Niggers of Yas Forums, how does it feel to be a nigger?

Niggers of Yas Forums, how does it feel to be a nigger?

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Pretty good actually I don't really hate it nor do I like it but my dicks like 8 inches so that compensates for everything else

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can fuck any white girl I want, feels good niggeh

muh dick


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As a black man, Mup da doo didda po mu gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho mufugga

i should be drowning in pussy but I really want to have good kids but I do not want to have kids with a white woman or at least not with a pure white woman, I also don't want to have kids with a latina since there is a high chance indio genes will make them manlets and dicklets, i would settle down for a half black or an arab from north african or a very white person with mutt ancestry, I aam not black tho, but I have more genes inside me than flags on int and I just want to have a good family to rise my kids well, would never settle with a black woman no matter how good she is

As opposed to what? White? Asian? Fuck humans.

by latina I am talking about any sort of latina, white looking or black looking ones, indio genes are fucking strong and doom your kids to be manlets, tho one of my bros married a jewess from here and his son is very tall for a kid... but it is a roulette and I do not like gambling


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I’m black. I’m on Yas Forums because I’m mainly pissed that the Jews are genociding us by marketing abortion to black women. The #1 user of abortions are black women and it’s not even close

Also the Jews manufactured this street culture of killing each other and treating our women like dirt and doing a ton of drugs. The only heroes we’re allowed to have are dirtbag athletes and rappers who are mouth pieces for Jews.

>pic related
You guys. Probably small dicked Asian boys from r/aznidentity. No black person talks like this because it’s cringe. Speak softly and carry a big stick—no pun intended

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judging by your flag you are just coping

Like being irish

>are you civilized?
>have a moderate IQ level?
>have a sense of morality?
>have decent daily hygiene?

Then you my good sir, are black.

>do your habits resemble the animalistic workings of the wild primates of the congo?

Then you my fine friend, might be a nigger.

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hello there black woman, how is life as a black woman? most african females I have talked to prefer females rather than males

Maori here, I pity whites as you have no tribal alligeance. I hate niggers.

>Also the Jews manufactured this street culture of killing each other and treating our women like dirt and doing a ton of drugs.

Major cope

do maoris have big dicks? be honest please, I know a kiwi girl living here and she looks muttish, also how tall are you?

>every poster in this thread

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If ur really black, do actual nig nogs believe in Yakub or We Wuz Kangs shit? Also what do you think of the nigger word? Asking for my Zionist Overlord


If you say so my friend

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Shut up Beaner


I love eating beans

Black anons: do you hate niggerly behavior as much as the rest of Yas Forums? I’d imagine you hate niggers more than anyone else. I know I am more disgusted by, and have more hatred for, white cuck race traitors than I do for niggers. And that’s a lot

I wanna eat where the white folk eat
Because I'm white at the bottom of my feet

Mental health & neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster

Pepe Frog, MD,MPH, PhD, Wojack Feels Guy,MD,PhD

Every five or so threads created on the board witnesses one discussing Negroes, and even threads with nothing pertaining to them will usually have an user who feels it necessary to drag them into the discourse.Behind all the hate; the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone"sheeit" comics,gifs,demotivational pics,and webms -Yas Forumsusers secretly have a grudging respect,bordering on admiration,for the Negro.Although if one were to ask them directly,they would vehemently deny the claim with all the passion of a demure,besotted teenager.

The nature of their fixation?The raw brass confident masculinity they possess which is quickly compared to feral animals,and yet at the same time acknowledged is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.The intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical endeavor.The amazing sense of rhythm they naturally seem to possess,derisively likened to ape gesticulations,and yet is oh so majestic to witness and enthusiastically imitated.

Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a prodigious protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and BLACKED generates anger and solemn disdain.For,to the Yas Forumsyp,where the Asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness;for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that, of all the races of men,it is the Negro whose virile masculinity has become a meme that literally cannot be completed with?

Based on our assessment Dr. Wojack and I have concluded that Yas Forums is a board populated with manic depressive autistic schizoid individuals afflicted with a Jungian-Pavlovian psycho-pathological Negro-complex

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so it is human nature, you can't change it then fag

I'm not fully black, I'm mixed with white but I fucking hate how niggers behave in US and major cities like London. I feel sorry for them because they're nothing more than a product of the environment they've been put in and conditioned to their whole lives but at the same time, most of them don't give a shit enough to better themselves.
But that being said, I still think racists on this board are fucking retarded for falling for the classic divide and conquer techniques that have been enforced since, forever pretty much. And when I say racists I mean blacks who hate whites and whites who hate blacks, you have zero self awareness as a human being if all you do is focus on race.

Maori are asians. Don't need to say much else.

you sound like a female or a homosexual, I have noticed most of the black people in internet blogs are females

the kiwi girl I am talking about has very wavy hair and looks like a octoroon black female or something like that, does not have chinky eyes which is very common in here

Nah, I'm a straight male and I've fucked a lot of white girls so I'm good.

so a gay, understood

>If ur really black, do actual nig nogs believe in Yakub
>or We Wuz Kangs shit?
The poor and desperate do. It’s like white trailer dwelling people claiming they own the world
>nigger word
I’d prefer if you didn’t use it and it’s fighting words if you use it as an insult. Cutting up it’s alright but not if a white person takes any excuse to use it or if they tell other black people I gave them an n word pass or am cool with it or some shit

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White leftist spotted, no black man talks like this