Is it a crime if my girlfriend hits me?

During quarantine, my girlfriend has been punching me very hard in the face and ribs at least once per day. I'm getting scared. is this a crime?

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Other urls found in this thread: DIMATTEO

is femdom good for you?

it is a crime. you have two options: call the cops and get arrested for domestic violence, or hit her and have her call the cops and get you arrested for domestic violence. no guns for you.

Dunno what the laws are in international waters

Shut the fuck up you fucking pussy. Jesus christ go back to plebbit with your relationship problems, noone gives a fuck faggot.


Throw hot coffee in her face

catch it on video if you want to be rid of her, if you are a male and call police for a domestic you will be the one going to jail
You need hard physical evidence of her abuse and you need to get it in a way that she doesn't know so she won't just whack her arm or head on something bruise herself and get you arrested. Best of luck and don't stay with someone who is physically abusive.

Chances are you're providing for that hoe. Kick her ASAP or record the incident then call the cops. Their entitlement is beyond imagineable.

>dont ask me how I know

If you’re going to call the cops make sure you set up a camera to catch it on video, MULTIPLE TIMES. This is so you can show the judge that it really is not you vs her but her vs you. Or you could stop being a beta bitch and smack the fuck out of her the next time she hits you and put her in her god damn place. Women are like fucking kids dude, you give them and inch and they’ll take a mile.

If you have a problem and call the cops then you just have 2 fucking problems

Quite the cutie... DIMATTEO

>Is domestic violence a crime?
>Will YOU be the one arrest if you call the police?
If you're in the US, yes

This is pretty much true although years ago when I was younger and much dumber I called the cops because my gf was being a dumb cunt and wouldn't let me leave the house and she was such a rude bitch who wouldn't cooperate with them or tell them anything in anyway they just told us if they had to come back someone's going to jail.

Dunno. Being a faggot is a crime in your country? Because it seems that you are committing it.

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Is she Native American, by chance?

3-S treatment

I'm enjoying it.

if she like to hit men and doesn't mind being nude while she does it I can make her a lot of money

If you can't beat a girl in a fight you deserve to be treated badly.

pretty much this

user do this - and hear me out:
This would really piss her off and it would inconvenience her a lot.

Pie her in the fucking face.

Buy some pie crusts, like the kind that comes in a tin pre-packed. Get like 5-6 of them and buy like 4-5 cans of shaving cream, not whip cream because it's runny and it's still edible. Shaving cream is not edible and it sticks when smushed into a surface. Get a pie crust and fill it to about 1 foot high, there needs to be plenty on there, it has to be messy. Make sure the edges of tin are folded out and under so the crust can come out of the tin. When you smash that pie in her face, the crust will make all of that shaving cream stick to her face causing a massive inconvenience to her (messy as fuck) and her femego will be damaged. Everytime she pisses you off, pie her in the fucking face. She will eventually stop.

Pic related - this is one (yes one) pie made to the aforementioned standards above in some bitches face (not my pic, found on google as example).

Most women will hate this and some enjoy hating it.

t. fetish film producer

Attached: 10 out of 10 would pie.png (733x416, 409.98K)

Punch her back you fucking retard
You wouldn't allow a man to hit you, why a woman?

>Throw a pie in her face

Use the safe-word.

You should beat the fuck out her lmao
That would be pretty funny

If you cry, it's over. Never let your spouse see you cry.

This isn't Brazil, huenigger. We have this thing called the Duluth Model that basically means if somebody calls the cops about domestic violence, the cops are taking the man to jail, regardless of who is responsible because, as the (((legal theorists))) would have us believe, women only act violently against men in self-defense.

Choke her out then dump her in an alley in the shittiest part of town. Let the nignogs finish her off.

If you’re in the west no, and you have to pay her back if she dumps your ass.

They say that to everyone, its bogus. They come back on a nothing call, they aint arresting anyone. Think about it? Arresting for what?

Man pushing woman. Then youre dead.

Her word against his. And you know who they ALWAYS believe...

God damn, how do you niggers end up with such shitty women. What's the point of dating someone who treats you like shit, just dump the bitch and move on, you aren't losing anything valuable.

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