/nbg/ Nothingburger General #3

>177K Dead in 5 months from Corona
>The world is ending!!!! Panic!!!1

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day

• 1,061,200 people die every week

• 4,244,800 people die every month

• 50,900,000 million people die every year

>inb4 muhh exponential
Been below the peak for what, 18 days? Hahahahahaha

The doomer retard cult /cvg/ got hyped up by the echochamber of schizos, blue check marks and sensationalist news, they're too bitter to admit it.
You'll find them seething in this thread, giving no arguments.


Corona BTFO by USC

Attached: nothingburger.png (329x292, 162.91K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't wait for shit to open back up, I've been fiending for an arcade visit

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*Heart disease kills 400k every year in the U.S.
*Preventable medical malpractice kills 200k every year in the U.S.
*Abortion kills 620k every year in the U.S. down from 1.5 million in 1990

Estimated deaths from Covid19 60k

Most the people pushing social distancing are lazy commies who don't want to go back to work because they think work is oppression and that the government is god and that sshit in life is free.


How's your quarantine?

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The gov is doing what they do with mass shootings. Using their controlled media to push a narrative that leads to them having more power over the people.


>2nd thread already died before bump limit

>3 month season in USA
>gets to 30,000,000+
>killed 40k last year

>First cases in USA were 5 months ago; Chinese New Year travelers
>Only 640k infected after 5 months
>27k dead (divide by 3 for realistic numbers), half of flu in almost double the time

PLEASE explain how this is worse than the flu.
>Protip: It's not

Now that the happening is officially over (summer is starting) what was the point of crashing the globe for 4 months?

The End is Nigh

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Being slid by copefags and /cvg/niggers

not being able to spend a few hours playing muh shmups is a giant fucking shit burger.
mame just doesnt cut it.

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Why are hapooners so fan of masks? What object does it resemble in their subconcious?

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Yeah a lot of people die every day, and that is certainly not a nothingburger.
Maybe instead of not caring about the virus, we should be caring about all of our brothers and sisters constant suffering.

I want gym back they said it will reopen next monday here

I just wanna play Wacca, other rhythm games aren't filling the void.

Isn't the way things our now quite oppressive by comparison to what is advertised?

It is called presentation syndrome. What you hate North Korea for all of these nations do.

wheres all the retarded cvg preppers so I can laugh at them?

Nothingburger fags were right from the start. This shit is wasn't worth destroying the economy for.

Even with exaggerated numbers this virus is flattening at 2.5 million cases and 150k deaths. Happeningfags BTFO.

Reminder that /cvg/ schizos moved their goalposts constantly

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Here's what the OP of /cvg/, not some random retard, predicted

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It stopped because of all the lockdowns, dummy

>tfw all my gyms will reopen “some time in the future”
>quarantine ended today

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It’s been amazing watching people jump out of my way when they have to keep six feet from me but I don’t try to keep any distance. It’s like I’m royalty.

I'm glad my job didn't shut down over this shit. Can't wait for things to reopen. Was gonna take my family out to dinner before the bullshit chinkflu propaganda started and I'm gonna make good on that promise when businesses open up

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lol same here
i use this as a test now
the people who don't give a fuck I wanna be friends with

The OP of /cvg/ is a bot

The lockdowns which happened after months of doing nothing?



This shall be the standard to who is scared and who isn’t.

>Abortion kills 620k every year in the U.S. down from 1.5 million in 1990
Lmao bruh how do you kill someone that hasn't even been born yet? Lmao.

Can't wait to get back in the gym

They're busy protesting

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Couldn't post in last thread. Maybe this one?

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