Aspiring Christian here.
How do you explain Dinosaurs with regards to the creation of Heaven and Earth in Genesis?
Dinosaurs and Genisis
The dinosaurs couldn't fit on the ark so they all drowned in the flood.
You must either choose logic or the bible. You cannot have both.
embarassingly fake hoax they actually teach to kids
sorry if you fell for it.
is there some way to filter threads started by memeflags?
Genesis isn't supposed to be read as a science textbook. Most of the narrative is establishing that the universe is complimentarian (God always creates things in pairs; light and dark, day and night, sun and moon, man and woman etc) and also that unlike the Greeks or Egyptians or Sumerians, God made everything without struggle. He just speaks it into being, other myths had massive battles to conquer primordial chaos because God is better than other gods
Each day of creation is simply a term for a given amount of time that could account for millions even billions of years of time.
First "day" is creating light from darkness, the big bang, matter from darkness.
Second "day" was “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.”, matter forming into planets, developing atmospheres and liquid water
Third "day", was the beginning of vegetation/plant life.
Fourth "day" was the placing earth close to the sun and positioning the moon where it is.
Fifth "day" was creation of animal life.
Sixth "day" creation of early man, the first creation, before Adam, early hominids.
There could be millions of years between the creation of animal life and the first humans.
epic revisionism you faggot. one day is just that - one day
>There could be millions of years between the creation of animal life and the first humans.
But are there only millions of years between the big bang and planets forming with water?
bible is just a documentary of what happened.
the people who wrote it didnt see the dinosaurs
use your head, bible is mostly a documentary book of people who lived during those times.
like flood, it was due to meteorite or polar shift or something similar, its recorded in many old stories like sumerian story of gilgamesh. noah was somekinda wise man who also knew beforehand of it.
dont take everything literally, bible is mostly to keep peoples faith in something other than atheism
If you were god and could make anything, before you made man and all the boring stuff -would YOU not make dinosaurs and fuck around for a few million years? Hell yeah!
Then what you, going to start from scratch? No, perfectly good planet, layout is nice - good seasons, nice mix of land/water.
I don't have to believe in talking foxes to understand the fable of sour grapes.
The earth BECAME without form. Mistranslation. Genesis is the 1st of the 3 biblical cataclysms. Dinosaurs died out 30k years ago
Dinosaurs probably didn't roar like in the movies.
>One day was always 24 hours, even before the Aztec, Mayan, Julian, or Gregorian calendars
>Every page of the Bible is literal
Repent, heathen.
Dinosaurs don't exist.
>Nice id though mate
One solar day is the rotation of the planet exposing one side to the sun and another side to dark. The first 3 "days" occur before the first solar day. You can't have a solar day before the sun even exists.
>Each day of creation is simply a term for a given amount of time that could account for millions even billions of years of time.
Wong, shithead. Dinosaurs were on the Ark and were driven to extinction (probably by the Romans) centuries later
That's retarded. Everyone knows the bible is a collection of allegorical stories that provide a lesson for which you can live your life by. Only a retard thinks its fact.
>collection of allegorical stories that provide a lesson for which you can live your life by.
"Love your enemies." "Pray for those that persecute you." "Turn the other cheek." "Resist not evil."
That's good advice if you're trying to train someone to be a weak, submissive, masochistic, pacifist faggot.
And whether you know it or not, most christfaggots take the bible literally.
you really think you know better than the LORD?
Isaiah 55:8-9
i think i will believe HIS WORD over that fecal matter you just posted just stfu idiot
This is bait retard.
The better question Bill Nye the Tranny Guy, is how is a Stone Age Vocabulary describing the terraforming of this planet, so close to Science.
Did your primordial microbes send a text message to Abraham?
The Bible claims the Earth was completely covered by water and there was no land. In Genesis 1:2
Only recently has Science proven this is the absolute case from < 50-60 ma after it formed.
But then what's the point of separating them by a unit (days) if the units aren't equal?
you realize you arent meant to take the bible literally right?
>Futurama's Prof. Farnsworth explaining time to the robot society he helped make
Retarded post.
Many things in the Bible are historically and Scientifically literal.
Lacking only the vocabulary and scientific knowledge at the time of its writing to describe it.
You tell yourself it’s only feel good stories and fairy tales.
Yes, please follow those stories to your demise, insufferable humans.
To separate multiple acts of creation.
The Hebrew word yohm, translated “day,” can mean different lengths of time. Among the meanings possible, William Wilson’s Old Testament Word Studies includes the following: “A day; it is frequently put for time in general, or for a long time; a whole period under consideration . . . Day is also put for a particular season or time when any extraordinary event happens.”
dinosaurs exist, they are smaller. radiation turned them smaller.
regards: amateur scientist from stargate 1
I don't think it would have been incomprehensible for the people if God said "yo the earth was created like billions of years ago and the universe is significantly older than that" since people know how long a year lasts.
Read Job 40:17 where the "behemoth" is described. "He moves his tail like a cedar..."
What kind of animal has a tail like a cedar tree?
The bible is one, big, jumbled contradiction, cover to cover. It's also full of scientific errors.
And if it really was "inspired by god" then man's scientific knowledge at the time of the bible's creation would be irrelevant.
Problem is our iteration of the bible has been translated some 100+ times. Who knows if the very first statement was "God made all in heaven and all on earth in a great many epochs" and over time 7 became sacred, epoch became some quantifiable time like millennium, then century, then year, then month, etc
Amazing episode