What does Yas Forums think about qt Jewesses?
Would you allow them on the ethnostate?
What does Yas Forums think about qt Jewesses?
Don't be mean to Aggie.
she looks greasy
Only if they have big milkers
ok, serious question. what's up with the androgyny? Do jews not believe in gender?
"QT Jewess" is an oxymoron.
I believe that every white who has defendants of farmers should be marked with a star for retard, so only the burgher race can dominate culture.
agatha's kinda a babe tho
I want this Agatha back not
I'm not sure if this counts.
No those are small little bites.
I want big jew milkers faggot
They’re all gross naked and smell wretched
ugly miserable genius world. this explains the need for religion
How do you know?
I think that Aggie smells like strawberry.
No. All kikina's get gassed/tortured to death along with the rest of their species.
I would neuter them and sell them as exotic pets.
If I had to pick, I would choose the bird jews
100% agree or gardinias
Jewish women will try to hide their identity if they're really into you and they know your beliefs. It happened to me twice.
Who is this "Aggie" character?
Sterilization is a hell of a thing...
No. Rape and murder them.
I looked her up.
Kind of sad
All shitposting aside, they have garbage genetics & a fuckton of health issues due to inbreeding. 10/10 would not have children with these diseased rats
Jewish women are unironically the biggest turbo feminist, white male hating, baseless, degenerate, nigger loving whores on the planet. Their men have such a cuck complex because of what epic demanding whores their women are. It's no secret actually that jewish women have the balls, even though the men are the spineless villains of the world. If you mingle with a jewish whore, you are a going to end up a cuck because you cannot contain their permissiveness, jewish women really think they are the boss. Jews have genocided and defiled your people so much for so many years, what the fuck do you think you should do with their women? Stupid question, stupid thread.
Is this the one with hairy arms?
Its called private property.