This Holocaust Remembrance Day cartoon from Israel

I don't understand the concept, can someone assplain it to me?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Can someone make the girl asian?


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They're staying back because typhoid can lie dormant in your lymphnodes for decades, then reactivate and become contagious again.

They’ll still manage to trot out a 500 year old survivor any time enough people get tired or usury

>Hey, Grandma Kvetcherstein!
>Hello Billy, Samantha. Oy, those goy kids don't know how good they got it. When I was six years old, I hid in my house from the Nazis for twelve years before I was drug out tattooed. Then I spent another eight years in solitary confinement in the camps. Sure was a gas back in those days. These goy kids have the nerve to complain about a few months of hiding.

I hate jews


What the Fuh-wuk.

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Ben Garrison strikes again.

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Jews must fucking die is what I got out of it.

shit, posted the wrong one.

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>White supremacy's wet dream and Hitler's desire is happy peaceful white families allowed to exist
Based retards

hello jew

Nice m8

You're a fucking retard leaf.

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hi leaf

They're already way ahead of you.

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Hitler definitely didn't want a Mormon boy in tights.

How so?

how was your day? did you make any shekels?

Fuck off

man only has enough masks for himself, fuck that bitch
waiving goodbye to the all the boomers going to die for believing in the hallofcost


Can't sleep, and no, quarantine made me lose job lmao
Another One Bites the Dust

join the club, why do you keep coming back to this site?

Anyone else think there will still be holocaust survivors walking around in the year 2050

Because I am an ethno-nationalist of European blood who's opposed to Jewish influence and this is pretty much the only place where I can discuss politics openly. How about you?

of course, soon jews will all don the survivor moniker

>dressing your sweet baby daughters this thotty
>putting the boy in literally fruity leggings
At least it made some fags mad but I don't know if this is a clear win.

Also I'm a Yas Forums & Yas Forums fag since 2007.. Thought you meant this board

Oh hey, that's when Yas Forums died

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Nah that was chanology

but you identify more with your jewishness than your european blood? cant say im surprised since the one subverted the other... do you find your views are common in israel? all the jews i know want ethnonationalism for me but not for thee...

i keep coming back here usually when there are habbenings, first started with the boston bombing since this was the only place that had actual live updates. now i come back ever time shit hits the fan, right now the corona bioweapon and economic meltdown are breddy big happenings. im also extremely ethno nationalist. europe should be 100% white and every non white should be expelled or shot

When you went to a mass JEWISH genocide camp created by the Nazis you where given a brand on your arm kinda like a serial number for identification. She is a survivor of death by masterbation and bug spray.

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>but you identify more with your jewishness than your european blood?
No, never saw myself as a Jew and never called myself one in my entire life(literally). Not to mention the Jewish religion rejects the likes of me.
I have a European identity entierly, and this is ironically enough the only place where I'm considered to be a Jew.
>do you find your views are common in israel?
No, they pretty much hate gentiles. It is possible to make them understand that gentiles deserve their own nationalism though if they aren't totally brainwashed.
>actual live updates
Yeah Yas Forums is unironically a great news source and I'm a news junkie.
>europe should be 100% white and every non white should be expelled or shot

Every time.

Attached: nice try.jpg (300x293, 14.34K)

it appears as if this man has recently purchased this adolescent girl (otherwise, she would also be wearing a mask) and is showing her off to his grandmother for approval before he rapes her and sacrifices her to Moloch


do you have children? if not how do you think raising them in israel is going to pan out. id be terrified of how jewish my kids turned out to be.. not that im not terrified of my own leaf childrens potential disposition
