destroys your entire ideology in a single debate he doesn’t even care about

> destroys your entire ideology in a single debate he doesn’t even care about

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literally who?

literally who?

>challenges you to a debate where he has deeply studied your point of view for two weeks and prepared enough fallacies that you have no way to respond to even if you're solid on what you're saying

Can we dox and ruin the lives of users that make posts like this?

>Posts same thread again in a board he doesn't even care about

that's the point of a debate it would be fucking stupid going into a debate only studying your point of view

Who is this coomer looking motherfucker?

I was there when he was a libertarian and kept following him when he became a neo-liberal.

I am a proud neolib myself.

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> lets you fuck his girlfriend

no, he is literally a soiboy cuck

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I've seen this goofy looking faggot on YouTube. Why are you trying so hard to make this retard relevant?

Bend the knee to your King, Yas Forums

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Funny thing is he's no longer extreme left.
He's actually debating trannies on differences between male to females and real females and wether or not female trannies should be allowed into female sports.
It's fun to watch the left devour itself.

My ideology cant be destroyed, if we destroy the white race we destroy the white race. It should be obvious this is bad. I want every race to survive.

I am sure the women love him.








I watched 5 minutes of his stream for the first and last time this morning, he lost a LoL game and blamed team mates. Not very enlightening desu.

Looks like a wizard of sage.

Wasn’t this the guy who raged at mr metokur? Lol

why does his nose look like that? Wtf is that phenotype?

>destiny prepares for debates and googles stuff, what a nerd!

bam margera

better to lose a LoL game and blame team mates than losing a girl to a big black man and blaming jews

he's canadian, how much more could his life be ruined?

The alt right is kikes

All I can think is this queer needs a hair cut

>gets cucked by Tyrone and doesn’t even give a FUCK

Alt right doesnt exist cuck

>debating a Starcraft player

Attached: its all gone to hell.webm (960x404, 2.99M)

He’s confusing to look at. He has shit going on all over.

>If you liked this post visit my subreddit for more!

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Destiny is a gay psyop thay only fags fall for.

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Manlet. Cuck. Fag.
How bad you have to be when a tranny laughs at you?

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That debate was about 5 times more entertaining than it had any right to be just because Destiny collapsed into the black hole of autistic rage that his opponents usually end up in, since he chooses unprepared memelords instead of actual adults.

Stop making threads about yourself, you irrelevant cuck

Where’s his fucking septum

*someone proposes something*
>but what about muh nuance?

*proposes something clear cut*
>but what about muh 'political will'?

*proposes ignoring the democratic political will*
>ur just a LARPer

>advocate for things that themselves aren't currently supported by 'political will'


>The alt-right is X/Y!
The alt-right isnt even real you fucking brainlet.

Holy shit, a leaf that isn't a faggot? On my Yas Forums? I guess it IS more likely than I thought!

Imagine caring about retards on YouTube. Look at Jordan Peterson, everyone got obsessed, New York Times best seller, just another drug addict.
Go out and do something for yourselves.

Not an argument

Johnathan Chait, a man with the magical ability to make everyone on both sides of the aisle hate his awful opinions

Yeah, I've never been impressed by a single one of his debates. It's always the same thing. He pulls semantics on a single definition of a words, drives his opponent up a wall, and then claims victory.
He debated JonTron of all people about race. JonTron was able to put the fact out there that the wealthiest black community has more crime than the poorest white community. It destroyed Destiny's whole case, and it's clear he'd never even been exposed to that fact. But then the nigger just pulled semantics, dove JonTron up a wall, claimed victory.
After a while, I just stopped taking him seriously. As far as I can tell, he's never changed.

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He still loses against unprepared memelords.

Cody'sLab and NurdRage and others like that are all you need.
E;R is also great. Anyone that does debating/streams is a fucking faggot. Meotkur was FAR better as Internet Aristocrat when he did nothing but post commentary on batshit on the internet.

Attached: trolling into a volcano.webm (336x420, 1.93M)

>of a words

>I don't know what fallacy means
I'm shocked.

>Better something that happened than something I made up
really makes me think

>doesn’t even care about being a literal cuckhold.

How can anyone in the year 2020 deny the Jewish question? You can literally just Google the names of the corporate overlords the Bernie Bros hate so much and check their early life on Wikipedia.

They don't even hide it. Anyone here can take 2 seconds out of their day to check if the person they think is ruining the world is a Jew or has incredibly strong Jewish ties (so-called Zionist goyim).

Do you really hate Bernie Sanders?
>Bernard Sanders was born on September 8, 1941... to a Jewish family.

Do you really hate Biden?
>"I used to say when I was a young senator if I were a Jew, I'd be a Zionist. I am a Zionist, you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist."

Do you really hate Bloomberg?
>His family is Jewish, and he is a member of the Emanu-El Temple in Manhattan.

Do you really hate Trump?
>Raised in a Modern Orthodox Jewish family, Kushner (Trump's son in-law) graduated from the Frisch School, a Modern Orthodox yeshiva high school.

Isn't antisemitism a bad word for bad people that we shouldn't care about? Well, let's refer to the ADL/ definition:
>...especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.

This post showing that the 3 largest candidates for the Democratic nominee are self-admitted Jews or Zionists is both factual and antisemitic by their definition. If you tell someone that Disney controls an incredibly high market share of media and the owner Bob Iger was born to a Jewish family, that is also antisemitic.

Leftists who talk of inequality can research the ethnic background of the owner/CEO/board of such problematic companies. Conservatives who talk of cultural degeneracy can research who owns the pornographic industry and finances BLM? They don't even hide it, just use Google (which as it happens is owned by Alphabet Inc. -> Larry Page, who's mother is Jewish.)

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I used to respect destiny and back in the day when he streamed sc2 i used to follow him cause his cracker ass gave me hope that i could go pro
>have a photo with him at an mlg gaming event from like 2012
>rip ROOT

im not a fag, but that looks impossible good

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