I'm a night charge nurse in a facility that is currently housing positive covid19 patients...

I'm a night charge nurse in a facility that is currently housing positive covid19 patients. We were told today that the only masks we have access to now are pic related. What the actual fuck. We are operated by one of the largest hospitals in my state and this is the shit we're given to work with. Ask a nursefag anything.

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Prove you're not a LARP

Take a photo of the PPE room.

What's the problem? it's a surgical mask

Dumb question but how do masks help?

Take naked tik tok video

This . Send pick of hospital grade thermometer in your butthole

Those are for the (unhealthy) wearer to mitigate infection propagation, it's not efficient the healthy wearer to avoid being infected - n95 masks a better for that.

What's the problem exactly? Is that not enough for you to start dancing in the street with the rest of the hospital?

Retain droplets after you expel them from your mouth/nose.

>1 post by this ID
OP is a faggot

Stop replying to this thread unless you sage it, faggots.

>1 post by this ID

Just put this on a patient's heel for breakdown prevention

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Sorry was in a room

No you aren't.

>Hospital can't even get Chinese 4ply masks, has to use cheaper 3ply
What a joke! Your hospital can't even source the right masks from China! That's how STUPID your management is!
Meanwhile, my guys can source the right masks in a matter of days.
If you want masks, you can get them 2nd day delivery, from the right manufacturer in China. There is no shortage, just dumb fucking idiots that can't procure the right stuff.

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Just imagine what wagies will have access to when they are forced back to work. The second wave won't be a meme.

Thank you for your service.

What kind of unit are you on, and how hard has your community been hit?

I'm an ICU nurse in northern MD, our unit is full and we started out with enough equipment for shifts, now they're making us reuse n95s for multiple shifts

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That’s because your hospital group sold all your real PPG to israeli hospitals

Sucks to be you goyim!

Is this a new shitposting meme? You know post IDs are by thread, right?

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The second wave is actually very real concern for me. It feels like the last month has been a dress rehearsal for the shittiest show ever and the worst is yet to come
Its supposed to be rehab, memory care, and geriatrics behaviors. Easy shit after 15 years in ER and critical care areas. But since all this has been going on, we've been converted to a 2 week symptomatic quarantine area where anyone thats trending towards discharge that starts exhibiting symptoms like fever or cough is sent to be tested and observed 14 days before release into the community

Its been pretty rough here. When we were still being issued n95 masks we were told that we not only had to sign for them but were supposed to use them for at MINIMUM one 12 hour shift. After that we turned in the old mask and signed out a new one. As supplies started getting short we were told that we should be shooting for 3 shifts per mask. One of my coworkers said fuck the police and popped the band off the edge of the mask after one shift and tried to turn it back in and the supplies manager stapled it back and gave it back to him. Now we only have a supply of n95 masks for a legitimate active TB patient possibility.

I have had a cough since december but no other symptoms. I live in vancouver and am surrounded by chinese people. DO I have coronavirus?

Are you in a hotspot? If not, is there any chance it will be?

If an OP isn't posting in his own thread, he doesn't care about it. Therefore, neither should we.

Actually yep on the middle of one of the biggest 'hotspots' in the US and the governor is reopening non essential businesses this week so its only going to get worse.
Based on cough and no other symptoms? Probably not. A persistent fever, productive cough, shortness of breath all together would be more worrisome. You live in the land of quick and free healthcare though right?? Get tested. Fucking leaf

If youre a nurse, you should know that those masks won't do shit.

Yeah, fair enough.

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No shit. That's why I took the pic and started the thread

post corpse pics , preferably naked ones

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do you believe that this is airborn aids since it is coronavirus (meaning a cold) spliced together with HIV gene sequences?

Did you get the much advertised ventilators or was it another lie?
What's the most effective protocol there for non ICU cases?

But the people spamming that were speds who waited a minute or two before declaring “1 POST!!!!!!” And now OP is back.