anyone else feel like a deep chilling anxiety at all times? I feel restless and uneasy and unable to concentrate on anything all day. It feels like my bones want to jump out of my body. And my feet are super cold.
Anyone else feel like a deep chilling anxiety at all times...
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You may have super AIDS
Yes. It's too much stress. Doctors will provide tranquilizers (antipsychotics) but what you really need is a better environment,diet, and sleep schedule.
Whenever it gets really bad, turn on asmr and remember that you'll feel better tomorrow.
Yeah, I need laid, too
My feet and hands are always cold because I don’t put socks on them.
Can someone PLEASE explain what, exactly, are we waiting for while we stay inside?
If your answer is "a vaccine" then I posit to you this dilemma: It is entirely possible a vaccine will never come. And even if it does come, it will take 18+ months, and the world will be destroyed if we stay stagnant for that long. Not to mention, the time wasted keeping 7 billion people twiddling their thumbs for 18 months is greater than the time lost by a few million people dying a few years early.
If your answer is "waiting for the virus to die out", this virus is far too contagious; Again, we would have to starve it for years and years for it to go extinct.
So the question is, why the fuck are we quarantining? We are sitting here, gaining zero herd immunity, wasting time for no reason. Fuck the boomerinos, Fuck all the selfish, irrational faggots forcing everyone to waste the entirety of 2020 doing jack shit. Open everything back up. If you're scared of the virus, stay the fuck home.
Ya but that's because I'm a sex addict and every time I try and break it I just pace around and run everywhere. I focus on one thing for 5 minutes then switch to something else. This goes on all day.
also I forgot to mention this even though its kinda obvious but all of this is accompanied by a deep curtain of dread hanging over everything especially the future
Nope, drink some green tea and stop reading the news.
Waiting for the peak to pass I guess. Then we'll start coming out again, little by little, like when you fart a little bit at a time to avoid stinking up the place.
yes yes yes. happened to me day before yesterday, happened to my spouse yesterday.
might be the change of seasons but it felt extremely weird.
How EXACTLY is this lockdown preventing future exposures? Banking on a vaccine and/or the virus dying out is retarded. We are not gaining any herd immunity by sitting on our asses, so the instant we lift the lockdown, it is back to square one. So what was even the point? There is no harm in opening the floodgates, because there is no benefit to keeping them closed.
It's your ancestors way of telling you that the the natural order of the world is being disturbed by kikes and you need to handle it. Your Aryan sense is tingling. Simple as
Guys a deep feeling of dread just flew over my house
sounds like you have a thyroid condition
I think the idea is this: Everyone is going to get it. All they're doing is making sure it's a staggered release. So some people get it now, they get treated. Then they open it up more, more get it, and get treated. And so on, until everyone has gotten it and gotten treated. But not all at once, cause that would overwhelm the medical staff.
I'm surprised my fart analogy wasn't clear.
start mediating every day.
I feel the same way, it's your body preparing yourself to shed this life and get ready for the next.
three days of darkness. WE'REALLGONNADIE!!!!! Mossad is coming for us all. The pedo cults are preparing to slaughter all the shitposters in a great holocaust to the blood god.
yeah i do compulsive eating, frantic internet searches/board checking/website checking, switch between playing a match or two of a few different games, rarely I can watch a show or a movie (most everything is shit so it is rare) I dip (tobacco)
it's like a vortex is constantly spinning and if I dont distract myself it starts to make me dizzy
that's literally me.
listen to classical music, try to dance if you can, and attempt to connect to whatever your understanding of divinity is.
When the body rushes, use mind to make it slow down.
Are you withdrawing from substance abuse or Marijuana?
If not, you should probably go Go-Karting
The apocalypse was set to happen, but after some logistical errors they've had to cancel it. They're just not quite sure how. Everyone's wondering what the hold up on the mass graves is. They fudged the numbers and they'll have to try again later. Probably 2030 like that book says.
I'm not a health or medical professional, but I recommend drinking plenty of water to protect yourself against 5G.
Change your diet and do semen retention. Take the Aajonus Vonderplanitz-pill and WALK WITH GOD, nigger
you even dip, too?
My feet and hands have been cold as well, user. I was coofing a month ago. Can't seem to get enough energy to do anything.
Are you infected?
Because outside sucks bro. That's the only reason I'm inside. Got a good job and good wife, I'm loving this shit. Comfy af.
they're going to kill off certain populations in a controlled method via a vaccine. IF they can force everyone to get vaccinated then they can give different vaccines to different people/populations. Example: Once they've catologed all the Yas Forums shitposters, they can make sure they all get the special vaccine.
We're waiting so we all don't get sick at once and crash the medical system with no survivors. You will soon find out just how many people are dying in their homes.
im at the fucking brink too user
every good thing that happens ends up fucked. 2 steps forward 3 steps back. everyones at each others throat and i cant get through to them. ive been called crazy too many times to even bother trying to help people most of the time.
i dont know how much more i can take of this onslaught of shit
40min exercise, jack off to heterosexual porn, eat a sandwich and read a book your welcome I cured you.
OP, given all that's going on I feel the same and I worry that the worst is yet to come.