The new era

I just spent 10 minutes typing this out before Yas Forums decided to refresh and delete everything, so here we go again.

This thread has been created 1000 times before, and it will be created 1000 times again. This is a thread to discuss having hope, and if we believe things will change. Do you think people are going to stand up some day? And how do you think this will happen? The Germans experienced the Weimar Republic, this essentially repulsed an entire nation to the point that they overthrew the entire government and kicked out the (((people))) who were in charge of such degeneracy. Today, what the Germans experienced looks like a fucking joke. The Weimar looks like every other fucking city, if not better. I think its simply impossible to push people so far down without someone snapping and standing up for what they believe in, causing a chain reaction. Sound familiar? The more extreme they get, the more people notice. The more people that notice, the closer we get to change. Men and women, do NOT forget that you are not alone in this. I understand how it can be hard in these times, and that it is incredibly easy to give in and forget who you are. Do not let them break you. One day you will be looked upon as a hero who kept strong during these dire times and refused to break, light in the darkness. People will look to you as one of the strongest most enduring souls to ever walk the Earth, to be able to experience what we have and still not lose faith, but rather persevere. You would be astounded to realise how many closet nationalists and good men are out there, but they are either too scared to speak out or feel as if they are alone, that it is in fact a lost cause and abandon hope. No longer. KNOW that there are thousands, MILLIONS of men out there who would be ready to die for such a movement if the day came, let this warm your heart.

Mods/feds- this is NOT a thread to advocate violence or attacks.

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The waves of a new Era are near, and they are gonna swept away all injustice done to our peoples. Stay strong comrades, for this is the beginning of our rise.

It's why kikes push multiculturalism so it is impossible for such a thing to occur today.

nigga i aint readin all that shit.

Correction, “I dont think its simply *possible* to push people down so far without someone snapping”

Post it a thousand times and create a million lurkers... god speed user

>The more extreme they get, the more people notice. The more people that notice, the closer we get to change. Men and women, do NOT forget that you are not alone in this.
>You would be astounded to realise how many closet nationalists and good men are out there
I keep saying this, but no one seems to want to listen. There is a breaking point. People are reaching it. Anyone who says otherwise isn't tuned in to the mood of the planet. We're right on the precipice.

Unfortunately, it can turn against them. I will stand every moment I can. Im tired and exhausted at looking for what I already know. Im missing one crucial peace. Who is to blame. Who are the people that need to be thrown out? Where can we move to begin change? If I could figure that part out, without completely black pilling the ones I care about, I would. I could care less if the fedboys are watching, we know they are. I frankly dont care, im a nobody, and if they came after me they would have to kill me.
>inb4 Floridaman turns extremist
Dont let the flame die, we all have it, we all share the same blood. It is the ones who think themselves better than us, and make a mockery of the human body, that are the enemy.

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Absolutely agree. Every once in a while I will find myself on a youtube video about something simple, like a song from the 30’s. The amount of comments with thousands of upvotes saying the wrong people won the war, dont lose hope etc is astonishing. Thousands upon thousands of people agreeing with each other about this, pleading one another to not lose hope. Its magical, click any hitler speech video and see for yourself.

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It is. But I see people here pushing demoralization propaganda constantly, and that's a shame. So, bump. In the hope that more people read your OP. Somehow on page 8 already.

You have to realize that a lot of these people are probably just shit posters. Aware to a degree but held back by societies rules. So they do what they know best. Ive seen it before, they talk about "how the internet radicalizes young men" we've seen it all before. Slowly these people come out their shell as they grow older and as time passes by. They cant control the narrative as much anymore. At the end of the day, they have to still sprinkle in some truth with their lies or it wont be convincing, and in time it works against them, and sometimes it just breaks people (fucking CIAniggers). I hope that one day soon, that god, whatever god is just and right, whatever god I am convinced is fair, can work through me, and all of us, to better this world, or help bring it to a crashing halt. A spectacular end in which no one wins, so long as it means evil doesnt win. Its mutually assured destruction, or freedom, and I hope its the latter.

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If I can give hope to even one other friend, I have accomplished something. The shilling and demoralising here is insane. I will from now on start to post threads like this, about hope. Be strong friend!

Agreed. It's definitely difficult, and it will likely get harder. But there is light out there.

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Demoralize and reset. Show these people the true evil that exists, and when they seem down and out you lend a hand and remind them they are never alone. They just need to think for themselves.

im looking for economics / ideology and view of laws in the nationalsocialist germany (literature / books) in spanish if possible pls


I wish people could think for themselves, a rare quality today

Great Shitain

It's not all their fault in this case. The world outside has gotten so bad, and the escapist solutions of videogames or TV have gotten so cheap and numerous, it's not really surprising that people have retreated inward. Just imagine how big the panic and freak out over being shut in the house like people are now just thirty or forty years ago.

The Cuckdom of Gayt Shitstain and Poorthern Gayreland

The Poonited Cuckdom of Gayt Shitstain and Poorthern Gayreland

she'll be right

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Thank you for the bumps friend


Bump. Nice thread op

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You’ve just hit the nail on the head. (((They))) give people so many other appealing options rather than speak out. For example- “We may have just caused this tragedy or were caught stealing from the government, but just double down on those brilliant movies and new phones!” Nothing better to take peoples attention away. Instead of people speaking out, they bury their heads in the sand and try to forget. I think we are all guilty of doing this.

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This is one of my favourites, thank you user. Haven’t seen it in ages.
