> Be me.
> Out and about.
> Everyone in a mask.
> 6ft barriers everywhere.
> No known cases.
What the shiny chirst face pol?
Does anyone actually know anyone with coronavirus?
I've diagnosed a couple and know of a handful of others who tested positive. All have recovered
Have you been to Mars? You haven't right? So how do you know it exists? I personally haven't been to Mars nor do I know anyone that does so it can't possibly exist.
I had it.
I got tested to be sure and I tested positive.
It sucks but you wont die if you take mucinex. It has acetaminophen which lowers your temp and is an expectorant which stopa the cough. The cough is bad cause anytime you go to breath a tixkle in ur throat makes you cough and makes it hardnto breath. Joint pain sucks but the acetaminophen atops this and drops your temp which stops the cold sweats and chills as well.
Unfortunately, there are no prizes for knowing everyone is being retarded about this. My work yesterday made it mandatory to wear masks yet didn't feel the need to the past few weeks. Everyone is just reacting in the way that'll make them seem caring.
Italian detected
Also this being said. We should have not fucked the economy like this. What we have now is an overreaction. Your anime pic doesn't make you cool either, weeb.
No and anyone who says they have first hand experience is a bot or a paid shill
Nope, sorry no dago blood here. German polish descendant.
>boogeyman fallacy
No other than some of my parents' old friends that they saw on facebook posts
So no, literally no one
>Trusting anecdotes from the internet fallacy
I tested positive.
a guy i know who was a pilot died from it
got felt tired a couple of days after another pilot started coughing
within a week he had trouble breathing and coughing and was put on a ventilator
after about a week he got better and was taken off it
died 2 days later from heart attack
no known preexisting conditions and had a valid medical
also a shitton of people here were coughing around february
Michiganon reporting in.
Personally have friends with dead relatives from covid-19 (3 parents, 1 grandparent).
Live with a medic with plenty of nursing friends. Ya, it's real. It's here.
But its only killing fat people outlier youngish people. Im 29 see.
I have recovered and can't give it to peold anymore
My father's girlfriend's 3-4 grandkids tested positive in March, all elementary school age. As far as I heard, no ultra serious symptoms/not dead/on a vent/etc.
My sister hasn't been tested. She and her boyfriend she lives with had a fever of 99 or so, and coughing and chest tightness. No fever today. Strangely they didn't go out much at all, but someone in their apartment building stopped doing laundry about a week ago, so they likely got it from the laundry room or just the air shared in hallways/etc. She was over at our house for 8-9 hours a day before her boyfriend got sick. My mom wants us to not go anywhere/etc for 2 weeks. All I had was a tiny headache the day after she came, but I stirred up a ton of dust from cleaning my house (cat dander, construction debris) and was under a lot of stress from unrelated stuff to Corona, so it probably was that. No fever for me, or any breathing issues at all, feel OK today.
My sister has fairly severe allergies, and some user here pointed out antihistamines helping a lot, and she took some benadryl just on her gut feeling before I showed her the user's post, and she felt quite a lot better.
Anyway, so far undecided on the disease, but the governments definitely seemed to "not let a crisis go to waste" for sure regardless.
One of my dad's close friends who attended my wedding got it.
Went to the hospital with trouble breathing. Put on Ventilator, developed 107 fever. Got a blood infection, started showing signs of organ failure. Passed away 5 days later.
58 years old, no underlying conditions. Pretty crazy because otherwise I really didn't know anyone that got it. Still am skeptical.
shiki would have been better if you couldnt tell who was a vampire or not by their eyes.
Based and Shiki pilled, the best character is the doctor. I love the way he looks, he was the best designed character of 2010.
My mom tested positive. She's tired all the time, but not coughing. She just wants to go out and do stuff
Mars can be seen with the naked eye and it's fairly bright. Kinda reddish. My understanding is that it's cold and a near vacuum. No thanks.
> also a shitton of people here were coughing around february
Two months later and.... ?
My read is that this shelter in place thing is going to just give a long tail to the pandemic, make it last years instead of months.
What do your medic brain trust front line zeitgeist frendspace think of this shit? Dispassionate, like a diagnosis, please.
I give tits but this is pol, so.
Yes. I fucking had it, relapsed and recovered. It sucked like the flu but it's not cancer tier. The problem i have now is niggers moved in above me.
>I have recovered and can't give it to people anymore
This should be the case normally. There is some speculation about reports of people having remission / catching it a 2nd time. Though, this would be quite unique and hasn't been vetted yet.
hypertension appears to be a significant risk factor.
I work at a hospital in rural America. A 76 year old co-worker tested positive two weeks ago and was rushed to the ER. He spent four days in isolation before being sent home. He returned yesterday due to heart problems and renal failure.
I had that. Bad annoying bad but not nightmare stuff. Moving fixed that. Later the building burnt to the ground, most likely electrical fire.
Pic unrelated but moody.
FUN FACT: When we step on Mars, Deniers will sprout from everywhere with tons of "evidence" pulled out of their asses saying we didn't.
Thank for responding.
Like i had it for 3 days thought i got better and felt dizzy, and everything tasted/smelled sour for 2 days the felt like shit high fever, cold sweats, felt hungover everyday for 7 days and got better curing that time taking mucinex
My cousin died of coronavirus and I have multiple family members suffering with it right now. It is not a joke or a conspiracy. This is a crisis and it's happening right now. Stop being edgy, grow up, and take it seriously.
shelter in place is meant to keep hospital populations of infected small and of manageable size. Once you start running out of attendings and equipment you start having to use sub-par treatment methodology and reduce the likelihood of good outcomes as the number of patients increases beyond capacity.
One hope is to stretch it out to the point where someone finds a golden bullet treatment plan that's more effective, or we get a vaccine.
Honestly, the real danger is lack of information on effective treatments. If we knew everyone under 30 could manage with just a rough cough and some asprin, I'd say start hosting chickenpox parties with younger folks and isolate 'em for a few weeks.
Hmm. Its not not a joke either. It sucks but if you don't drink, smoke and are not a hamplelanet like me you will not die. Acetaminophen my nigger.
Assuming you're a doctor, how common is it to receive calls/complaints/whatnot about suspected cases? Just curious because from what I can tell everyone in my area is pretty clean.
This is now a Mucinex® panic buying inception thread.
Oh yeah im 29. Not realky young young but not really old either.
What the fuck? Is that ironic? You're saying the same bullshit as Russell's Teapot broski