Gentlemen. If I could have a moment of your attention

Gentlemen. If I could have a moment of your attention

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I have come dressed for the occasion.

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Certainly, my good sir! Proceed!

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Fuck off leaf. You're going to disappoint. 100p

Dieser Champagner ist exquisit

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Bump lets keepnthis shit on page one

You have it, good Sir. I hope you have information crucial to the current dilemma. Please, Out with it

Glad I could make it on this glorious occasion.

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You have my attention Sir.

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I do say, I'm just in time. Please carry on good Sir

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Please, continue good sir.

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Brought a couple friends

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Yoyoyoyoyo what is up my fellow racists?

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roger roger

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what are you sliding?

Go ahead, good Sir.

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Make it fast Im going to sleep soon.

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..y-yes..? ..w-what is it user? you have my attention.

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Misa wanna AOC toosa winna president insa next elections! Misa think AOC so preeetttyy

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It looks like we're going to need more seats.
Would you three fine gentlemen
mind unstacking some of these chairs?

Hope you don't mind if I grab a seat. I've had a rough day.

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We already know you're a faggot op.

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what is it user? what is so important? can i stretch out and get comfy first.

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By all means, have a drink and make yourself comfortable.

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I'm all ears

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I've tipped over the stack of chairs, now we wait for Janny to clean it up and set them up for us

Well, what is it my good sir?

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phew, made it, these are always important, what doth thou have in thy mind user.

jut in time

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Yes I am here

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Yes sure

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are you ok there buddy pal?


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Let me squeeze in too guyzzz

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awaiting orders

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