Nova Scotia Shooting was a Jewish terrorist attack

Old Thread
This shooting was a Jewish Terrorist attack carried out by a Mossad agent (Israel intelligence agency who did 9/11)

Let the families of the deceased know, email the representatives in the community affected.

The shooter was Jewish

(((Gabriel Wortman)))

>Wortman Name Meaning. English: metonymic occupational name for a grower or seller of vegetables or of medicinal herbs and spices, from Middle English wurt, wort 'plant'. Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname for a reliable person who could be trusted to keep his word, from Yiddish vort, German Wort 'word' + man, Mann 'man'.

Attached: Mountie Car Nova Scotia shooting.jpg (640x426, 52.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you would have thought he would have picked some sort of cool magic jew numbers for the car

28b,11 "stamping knives"

forget about gay theories. where's the gore?

> Ashkenazic nickname for a reliable person who could be trusted to keep his word


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Found an old news story about the cops fucking with the guy long before this happened. his business was like two buildings down from a Tim Hortons and it's lone of the the busiest street in the province so parking can be a bitch. These cops parked on his private property and then bitched when he locked them in kek

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Sixteen crime scenes, imagine if he tried to do this in a red state, he wouldn't have lasted 2 minutes.
One guy in OK tried to shoot up a restaurant, he got popped by 2 people in the parking lot even before he got inside the door.

fuck posted wrong archive link
here's the real link to the story

>taking a picture of a computer monitor
boomer or retarded zoomer?

I hope you retards realize outside of Yas Forums, NOBODY considers jewish people to be nonwhite. These are just copies you have on this image board to make yourselves feel better. This meme isn't even applicable IRL.

lot of homes in rural nova scotia have guns. it's the fact he did it between 1130 and 12 am in the middle of nowhere that made him so successful

Not if you "correct the record"

Do canadian police actually have RAINBOWS on their cars now? What the fuck.

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look at em all laughing and clapping over the assassination of some patsy

imagine if he tried to do that in reality? Just one of the things he ALLEGEDLY did would have been a big effort

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Meme flag poisoning the well.

Yeah yeah, conspiranons. Who died? That's what matters.

Isn't that historically a Jewish thing?

Innocent goy's died, all to accelerate a weapons ban

How has no one noticed this perfect answer to his question?

Has Canada gotten New Zealanded yet?

THEY are snuffing out armed societies one by one.

Kabbalists needed a blood sacrifice for the 19th

Attached: April sacrifice.jpg (640x493, 75.08K)

Yes, this is Canada's False flag event, same playbook

Nice digits

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It's Randy Bobandy

if you look at the timeline, its totally insane. this guy would have to be a magical santa claus to do all the shit they claimed he did

Stop damage controling. Hes white.

Or literally Mossad who have infiltrated both CSIS and the CIA

Lots of planning went into this, high level operatives.

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where's the timeline

The perpetrator's name was literally Gabriel (Gabe) Wortman, and he was in the dental business.

It's 100% certain he was a jew.

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In 2010, Glynn Wortman bought a house in Portapique, Nova Scotia. Needing bridge financing until he sold his condominium in Edmonton, he turned to his brother's son, Gabriel Wortman.

Once his Alberta condo was sold, he repaid his nephew, but the denturist refused to release the property back to him, claiming his uncle owed him money, according to court records.

Asked to remove his name from his uncle’s property, he variously claimed he was owed money, that “he was kind of busy and would get around to it,” and that he “had to consult a lawyer.”

The uncle eventually sold the house and got an order from the Nova Scotia Supreme Court in 2015 granting him all the proceeds. Glynn Wortman could not be reached for comment.

Zinck had similarly put his trust in Wortman, initially believing he was a friend. Wortman’s denturist clinic was near the auto shop where Zinck worked and they were introduced through a friend.

Wortman was “smart,” and in addition to studying dentistry, he had gone to vocational school, learning to be an electrician and carpenter, Zinck said.

At the time, Zinck's $38,000 mortgage was up for renewal, but his income as a self-employed auto body specialist didn't satisfy the bank.

Wortman offered to hold the mortgage and let Zinck continue to live in the house. In exchange, Zinck would pay him back, along with an additional $10,000, he said.

Then he came home and was met by sheriffs. Wortman was claiming to own the house and had obtained an order from the small claims court.

Public documents show the house was in foreclosure when it was transferred to Wortman, who became the registered owner in June 2004.

Wortman asked for the termination of Zinck's tenancy on the grounds Zinck was preventing Wortman from conducting repairs and maintenance.

"Mr. Zinck insists he is still the owner of the property and did not sign the property over to Mr. Wortman," according to Nova Scotia public records.

Zinck wanted to take the matter to the supreme court but couldn't afford to, the documents note.

The government sided with Wortman, finding that Zinck was a tenant and terminating his tenancy.

But Zinck tells a different story. He said the deal they signed said that if Zinck missed three payments, the house became Wortman's. Zinck claimed never to have missed a payment, but said he couldn't afford to fight it.

“He knew what he was doing,” Zinck said. “It’s hard to explain, I was down and out and he stepped right in.”

Wortman emptied the house, put Zinck’s possessions into dumpsters and sold the property for a tidy profit.

“He was smiling while doing all that; he thought it was funny,” Zinck told Global News. “How could somebody do that to somebody, and basically smile while they’re doing it?”

“I didn’t lose my house, he stole my house.”

one thing I was suprised by was that a bunch of shit was going on the next day. I thought it all happened the previous night, but someone was still murdering people the next day.

like one lady was shot and killed while she was driving at like 10 AM. who shot her? who knows.

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How could someone get a mock RCMP cruiser and a real Mountie uniform?

"I would think he had a source somewhere," retired Toronto police homicide detective David Perry, now the CEO of Investigative Solutions Network, told CBC News.

Police haven't yet said how the shooter was able to obtain the uniform or the mock cruiser, or whether anyone helped him.