>23 people are killed
>Yas Forums is quiet because it's a white man
Never change retards, if this was even 2 people killed by a black man you faggots would spam it non-stop daily, it's all crickets right now
>23 people are killed
>Yas Forums is quiet because it's a white man
Never change retards, if this was even 2 people killed by a black man you faggots would spam it non-stop daily, it's all crickets right now
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Wortman Name Meaning
English: metonymic occupational name for a grower or seller of vegetables or of medicinal herbs and spices, from Middle English wurt, wort ‘plant’. Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname for a reliable person who could be trusted to keep his word, from Yiddish vort, German Wort ‘word’ + man, Mann ‘man’. Americanized spelling of German Wortmann.
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press
so why did he do it?
"no matter how many smiles i fixed, i could not fix my own."
If this guy invented something he would all of a sudden be white in your eyes, just stop the cope.
Semite Yid biblical name
Jewish as fuck
Read Something is white to you retards once it benefits you, when it doesn't it all of a sudden isn't.
Make fun of white peoples cuisine and Italians are all of sudden white.
Usually you have a memeflag on chang
Ah yes, Wortman, a fine totally non Jewish name
It's his country and he'll do whatever he wants, if you don't like it you can go back to your own country.
It was all the rage yesterday faggot
> if this was even 2 people killed by a black man you faggots would spam it non-stop daily, it's all crickets right now
Yes, black lives don’t matter.
idk he looks like a Navy seal to me
Boring looking Canadian boomeroid does muh & muh ... bored fug it
Can somebody drop a nuke on canada this liberal cesspool and just start us over?
Damn he did 23? I didn't even pay attention. Still don't really care, not my country.
Rollins v. Alabama you dumb nigger.
Canadians are not people.
>Make fun of white peoples cuisine and Italians are all of sudden white.
Your complete inability to read into the social dynamics and shit slinging banter on Yas Forums outs you as a Chink faggot. You'll never blend in because you have no soul. May as well kill yourself now because when the violence starts your end will be grim.
That leaf looks like Murdoch
The most surprising thing to me was that 14 people was the most killed in Canada ever and it was that incel virgin hating on women engineers
No one claims kike advancements as white ones, except kikes, you retard. Italians are white. Arguments over it doesnt change the fact a nigger thinks they're both white. That is what matters, dipshit.
>Jew shooter.
>Media memoryholes it.
Wow, whoduh thunk it.
>if this was even 2 people killed by a black man you faggots would spam it non-stop daily
Well, that would require thousands of threads per day on just that topic. Niggers likely killed 18 people in the time it took me to type this.
You, sir, are literally fucking retarded.
i think people don't really care about this, because theres no fun grand conspiracy "YET" now im sure if some more information comes to light, people will be interested in having threads about it.
but as it stands now.. all we can do is make fun of the fact that he made teeth.
It was a Jewish man working for Mossad
Yeah, where's the usual media shitstorm?
>getting this triggered over the truth
There were literally 500 fucking threads you...you...LEAF
I think it lets you know what we think about Canada.
This totally sounds like White Male Behavior......
people are killed
>>Yas Forums is quiet because it's a white man
Welcome, newfriend.
You are absolutely fucking oblivious
is this fag a jew? the nose is setting off my kike alarm.
He looks nice.
Yas Forums is literally the only place in the universe where jewish people like him aren't considered white
Lmfao Canada Flag. Imagine you just had one of your country's all time worst mass shootings and you're spending that time arguing over the race of the shooter and not talking about why your gun laws are flawed. Hate to see it
Paddock still holds the jew shooter high score.
>(((Wortman))) black man. Chinadian.
I think multiculturalism May be a mistake
god bless this martyr,new record in nova scotia.
You don't kill innocent people. He will burn. Why do you think they want you to kill yourself? You are more precious then rubies or gold.
What a non-argument.
I know you're farming (you)'s, so have a freebie, on the house.
Mass shootings have been shilled too much in recent years, it's just not interesting anymore. Gun, knife and bomb rampages aren't terrifying, it's the work of savages. It doesn't make a difference. Memes are the new bullet.
This guy puts even NY jews to shame
cope harder faggot
More like Yas Forums is quiet because it's Canada and all the shills already got gun control there
>how could somebody do that to somebody, and basically smile while they're doing it?
(((how))) indeed
Yes. Yes he is. Your Jewdar is well-tuned.
Kinda this. It’s not that interesting. Don’t really care what the motive is. Bigger things to talk about.
What the fuck are you talking about retard? He is jewish
Shoots random innocents. Sounds like a glow nigger. Talk about a worthless fucking Hat.
Bullshit. The kike Media tried to claim George Zimmerman was white. Sit your retarded ass down.
other than the synagogue
Shut up you dumb bitch no one cares
Jews exhibit completely alien cultural behaviours to Europeans and the Ashkenazi Jews lie between middle eastern clusters and European clusters according to genetic testing. Mainstream society made a mistake by grouping them in with Europeans, they have blinded themselves to patterns of behaviour found within the group.
People don't really care about it because it happened in Canada, numbnuts.
Stop embarassing yourself. He is a typical Jew and I know what I am talking about since we used to have 6 million of them.