Meditation being taught in public schools: violation of separation of Chruch and State?

Meditation is being taught to kids in public schools. It is a practice with origins in Eastern religions. I actually think it is inherently a secular practice, as long as no religious elements are introduced. Therefore, I think it is okay to be taught in schools, so long as students can willingly opt out.

What is Yas Forums's opinion, though? Is teaching meditation a violation? Should it be outlawed? Or do you agree that it is based?

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What meditation? Because I've never met anyone that meditates properly.

Meditation is the true ultimate redpill. It leads to the fundamental understanding of “who” you are. The more people that do it, the better. I’m all for it, as long as it isn’t wrapped up in religious mumbo jumbo .

Meditation is fucking retarded and pointless. Especially for fucking children.

false equivalence, there is no 'right way'.

>I've never met anyone that meditates properly.
Then what makes you think you understand proper meditation?

True meditation is devoid of all effort. It is alert awareness that allows everything to arise an pass away within the field of consciousness. I actually recommend people do it with eyes open. The goal isn't to push anything away or to focus on anything.

The instructions housl be: allow whatever happens to happen. Anytime you notice an intention to control your attention, drop that intention.

It's simple, but many find it difficult to master.

Meditation is anti-white propaganda.


Lol a meditation snob!? Now I’ve seen it all

You get hit if you do it wrong.

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Try sincere prayer and fasting instead, it pisses all over that fallen angel meditation crap.

all i have to do is sit and close my eyes.
being forced to do things a certain way is counter-productive

I didn't mean it like a snob.
This guy gets it. Nobody practices like that, everyone does everything else.



Sadly there are many. They think their technique is right and all others are fruitless. Meditation becomes just another way of stroking their ego.

this is 100% the correct way

very difficult to master though

For that to work you've got to actually believe that shite and the only people I've met that actually still sincerely believe anymore are diagnosed schizophrenics

These are dumb posts
This is a good post from someone who knows more than nothing about meditation.

no harm no foul user :)
mull responses around in your head before typing them, you'll reach more people that way.

Gib milkies

It would only be a violation of church and state if they are doing guided meditation which is similar to hypnosis to influence them in some way. Or if they allow them to meditate themselves but then contextualize it as an Eastern practice and imply their culture and spirituality is superior.

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It's retarded and a waste of tax payer money, whether meditation is beneficial or not If kids want to meditate they can do it outside school. Instead they should teach children about economy and finance instead of dumbing then down with marxist crap.

No conflict there. The good thing about meditation is that it can be practiced in any cultural or religious context, or none.

Does the same person make these threads.

Why speak of things you know nothing about?

More homo “education.” Fucking public schools.

>Meditation and prayer

I think it's wonderful if they teach basic mindware, stuff is important.

She never did show them...

A lot of fundamentalist Christians denounce meditation as a tool of the devil, but strangely, none of them can quote a verse from the Bible that supports this claim. Maybe you will be the first.

meditating is for dumb demon niggers

Whatever brings you calm is the right way.
I breathe slowly and deeply while listening to industrial music. The music provides the timing in lieu of a dogmatic mantra.

Lots of shills will try and distance themselves from you thinking, "This redneck's going too far, thinking the Buddha is somehow harmful. What's next? Banning rice because it's Chinese? I'm right wing, but not like that!"

But I wouldn't, only because I know first hand the context that meditation is implemented. Like any political activity, you have to remember in each instance of the "event", the real people experiencing whatever it is are "asleep", presumably. When teachers go and tell their elementary kids its time to meditate (whether it's by mandate, recommendation or personal authority)--this is bad news. Again, with the shills, they'll say, "it's no different than 10 jumping jacks or grape juice", but it is. It's no mystery that meditation is a powerful tool, just like LSD. Try and practice it in NA countries and typically you'll get meaningless results. Try and get a classroom of kids meditate for you and then you are getting into some weird shit. I'll leave it there. Put simply, a major creep can be influencing the context without your kid even knowing it. You want to meditate at a monastery and it's already clear what you're doing. At a playground, in a classroom? Ya, promise someone in that room isn't meditating. That's all.

