Why do people who claim to be metal/punk hate war/terrorism/trump if the most metal and punk thing is the result in more peoples deaths and total anarchy?
Why do people who claim to be metal/punk hate war/terrorism/trump if the most metal and punk thing is the result in...
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aggression and contrarianism among young people is largely posturing due to poor upbringing and/or lack of direction.
i can only imagie what it must of been like during the Rennaissance.
>Don't let me catch you playing with that Vivaldi boy again! His music is poison!
>It's just a phase, mom!
because most of those people are women, and women lie
Metal isn't about those things at all
Because people are stealing all the murder and shit with out sharing.
she's 16 user
Someone hasn't listened to Powerwolf.
Very few people die for real and the people who should really die profit massively from it instead.
>Why do people who claim to be metal/punk hate war/terrorism/trump if the most metal and punk thing is the result in more peoples deaths and total anarchy?
The second album of the first metal band opening up with the song War Pigs you retard.
It's fucking bullshit bro, I want March of the Republic played in the style of Oli Herbert and co
John lydon aka Johnny rotten loves Trump. The rest are all corporate whores who hate Trump. Punk is dead, all music is dead.
Because they’re gay.
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Not Whitenot right BROTHER
They don't. Metal fans love murder, rape, destruction and everything that goes with it. You must have met some confused zoomer faggots.
wheres her arm
Metal =/= lefties
Gay metal lile asking alexandria = lefties
a lot of metal bands are faggots. if you listen to the english lyrics for rammstein for example, they are retarded faggots who sing about sucking each other's dicks, sitting on dildos, and raping babies
metal is fucking retard tier music, even pseudo metal like heavy rock is cucked. even metallica has cucked songs.
Probably because he realizes that Trump actually isn't establishment. Punk/metal was usually about not conforming to society.
With all the multi-color hair fags floating around, being a nonconformist and punk would look like what used to be a normal person. Welcome to clownworld.
You must be living somewhere good
Sjw psyop to control subculture.
Punk music is just a bunch of drug addicts bitching about how the government is fucked up and racist yo. Modern metal is just a bunch of Bernie teir s*ylents screaming about emo shit.
Metallica is based
Because they always have? They rebelled against the overly conservative status quo at the time. Being an edgy anarchist with multi colored hair, clothes, tattoos was the complete opposite of all the koolaid drinking nuclear family larpers. Fuck your wars, fuck your rich fat elites, fuck your expectations, fuck the bootlickers, our lives are our own.
The goal is not for normal people to die under some anarchist revolution, it's for people to freely express themselves and free themselves of societal expectations. Also for uncle sam to eat shit. This is why when right wingers or some retards like Paul Jospeh Watson refer to themselves as punks and rebels of the modern age, is absolutely fucking cringe. They are literally the antithesis of the entire movement.
Everything is gay and it sucks :/
Faggot ass Metallica is not based. They protested the use of thier music being used by the U.S. military for torture purposes. Clearly, gay.
Now Pantera....
Pantera? No.....
>Drowning Pool
>The song was used by interrogators at the Guantanamo Bay detention camps in 2003. "Bodies" was repeatedly played over a 10-day period during the interrogation of Mohamedou Ould Slahi while he was "exposed to variable lighting patterns" at the same time.
>"Bodies" was repeatedly played over a 10-day period during the interrogation
I could handle that. Good song. He was probably singing it by the end even though he possibly doesn't know English at all.
>trump led to total anarchy
Same. I love that song.
However metal to middle easterners is literally the devil's music. They HATE it.
punk has been dead since '76
and the big bands are complete corporate whore neolib sell-outs. holy shit imagine taking advice from fucking boomer-age bands. imagine still CALLING yourself a punk when you're that old, ha ha holy shit.
Not even a Drowning Pool fan but that song has a nice build up. They hate metal, dogs, and bacon. Hmmm.... how to weaponize this.
Fiver finger death punch is based. Most bands are full of liberal faggots in most genres of music including metal. Rammstein is german so look who their core fans are, it explains a lot.
And indirectly Hell Yeah
I'd triple sow cow that puss
Idk man
I do know a lot of metal vocalists are cringe liberals like Tool's lead vocalist. You also have rage against the machine who undoubtedly created many antifa ancom types
>not taking the paganism pill
They're literally the only ones actually "trying to be edgy"
im finna nut
>punk has been dead since '76
stupid man
Wait your turn skeeter beater, she's mine
>those videos
Age is out the window
I encounter this type of person all the time:
>yeah, I'm a nihilist, can't you tell? I'm very edgy in hypothetical ethical situations, but I get super mad whenever someone violates neoliberal dogma by being racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic...
It's all posturing and playacting. They have no knowledge of themselves or the reality of natural order, so they choose a self-contradictory and hollow worldview just to be able to function and interface with society.
its all desensitization. They put all that shit into movies and music, so that when people hear about it happening, they react to it as if it was just a movie or music and don't believe it actually happened.
It's not all like this. A lot of the guys who I know in bands that fit metal/punk are secretly gun owning right wingers and hide it because it hurts your wallet.
I get together with my whole band and go to the range and my wife makes us lunch when we get back. A lot of other guys from bands do the same. It's a shame really, but Jews own all the record labels and I'd rather play music than work so...
t. vocalist of a moderately successful "emo" band, and obviously, I'm not telling you which one.
Don't advertise your shit garage bar band here faggot
Amazing how many videos this chick has of herself doing nothing useful.