Nigerians are burning down Chinese businesses in their cities to protest how China has been treating blacks. The political implication are HUGE if this trend of hostility keeps up.


Keep in mind this is very supported by the public there.
What are the political implications? China will be even tougher on the African governments and be more ruthless with their deals.

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Coons belong in zoos.

>niggers vs chinks
pick your team pol

and chinks belong in a shallow grave

dumb niggers, kill the chinks and they could at least have the buildings. they really can't keep any civilization around

how can you know if its a chineese business ?

who would've thought that race war would start with chinks


>based kangs
America should just do the same, theyll love Blackpanther

Chinks haven’t realized why every other group went and built infrastructure and showed them how to live in modernity... then realized it was just a waste of time and thenceforce sent food instead

>nigger detected

None of them.

Didn't think the race war was going to be between the chinks and niggers but here we are.

God I hope China sends in the stormtroopers


Someone post that video of the chink talking about how niggers destroyed what they were given, to a nig. It's been ages since I've seen that posted.

Good, fuck china

im okay with this

Population doesnt matter in africa, only war lords and china can buy them
A nothingburger

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This could get interesting. China can't intervene directly or they'll risk a continent wide chimpout as the gorillas look for something to get angry about. What will probably happen is the chinese put a lot of pressure on the government to crack down on their own citizens.

my ex's mom misses the British colonial era

you underestimate the slimy chinkoid

they are not really there to build for the good of the coons, they are there to build because they count it in their gdp and use it as bargaining chips in negotiations with the coon governments they are bribing in exchange for access to african resources.

Actual the Africans would have burned down businesses anyway, like always. Any excuse will do.

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im definitely team nigger myself, mostly because they are the underdog, coons might outbreed the chinks but the hive has a history of overpopulation and a ruthless work ethic among the drone class, niggers are just fucken lazy and probaby wont stand a chance

Finally the shitskins are killing each other, good. Of course it’s the niggers, the worst of the worst, starting the trouble.

Guinea has arrested all the Chinese

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Orks vs Tyranids

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Based Niggers.

Africa poses no geopolitical threat, but the chinks sure do. May these chinks fucking rot. And I say this as a descendent from Rhodesia, FUCK CHINA.

Sad to see racism against blacks even happens in Africa.

True... however the bug men will run from the mines when they start having Mogadishu style uprisings, this is why these governments entered into these loans they could never repay

It’s like repoing a car from the ghetto, technically you can do it but realistically how do you go about doing it?

They do the same shot in LA if the lakers win. And if the lakers lose

And whites belong to the history books

nobody likes niggers, not even niggers

Probably glow niggers inciting niggers.

Why do bugmen chinks always have this dumb oblivious expression on their faces like they have no idea where they are or whats going on?

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Ok Chang.

Get off are bored you fuckwit

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May the rivers run Yellow in Africa...

>20 Africans burn some stuff a week ago
>Yas Forums still talking about it to this day like there is some revolution going on

African government are in bed with China, the population can't do anything.

Based as fuck.

I think we found a new method of attack against chinks in Africa. If the less retarded members of Yas Forums can gather together a ton of videos/images showcasing chink's hatred of the groids and sharing it on the niggernet we might be bale to sway public opinion against the chinks in Africa.

perhaps, im not really sure though... dont get between a the worker caste and its slave job:


you are def right that the nigger has no intention to back what it owes though, they have no concept of tomorrow or debt

they don't have souls, bug people

Digitals and this massively escalates

Holy shit, the Uncut Gems beginning just came to my mind. Good movie.

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Who gives a fuck. Until they find oil or vibranium the continent doesn't matter.

hive culture encourages a total lack of empathy and emotion

thats like asking why calculators all look the same

>You will live to see the niggers kicking the chinks out like they did with the whites

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The chinks losing means everyone involved loses, so not them.
>see: Rhodesia

Collectivism works fine until niggers.

Everybody does.

And good OST too, dog bless Oneohtrix Point Never.

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The underdogs are always cooler from an objective point of view often. Especially when both are about equally vile.

People on twitter are so fucking stupid.

desu the best possible thing that could happen right now is if china got mired in africa. basically turn it into their middle east. create a situation they can't get away from. stick india there as an implicitly hostile force in the area.

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