It’s not whites who are being bred out. It’s Jews

Jews are losing their culture and religion faster than any other demographic because of race mixing. They attempt to demoralize the Amalekite goyim with talk being out-bred but it’s Jewish people falling to the scourge of miscegenation.

Jewish women simply don’t want Jewish men any more.

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Other urls found in this thread:

But Jews are white

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KFC is literally built for this BBW.

Yep in a few gerenations they will all be gone. There will be less white people too, but there will still be millions of white people.

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Dam . That's a big bitch.

You going to post this every day now or what? Filtered.

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Built for bbc

You absolute fuckwit. Jews entire plan is to dilute into obscurity in every race as a diaspora v2. z

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>Israel is a White nationalist state

Uh oh

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Jews only have like 25% European ancestry, they're mostly Middle-eastern. What are you on about?

Conservative whites in the US have a sustainable fertility rate anyway.

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How do I get a bbw gf like this bros?
Bring her some jack in the box?

Make a tinder account and swipe right 10.000 times and you'll get a few

Why the hell did I click this shit? I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Fudruckers and offer her food as tribute to show that you come in peace.

This desu. Sauce?

She's cute

This woman was bred to consume BBQ. Literally built for BBQ.

Daily reminder: the Jews stole the true Israelite heritage. They've been blending into "enemy" cultures for millenia.

So the Amalekites are not goyim, they are the Jews. Or, rather, the same people that we call Jews today: descendants of those who brought the Mystery Religion from Babylon. They then told everyone that THEY are the real Israelites and everyone ELSE were Amalekites.

Thank you for listening to this daily reminder. We now return to your original topic of talking about thicc Jewesses.

Hold on a little longer bros, they're getting high on their own supply

She probably can't wipe properly given her gut flap and back fat hanging over everything.

She actually kind of reminds me of a thicc Jewess I was dating for a while (before I took the redpill).

She was a fuh-REAK in bed.

I kinda miss her, bois. Why do Jewesses have to be literal succubi? It's not fair, being this tempted by the children of Satan.



I demand my Jewish Princess

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Am I the only one who would do her? I dont give a fuck what anyone says. Half spic btw.

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Jewish men can't compete with BWC.

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Huge portions of their maternal DNA are from Europeans, at least among Ashkenazi.


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Hell yeah I would lick her asshole

Well that’s incorrect

I like it. Nice little white pill for the lads.

>Temptes by Satan

>Why is it hard?

That is very clearly the point sir.

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That's where the poop comes out though. Enjoy the parasites.

sauce on porno plz