How the hell does Yas Forums refute this? The IQ theory has been bunked!
Based Kraut and Tea
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I always thought this was strange: leftist always claim we are all equally intelligent but you look at nigger countries and they are shit holes, then you look at white countries and they are nearly perfect. Then leftist claim its because colonialism but asian and even south America countries are better than African countries and some of these asian/American countries had a longer colonialism period... it just doesn't make sense
>30 Million Nigerians have an IQ below 69
2.5 Million Germans have an IQ below 69
>100 Million Nigerians have an IQ below 84
15 Million Germans have an IQ below 84
Really makes you think.
>or not think
tl;dr with math
Nigeria pop is above 100 million so this is horrifying.
You don't need IQ tests or any other tests for that matter when you can just your eyes to see wherever blacks form the majority of the population it is chaos.
Adjusted for population? Just curious
Back to embarrass himself, again.
And about the same number of Nigerians are categorized as mentally retarded based on that IQ distribution. Imagine an already poor country forced to support a population of 30 million literal retards and you might understand why Africa is the way it is.
That's what makes OPs picture bullshit to begin with.
German population: 83 Million
Nigerian Population: 202 Million
This means
>41.5 Million Germans fall below 99
>101 Million Nigerians fall below 84
Comparing arbitrary numbers is what a Nigerian would do.
Putting it in different words:
Nigeria, a country with 2.5 times the population of Germany has 25% fewer people overall with an IQ 100 points or higher.
Go get raped in Nigeria, you Jewish nigger.
It’s a strong argument, but there is probably a flaw in there somewhere.
The flaw is that a smaller percentage of a larger number can be bigger than a large percentage of a smaller number.
what causes people to struggle with basic math so badly
this "I fucking love science" generation is the dumbest on record
they just parrot whatever they are told, they never have that natural curiosity to investigate and put and they're being told to test
Go back to your hole Kraut. Remember the ass kicking you got last time.
>recent Kraut videos get hundreds of thousands of views
>JF prefers to play Fortnite for 5k people
it's over
Then everyone clapped.
I actually think a society is far more effected by the lower end than the higher end of the bell curve.
Its not how many super intelligent you have that allows society to thrive, but a lesser amount of cretins fucking everything up.
The middle really doesnt do much. Its the talented 10th and their bottom corrolary that make society what it is.
(Obviously a drastic over simplification)
As a general observation.
Agree, there are a lot of super smart people who 'fail to launch'. But the dummies never fail to live up to their (negative net value) potential.
If the average German IQ is 100, then yes, of course, half the country would have roughly under that while the other half has roughly over that.
30 million Nigerians having a reported IQ of 99 puts them in the top 15% of Nigerians, as Nigeria has 195 million people.
The top 15% of Nigeria's IQ spread is equal to that of 50% of Germany's.
What's your point? What's been debunked here?
Is he seriously trying this again
Yeah leftists can't simply accept that niggers are on average retarded apes.
The left cant correctly math and statistics.
It's like that meme
>20% of blacks are smarter than 1/2 whites! (racists wont tell you this)
But Kraut takes it seriously.
America was a colony and became the richest place in the world. Colonial poorness theory instantly debunked.
They simply can't accept that niggers are retarded because they've been brainwashed since birth that we're all the same.
>durr there are more niggers than germans
we already know that, mutt
tfw 3 IQ to dumb for mensa
We did this 2 years ago.
Nigeria has 180M people.
Germany has 88M.
15% of Nigerians would be average or slightly above average in Germany.
85% of Nigerians are below average in Germany.
Nigerian pop = 195m
So 165m at or below 99iq
Having over double population of Germany they still have less people over 99iq
There are 200 million people in Nigeria.
There are 20 million immgrants in Germany.
But yes, Gaussian distributions are a thing. Why are you digging up 3 year old content OP?
Trying this hard
They sent all the dumb Nigerians to Germany ?
Wait it's 130 now??? Didn't it used to be 140?