Why don’t we eat organ meats anymore?

Why don’t we eat organ meats anymore?

Beef liver for example is literally the most nutritious food possible, same with blood sausage another personal favorite

Our grandparents used to eat offal every day but it seems the Jews have destroyed our diet. Take the organ meat redpill.

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you can get better cuts now, for quite cheap. cooking liver and onions is a lost art now

How about pickled tongue. Man could I ever go for a nice big slice of pickled tongue.

And windpipe. I just love me some windpipe.

I tried man I really did. Lightly seared it in bacon fat and ground beef drippings. It's just not good. I'm just not hungry enough to eat it.

Normies think its disgusting

Speak for yourself faggot.
I get all the giblets when I cook a bird and liver is like the cheapest protein in the store. Blood sausage isn't too common but I live close to a store I can get it.
Tripe soup is probably my favourite, head cheese is nice too.
Dude nigger lmao

I just bought beef liver and blood sausage when I went grocery shopping earlier tonight. I buy both fairly regularly.

I fucking can't stand the taste of liver. My dad used to tell me it was steak but it tasted like bitter hell.

Looks pretty good. I'd try it.

Because we’ve been brainwashed. The Jews have destroyed our diet to make us weak dumb and infertile

I want to kill my mom for feeding me white bread and jello as a kid, I was severely malnourished and never got to reach my growth potential.

Liver definitely takes a certain way of cooking for it to not taste overwhelmingly irony. That said, sausage is the best way to go for organ meats.

that stuff is for niggers

>It's just not good
My dad and his family grew up on it, when they were young and meat was scarce.
Ive asked him about it, and thats the correct answer. It isnt good. It tastes like shit, no matter how you prepare it.
Its just not enjoyable

i havent really tried any but i like braunschweiger liver sausage sandwiches

Jews eat a lot of entrails. So it depends on the culture.

This guy gets all the giblets

Red pill me on eating liver? Aren't you eating an animals filtration system and thus eating meat that is contaminated with toxins?

Got to get grass fed almost wild beef liver. The factory shit is fucking terrible. I tried both

I do. Why don't you? Dumb dick retard, stupid fucking idiot bitch.

It’s not good and it’s not because of the Jews. If you’re vitamin deficient, eat it. If not, it’s scraps for the dogs

I do. Its very healthy as you get lots of protein and iron many other benefits

i tried it. it's bad. not enough to make me gag, but it's not worth it.

My anemic wife eats liver and blood sausage but I just can't, no matter how well prepared it is.

I like livers and tripe. I won't touch kidney though...

Have you ever eaten liver? its fuckin gross

This. You can get sufficient iron from red meat.

Because pre-packaged supermarket offerings increasingly dictate diet and liver doesn't sell as well as processed "meat". Couple supermarket coomsumerism with women's liberation rendering the last couple of generation of women worthless as cooks and you get a vastly dumbed down sheeple diet.

Nice suggestion. Good reminder that the satanists are also trying to destroy our diet

liver was stale when i was a kid, but there is a proper way to prepare it and i find it really good. I just cant eat a liver by itself in its entirety. I need more vegetables that are crunchy and certain type of chiles.

actually i was thinking of kidney. tastes like bloody piss. liver's not that bad.

>Old Cook Books don't exist

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Grandfather used to say liver for you liver, heart for your heart, brain for your brain

I'm not a big meat eater to begin with though, so offal is a step too far for me, but it's still really common among my cousins and extended family.

Quite often actually, not being a tastelet and letting other people's impressions color your palate helps immensely.

Because we're no longer a bunch of medieval peasants eating week old stew. And it tastes like shit.

Liver is fucking awful for you, dumbass.
It gives you more than a daily recommend amount of a bunch of shit per SPOONFUL. If you eat a plate of it, it wrecks your kidneys and liver. Dont eat liver, dumbassses. It's like eating a bottle of vitamins in one sitting.

I don't count tongue and Heart as "innards", its just meat. Good lean meat if cooked properly. I also eat intestines pretty good if cleaned and prepped well.

It really is. I've only had it once in my life and it was actually pretty damn good.

>eat eagle eyes to gain better sight
>eat horse dick to grow big dick
>eat crow windpipes to sing like a fag

blood sausage is good, English know how to do it, there is also the Korean variety

it tastes like shit

Way too much iron and testosterone. Think of the lonely basedbeans!

And how many of those books are shoved in some dusty-ass corner not being read by dipshit zoomers? Its not that the information isn't available, its that kids these days are lazy and go for convenient garbage.

>"The boy ain't no ghoul"

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Chicken liver with onions, mushrooms and egg is a really nice dish combined with beer

My wife prepared liver for a culinary course she was taking... I reluctantly tried some and it was fucking amazing!

Because you can get gout and there's prime cuts easily available.
If you're living in poverty and truly need to eat whatever you can to survive, go for it. But if you're living in comfort and privilege it doesn't make sense.

>hurr durr eating liver will destroy your liver
Next you're gonna tell me that eating carrots will turn me into a rabbit. Fuck off

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I've been eating beef liver all my life.
For whatever reason, having it all the time as a kid never made me want to stop eating it as an adult.
I make enough money where I can literally eat whatever I want all the time and beef liver when prepared properly is one of my favorite foods.
It's unreal to me the most nutritious part is still so inexpensive. So many people hate it, including in this thread it seems like. More liver for me.

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Stop eating meat.

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I eat liver all the time, it's delicious and nutritious.

Mmmm, skunk tails & horse nipples

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Tongue is for tacos n sheeit you unskilled derelict