windows or your Bios, if it makes you feel better. Thanks, Bill. Consider yourself informed.

Oh and, extra; the previous WHO / Bill Gates joint effort injection vaccine against ((Tetanus in Africa)) contained 'HCG'. HCG, which should have never been in the vaccine, sterilized females on the down low. Sterilized. Females. Nice testing, Intel. Or should we say, Israel? Consider yourself fucking informed.

Some links. Careful with ((intel)):

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thanks for the info. I'm assuming other major manufactors are ruined in the same way as well? Or is there a safe CPU maker?

Danny Casolero knew 30 years ago. Kubrick knew back when he wrote 2001. TWO THOUSAND ONE

The Moto X literally had a dedicated processor for recording the microphone non-stop. This is documented.

lol. Is nowhere safe?

Are AMD chips the same? Should i switch to AMD?

Even if you pick AMD, you are not exempt from the all seeing eye. Red vs blue, free speech vs hate speech, red pilled vs blue pilled, conservative vs libertarian. Yada yada yada. It's all 2 wings on the same bird.

The Jews control both the revolution and uprising, aswell as the problem and are playing both sides. The only way to disengage from all this is to turn to Jesus Christ and forsake the world.

"love not the world neither the things in the world. If any man love the world the love of the father is not in him" - The Bible.

God is going to burn it all down some day. Unplug, disengage and seek first the kingdom of heaven. Until then you are just playing their rat race.

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9 months ago? Try 6 years ago.....

Kubrick also used Corona typewriters in his movies. (NO WORK AN D NO PLY M AKE JACK )
Just like Tom Hanks, Madonna and others...

"The hackers in the 2017 breach stole the personal information of roughly 145 million Americans, collecting names, addresses, Social Security and driver’s license numbers and other data stored in the company’s databases. The intrusion damaged the company’s reputation and underscored China’s increasingly aggressive and sophisticated intelligence-gathering methods."

Everything is compromised user.

any manufacturers you recommend?

Just make your own CPU

Coconuts and potatoes barley give you power to open Google Chrome.

The fuck are you on about?

Isn’t there some way to track what’s going out on what port?

He's talking about how all of OP's BS can be bypassed by just using Incognito mode on Chome; something likely neither you nor he (or she or Xi [sorry in advance if I assumed incorrectly, OP]) know anything about.

The "eye" con is literally a spy camera. You have to be an absolute retard to go anywhere near this browser. If you use this browser, you need to sit down and re-evaluate your life.

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Don't forget gpu, ssd with clean buffer, and router. I assumed everyone did this already.

One thing I've heard that's interesting, a lot of casino slot and video poker kind of machines still run on old Cyrix MediaGX CPUs. In Taiwan they actually will pull and recycle these chips for that purpose.

I've also heard Taiwan's entire subway and train system runs on Cyrix MediaGX CPUs still.

These are two applications where any compromised hardware would mean lives lost or massive amounts of money lost, so make of it what you would.

I'm on an i5 and Win 7 for dem gamez though. :/

Man, cmon, you really think I was being serious in that post? Goddamnit lol.

Yes. You had an American flag, sorry.

Fuck Yas Forums, rangebanning my mobile networks ip. How they gonna range ban a whole network of mobile users? So now they wont let me use a vpn, cant use a mobile, so have to post off my home wifi. There is something fucky going on and everyone needs to leave this site. Find another chan, Yas Forums is no longer the home of free speech.
Fuck you mods, fuck the new batch of jannie faggots and fuck the niggers but most of all. Fuck jews. Now come to my home and see me axe fall. Cunts

Thanks, user
verry good info here

Lol. My whole mobile network was banned for like 2 years.

Not really. Look up operation prism and read the snowden files if you haven't already. They own the internet.