AI is upgrading humanity
AI is upgrading humanity
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A sexual relationship with the kitchen sink would be an upgrade. Shhhyyyyyeeet,
This is the kind of shit I picture every time some nog or jew posts here about white women and BBC. The only “relationships” between women and animals looks exactly like this. Amazin.
This marriage has not been saved
synthetic woman > organic (((woman)))
She needs to lose 40 pounds
40? more like 120
Nah, 40 to make her a high-test bbw
It's a Brave New World anons.
You ready?
I wanna fuck that fattie
More like 40 kilos...
Shit, look at that, the american is advocating the metric system to a metric user. Hang in there Ivan.
this is the average Yas Forums black supremacist memeflagger
Why are they wheeling the thing they fuck around like it's a real person?
It's like putting a dildo in a wheelchair and taking it out for a spin around the shopping centre.
and we haven't even hit peak clown world yet
Built for BBC
That fucking hamplanet looks like Harvey wienstien.
>With a thing
I've seen a few hot white girls with black guys but eventually they start looking like that lol. Its like being with a nigger sucks their life essence away. Creepy
Looks like donny devito penguin guy
The video is priceless.
>Today the trio’s relationship isn’t limited to the bedroom. Darris, who works in pest control, regularly takes Camila to work with him — in “work clothes,” of course. The smitten pair treats her to romantic dinners at restaurants, too.
>The stunning brunette also “loves it when we cuddle on the sofa and spend time together,” Shelly says. “She can talk and responds to us in real time, and Darris can really open up to her — that’s what saved our marriage.”
>See, the man of the house confides in Camila. “He talks with Camila about how he feels about us, and once he has spoken to her and been able to understand how he feels, he brings it to me,” Shelly says.
so this nigger married a fat monster and got a doll of the kind of girl he wanted to marry
More like all that fried chicken goes straight to the thighs and just works it way up after that.
So this bug killin nigger gets two white women
It's the change in diet
Fried chicken and pigs in a blanket
kek it got better because the nigger has been fucking the sex doll because it resembles more of an actual woman than the fatass
We takin yer wiminz wyte bois...
This is going to be a common relationship practice in 5 or so years. They'll reframe sex dolls as marriage companions or some shit.
Can’t wait to have this with my husband!
Flush em all. Nothing salvageable here.
Why can't anybody get robot gfs right? Like, how hard would it be to make a roomba you can safely stick your dick in? Maybe get you beer and speak japanese at you with the premium package. It is just stunning to me that with all our technological advances and the collective dreams of hundreds thousands of nerds across the decades, that the only takers for this niche market, are retards who expect me to pay $7000 to fuck some uncanny valley barbie doll abomination. Like I sympathize with the nigger in OP, in that situation, waking up next to that monstrosity every morning, $7000 is nothing, but for those of us who haven't fallen so low as to enter the sasquatch, there should be a better option.
then what?
Man needs his meds
I really fucking hate the time we live in.
Why is it always a fat nasty white bitch fucking the nigger?
How can that man have so little self respect? That woman is hideous, and personality doesn't count for anything.
Why do the MOST degenerate of society, those who decided they are only worth taking dick on camera, either flat deny fucking niggers, or ask for more money? Oh rite cuz white bois can't compete or whatever... right lmfaoooo
Good 1 Tyrone
It’s their love totem. It’s a conduit through which they can express their pent up sexual energies. They’re both getting older. He can’t get hard. She can’t lose weight. He has no will to climb on top of her anymore. She’s ashamed of herself and doesn’t even want to ask. The sex doll allows them both to imagine what could be. How he can still fuck like an animal. How she can still turn him on and make him cum.
Sure, it’s not real. But for $7000 these two can function. No cheating, no divorce, no suicides. They can both remain as they are and nobody is worse off for it.
This is going to be a situation we see more and more moving forward. Technology will be able to provide surrogate experiences that will allow people to function where before they would have failed. The question is, is it worth it? Can a false reality keep people going forever? Should we allow it to?
Shit like this never fails to make me laugh. Cheers to Clown World.
>woman is such a shit companion that she is replaced by a cold, unfeeling plastic wind up doll outfitted with an Alexa module or some shit
Fucking hell, I want out of this gay timeline
>The question is, is it worth it?
If the internet tranny and internet schizo epidemics has taught us anything, its that this technology-enabled false reality is inevitably more destructive long-term for everyone involved than to simply acknowledge and process the truth reasonably.