It's completely secular you fucking retard. It's not tied to any religion. Many people use it and are atheist. It works. It helps you focus, calm and relax. It's also used as a coping mechanism for people who have panic attacks or other mental issues. You're a retard if you think this is some religion taking over your shitty American schools. You should be allowing this to happen. Probably would increase grades when kids know when to relax and focus. Imagine class rooms quiet for like 5 minutes before class starts. No phones. Just calm and relaxation.

Fuck I hate people like you OP. You literally stop all kinds of progress in your country and you're quick to blame it all on jews and niggers, never your own stupid fucking views.

I don't know what you mean by master, because it takes you to the end, which is ego purification then ego dissociation. If you're Ernest and you are always practicing and you genuinely are fed up with personal selfishness well... you end up a sage.

Almost had it years ago. I started to experience everything as myself, then at night, because I just meditated all day, I would get pulled into the Absolute but I was too pussy to dissociate with the ego. So the natural course is to turn to the bottle (apparently).

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Shut up and let pedos watch kids do yoga

>dumb demon niggers
Terry is that you?

>Anytime you notice an intention to control your attention, drop that intention.
I don't know if "drop the intention" is the correct way of presenting that to people, but I'm not in a position to teach or make suggestions. I wanted to mention that noticing that each object that comes to your attention comes with an intention. Usually it's "pay attention to me" but the later you notice it, the more of the chain of events you missed. For example, you could notice some deep feeling somewhere in the body that always comes way before the very obvious urge "go urinate"

Read "Bliss More" by author light Watkins. It teaches mindful meditation, simply the practice of refocusing your attention when you are distracted by an intrusive thought. It's a simple read and easy to do. I now add10 to 15 minutes of meditation to my post workout routine. It helps me focus and stay on track during the day, quiets my mind. It's like taking a hot bath for your brain. If you've ever been curious about meditation, this book is a good start.

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slide threads look nothing like this one. Since you can't tell the difference, why don't you go enjoy one of them instead?

Isn't meditation just having a long uninterrupted think about your life?

Meditation isn't religious.

Some groups drink wine for spirituality.

my recommendation is always "the mind illuminated" by culadasa
It redefines all of the untranslatable eastern technical terms that would help you make sense of what's actually going on when you meditate properly.
And/or "mastering the core teachings of the buddha" by daniel ingram. It's more of a personal experience and description of the process that unfolds in each person who attempts insight (vipassana) meditation.

"For the knowledge of God is received in divine silence" - St John of the Cross

I meditate while strolling along paths in the woods. It isn't in any way a deep meditation I just take control of my breathing and enjoy existing.

chad user is right. most people aren't going to get deep into spirituality but the basics of mindful meditation is extremely helpful and will keep you from being a slave to your emotions and desires.

It's about being part of something bigger.
Just kidding. It's about business and money.

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They believe when you meditate that you let down your spiritual guard which allows demons in who then possess your soul. This also goes for yoga.

>"For the knowledge of God is received in divine silence"
So in meditation?

>Isn't meditation just having a long uninterrupted think about your life?
That's a common misconception. Thoughts probably will occur in meditation, but you trat them as you would a breeze movind through the leaves. You watch them come and go, you don't get caught up in them (which is our tendancy.)

Meditation isn't religious, it's merely a mental exercise of clearing ones mind. Honestly this exercise could be good for young Western minds.

Yeah those entities comprise your ego. When you release tension and go back to being aware, even for seconds at a time, and do this daily, those entities change. You become less restless and experience darkness less and less, until not at all. I think you have to give up things like alcohol et cetera but I'm not sure, though that's what I did last time -gave alcohol and tobacco up while practicing meditation.