Why do black men always have to put on a show and be clowns for everybody? Always loud, grinning, dancing, telling inappropriate jokes, swearing out loud in public. Being fukking coons. I'm at truck driving school and already a few niggas have to be the entertainment jester for whites. A bunch of loud nonsensical shyt they say. All the cac instructors say slick shit mocking them but in their little nigga brains of course they think it's friendly banter between them and their white daddy figure.
Then when cacs see me a serious stoic black men like me with a angry resting face they think something is wrong.
I can't even have friends . Because most black men are white people worshipping fukking cowards. Always gotta be a motherfukking court jester.
They're retarded. That's basically the answer to every "Why do niggers do X?" question. They're primitive apelike retards that have no place in modern human society.
Know this. Internalize it. It will make your life a lot easier.
Just shut up nigger and do the work so u can get this bread and become free. But these niggas like being slaves so they probably don't even have any plans but drive a truck and buy pussy and weed with their money.
I was using him as a reaction image my point still stands.
These niggas just want to get white tinder whores all day long while im working my ass off to make bread and start a business, I'm fucking livid.
Hunter Wood
See Retarded people no matter their colour act like that.
Justin Turner
>they never figured out that they're still minstrels God damn shame. Here's a nickel. Shuck and jive for me.
Brody Bell
Nathan Cox
Don't worry to much. Most of my race is retarded too. Whites that is.
The best you can do is rule over them, the least you can do is try to make your life independent as possible from the mouth breathers of your own kind. The middle ground is to find like minded people of your race and live among them.
Matthew Lopez
despite all the pretense, they are very effeminate. I think it comes from applying lotion, but I’m not a zoologist.
>Why is this entertainer trying so hard to entertain me?
Maybe you're just mad you're not a funny black friend and you have to be serious black friend.
You'll never be the black friend that makes me smile, whom I share righteous high fivers with. You'll always be that scary serious ass nigger.
Jack Jackson
>Then when cacs see me a serious stoic black men like me with a angry resting face they think something is wrong.
You're just a fag. If you can't alternate between serious and entertaining, you're coping just with being an unlikable cunt who no one respects or enjoys being around.
Zachary Martin
God will judge all accordingly, Brother. We must make all them field niggas know their place, and then show them what real black men are capable of.
Sebastian Green
went to school with a black guy killer mike, I used to love to make everyone in class uncomfortable talking about how much we don't like niggers. he ending up going back to prison though, couldn't stop killing i guess
Matthew Mitchell
>Why does a protected class act like degenerates? Just pretend I posted a picture of a white woman. Same shit where the decent or demoralized are framed as the problem themselves or for the poor victims.
Easton Thomas
And pretty much all niggers are retarded. What's your point?
Spoiler alert. These niggers will reach your goals long before you ever do. You just keep working hard and saving user. I'm sure you will reach that mountaintop someday.
>Implying a black who looks like this can even feel sad at all
Ryan Collins
The slaves that survived long enough to reproduce were either strong or entertaining.
Jaxon Diaz
go back to niggerland then.
Angel Howard
Black people have a long cultural history of dancing for food. I live in nyc and often see negros do a dance and then beg for money from people in the subway when you only have a 70 IQ your options are pretty limited I guess
It developed in black culture as a way for them to ingratiate themselves to whites. I think the proper term is "shuck n jive"
Nathan Bennett
Black boys (one cannot consider them "men" seriously) grow up without a father and are attention seeking, always trying to fill up that missing hole in their lives. On top of that, niggers also have the emotional IQ of a 10 year old girl (which also explains their obsession with shoes, drama and being whiny little bitches).
Adam Roberts
America and europe did all that money with the wars on the east with the opium wars, the jap modernization and the greek/otoman wars
The only ones making money out of niggers were jews, neetherlands and poortugal but the first quickly moved to expensive gardening and the latter just earned money though the deal with brazil during the triple alliance wars. Making jews the only ones getting money out of enslaving niggers.
But for niggers it will always be white man bad despite being women the ones treating them badly.
White men and jews are fucking saints compared to femoids
Oliver Rivera
Indeed white brother, the superior option is sucking jew cock.
Wait...whites would never call each other brother.