So this is the power of having a father in the home?

So this is the power of having a father in the home?

Attached: whitedad.webm (404x720, 763.8K)

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He's jewish

>that hairline
>that nose
>that brow bossing
Only when it suits you, huh?
A white guy would beat his kid to death, at least us Jews are sensible.

but what about the PROOFS!


Based white fathers

Kid undoubtedly got his ass reamed by daddy after the movie while still wearing the dress

Wait why does this bother us again?

Surely if we were confident in our own masculinity we wouldn’t care if other dudes wear a dress or not for fun right?

White people blaming all the degeneracy they're involved in on Jews is probably the most Jewish thing of all.

Go back to Resetera, faggot.

When I was a 5 year old boy I dressed up as Tanya from Red Alert 1 for Halloween.

I felt like a badass.

Attached: tanya.jpg (62x46, 4.41K)


The only sensible Jew is a dead Jew, kike.

Meme flag telling us what's Jewish. Sure, kike.

i legit thought that icon of tanya was a greasy dude with a mustache when i was little

>black side of my family chewed my out for wearing heels
>white aunts dressed me up in their old clothes
It's a thinker


so you admit Jews are white

that's bretty cool actually senpai
but because Tanya is badass. if you dressed as a powerpuff girl you would be a little faggot also

Attached: 1488341613991.jpg (491x315, 36.92K)

Depends on which powerpuff girl.

>his son
>is black
nothing wrong here just a white man corrupting the black youth dare i say based?

That kid looks black to you?

sure as fuck doesn't look white dark to black and and dark skin on the back of his neck compare skin color to his dad and it all begins to make sense

dark to black hair***

Have you ever heard of a shadow?

What a faggot

Simple solution.

Dress him as a rule 63 Elsa.

@scott.creates a mess.

If you don't see the systematic feminization of men and boys in the western world youre blind. If it doesn't bother you you're evil.

this bothers me because he did a bait and switch to get likes from the lowest common dominators. Why would a man care about tick tock likes? Just go to the theatre with ur son dressed as princesses and let someone else tell the story. jesus

the state of """""""""white"""""""""" americans. you're not even homo-sapiens, just jew golems.

kill that man

This. Just let the little faggot dress up and go to the movies and shut the fuck up.

Buttercup from the Cartoon Network MMORPG was actually so incredibly overpowered that she fucking DIED

CN can be fucking metal sometimes.
>evil robot nazis that are trying to summon cthulhu fucking gun down velma's sister

his wife is in charge