Ready? You're all about to see some shit

Ready? You're all about to see some shit.

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Explain how this works. No one ever does.


Eight hours ago the ball was in red colour and nothing happened.

it's a dot that moves up and down while changing colors. there, you happy?

Thats doesnt tell the full story, and you know it, shill

Green means go
Yellow means slow
Red means stop

Seriously, didn't they teach mutts this in school? Mutt education.

please enlighten us, so we can rip you're feeble understanding of how stuff works apart.

is this a fishing chart?

To many shills tonight op the happenings are happening as we speak tm we will find out the truth

OMG, the dot is flashing colors.

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What does blue mean

The theory goes is that if human consciousness has any effect on RNGs, then if you post a bunch of largely-identical RNGs around the globe, and hook them all together to see how many matches and how much disharmony you have, at each time interval, then you can maybe draw some inference based on external events.
Basically quantum physics verging on the metaphysical realm. Fun to look at and consider, probably nothing there*.


It looks the fucking same every time you retards post it.


no, explain how are the numbers generated.

BBC time.

It's an attempt to measure the collective consciousness.

that doesn't explain how anything works. Try again.

I saw it turn pink once.

Well fuck you too nigger. In this case, RNG applies here because it's not dice or any other polyhedrals that I can figure out, but some kind of electronic device.
If I knew that, I'd be working on the project, or something. oh look, here's a fucking link, niggers.

My gripe is that there is no such thing as rng.

>If I knew that, I'd be working on the project, or something.
ROFL this is literally the funniest answer I've heard about this stupid colored dot since ive been on this site

Most numbers are based on the computers internal time clock. Then it does an inverse exponential or something from 0< x < 24*60 into 01

>explain how are the numbers generated.
You can'tbe this dense. Read yourself and ponder on it for a moment.

Then the numbers aren't random and are predetermined.

half correct

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>Read yourself
I have, many times. But the site does a great job as hiding this simple fact from the reader.

Predetermined based on the electrons through the circuit board no? Differences due to all computers not all being perfectly aligned to the .00001 second. When the speed of light is so fast then their is slight delay in the strings all vibrating, but when a string holds a constant value/conciousness then there are more similiar rng's

That's what it does.
It doesn't work. It's random numbers. It's supposed to be random. To the best of our knowledge, as a species, the output of project is random, as it is a combination of the outputs of devices which, to the best of our knowledge as a species, are random. This isn't difficult to understand.
That's not how the numbers are generated.
Ignore him.
Incorrect. A brief introduction:
You should know if you are above the age of 6 that there are natural phenomena that have been proven to be probabalistic. Something something quantum something something you're retarded, something something read more. It's actually pretty easy to see that if we have something predicted in math and shown in reality to occur one way 1/3rd of the time and another way 2/3rds of the time, like a certain spin, that one could build a system which was guaranteed to output number with true unpredictability.

Well, I’ve heard enough. You have confused me with your fancy talk enough that I will give the stupid colored dot thing a chance. Well done.

>natural phenomena that have been proven to be probabalistic
Too bad that's not rng. Try harder you're outing yourself as a halfwit.

>there are natural phenomenon proven to be probabilistic
OK Copenhagenfag
Bohm would have a word

>not referring to the gcp dot for all world events and depending on the news to get your information

look at this consistent blue trend before the happenings yesterday. it's an infallible resource nigger

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Random numbers are the best kind of numbers though
Especially when they repeat so sweet

Think about it. If its all based on the clock and the clocks are powered by electrity. What is the probability that electrons moving at the speed of light all arrive at point me at the same time?

The more it happens, the more likely there is a convergence of conciousness

ok, so, do we want the dot blue or red?

It's just a retarded website that shows a graph
It measures my dick's hardness

we are now aware of it and by consequence we are changing the result
wave collapse
but this is not bad
the more we are aware of the more control we exert to a degree


I want it bright black , like the sun

Dont give them the generic cookie cutter explanation to flaunt your physics bs. Its all math and probabilty. Explain it that way instead of trying to confuse people with words physicists are still trying to understand.

You literally said something something to explain the part he was asking about

Is there a way to change the time scale of the graph?

37 minutes.

Blue bordering on purple and... well, you know.

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You know I'm right. There's a noble prize waiting for you otherwise! Or did you forget all your physics? Shame.
>ignores the section about the connection between the two
Your reading comprehension score today indicates that you are underage, and must leave this website.
I've given him what he needs to know. If he can't figure out the connection between randomness and a situation where the outcome is consistent yet unknowable, I couldn't teach him anything anyways. I'm not a fucking miracle worker.

That's literally all it does - it takes a couple of RNGs, calculates the variance, and assigns a color to it, and then a bunch of schizo /x/ fags interpret every conceivable thing it could do to be indicative of happenings.

It's basically a fancier version of rolling dice and losing your shit every time someone gets a yahtzee

why the 24 hour little sample? why not give us a dataset of last 10 years to check all happenings and if there is any real correlation?

uh hello, yes this is the based department

so how does the human conscious translate the binary that the random number generators use for numbers

this entire thing makes no sense

then they interpret the data with a magic algorithm?

oh look the entire world is making our number generators produce the same numbers on some machines within our arbitrary set points

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