Why are jewish people the way they are?
Why are jewish people the way they are?
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How did this person paint this and not mess up due to laughing their ass off?
Same reason why niggers nig. It's simply in their nature.
This painting is fucking powerful
I wonder if the thread got hidden. There was a spike of responses, and then nothing.
They're taught from birth
because they teach them from a young age that by victimizing themselves they will dominate the world
Its unironically satan. They are children of satan.
Believe or disbelieve in the bible, its up to you. But there is no denying that they are the true embodiment of evil. Some call it satan, others call it something else.
Reminder that this painting depicts Jewish blood sacrifice, and it was painted this year in 2020. The artist is based.
"Martyrdom of Saint Simon of Trent" by Giovanni Gasparro
If you are able to make any type of art as pro-white propaganda do it. Including books, videos, drawings, etc.
I just realized.... a fair amount of mainstream hipster/celebrity types wear a very similar kind of hat to that.
Something about murdering the Christ and then practicing thousands of years of demonic magic, human sacrifice and blood rituals will do that to a guy
This is the sole reason
Just gotta... BUMP
Christianity literally exalts the Jew. Christians literally worship the Jewish race and regard it as superior, actually the supreme race of Earth. It is the favorite race of their god ( Yahweh ) and their Messiah. The Christian is mesmerized by his zealous awe of the Jews and their god and the Messiah. The Christian will attribute superior intelligence, telepathic power, and the gift of prophesy to the Jews . They have the need to bow to them at every occasion. Why would the Jews ever dislike Christ's religion? Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magical powers and wisdom. Nothing exists for the Christian outside of the Jews. Inside every Christian is a Jew. The Jew is central to his entire world. He reaches for the Jews to answer life's questions. He would be lost without the guidance of the Jews. Christfags believe any religious shit if it was written by Jews. They actually believe that Yahwah made the Jews smarter. Conversely, they believe the Jews are the infallable authority on Yahwah.
And it's everything
I read the Bible was altered 500-1000 years ago and had some major/important parts removed and replaced. I don't know user. I just like to ask thought provoking questions to learn more about the world.
self serving bias. I think they just don't see how hypocritical they sound sometimes because they literally have no ability for self reflection.
Because they are evil
Not often do you get to live through the creation of an artistic masterpiece. This painting is truly amazing.
>it’s not the jews it’s the christians
Kys rabbi
That might be true of american evangelicals but the priest at the church I went to, when I was growing up, used to preach replacement theology.
The Jews refused to accept Christ as their saviour and murdered him. For this reason, God created a new covenant. The Christians are now God's chosen people.
It has an authenticity to it. When you recognize the nose on that level only deep concern fills your mind. Laughter is for those not in up to their eyebrows like this lad is.
National socialism is becoming a political force in the world once again and soon nothing will stop us
Go read Culture of Critique and find out
They are inherently evil. Purge them from Minecraft and move on. Let their existence be a dark memory in the history of humanity.
Why do Jews spend every waking hour attacking Christianity then?
They are the bottom of the barrel of human condition.
>Why are jewish people the way they are?
itt: Believing lies you want to be true.
Whats wrong?
>Why do Jews spend every waking hour attacking Christianity then?
The Jews love Christianity because of the aggrandizement of the Jewish race. When the Yahwah, the Jewish race-god, experienced pon farr: the messiah breeding fever or blood fever to breed, he had to find a Jewess to breed with because he required his messiah son to be a Jew. That would make sure that his son had the magical powers of the Yahwah. The Jews are flattered to be the Yahwah's first choice. The Jews watched Jesus come out of the Jewess that the Jew-god made pregnant. Inspired by his Jewishness, Jew-born Jesus studied Judaism and became a Jewish rabbi. The Jews are so proud of of this. Christians must think that the Jews are smart like Jew-born Jesus. Conversely, Christians must think that the Jesus was smart because he was Jew-born. Christians believe that the Jews are the smartest people in the world because they wrote the perfect Bible and also produced the genius IQ Jesus. The Jews are proud of Jesus and love him. Jesus made the Jews famous worldwide. Jesus gets Jews laid with the Christbabes. Unchosen Jew-wannabe Christfags go away crying. Remember that Christianity would never have existed without Jews. Christianity is a gift from the Jews. Christians wouldn't even know what God was without the Jews. Christians wouldn't even have a heaven without the Jews.
We know that they put secrets in mass media in the first Wolfenstein game the Nazis take over the world using ancient Jewish technology and there are plenty of theories and evidence of an ancient civilization 12,000 years ago in the Bible the Jews built the pyramids my theory is the Jews were the dominant race on earth 12,000 years ago before the Disaster that sent them back to the Stone Age after that the inbred and became the horrible greedy monstrosities that they are today
>ritualistically murdering children is so hilarious bro
fucking leaf what the fuck is wrong with the people in this country
they attack "hinduism" / nationalist socialism / europagan stuff WAY more than christianity, faggot.
the reason you think they are "meanest" to you is bc you are spiritually jewish and think you're shpecial and oh so hated by the jews. except hollywood makes tons of jewsus movies that are flattering.
you're retarded. your karma is even lower than jewish karma bc youre just flat out lying to yourself now. fucking imbecile.