Remote Viewing

Operation Grillflame - funding began in 1981 for researching RV techniques/methods.

RV works best when you have an emotional connection and when there is no "owner" that wants you to not look.

Military Remote Viewing:
Many viewers are given numbers. They write down whatever comes to mind. When say 7 or 8 independently report similar results, it begins to take on credibility, and later can be verified.
Viking Psychic Self Defence:
People/places/things have owners. Some have psychic . It is rude to view things without good reason. Looking inwards, such as Buddhist meditation in many cases, is a better choice, that is, looking into ones own body, instead of out.
Remote viewing tends to decay into remote influencing due to emotions and agendas of the viewer. Remote influencing (aka black magic) is known to make the influencer go insane, to point where no drugs will help.

RV is absolutely real. That being said, schizophrenia is a blanket term. Brain damage is a real thing, however how much schizophrenia is unintentional remote viewing, or being attacked by a remote influencer (aka black magic)? This is also happening and it's completely ignored and covered up as schizophrenia. I am a schizo NEET and I'm constantly connecting with mental anons psychically, willynilly. It seems to correspond to whatever media I look at, or events/people from past. I have to be careful where I direct my attention. Buddhist meditation helps, to ground my attention on my body/breathing, as my home for my attention. Viking techniques can absolutely work if one handles ones own pain, one can command a lower responsibility being to also, which also may be a parasite type mind on another. How can we help schizos who actually have undeveloped raw talents, and are being told they are sick?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>schizo neet


And? What's your point?

Thanks for sharing this user. It's great to know someone in the world is being harrased and tortured by neighbors and government gang stalkers communities.

I have schrizophrenia. I currently got brain damage from smoking salvia divinorium and had a high tolerance from marijuana. I also had autism in high school ( the special ed kid ). Luckily I graduated.

>How can we help schizos who actually have undeveloped raw talents, and are being told they are sick?

So far my neighboors harras me all day. I know they have kids and they makes loud sounds and banging noises. They live upstairs. They continue to make noises to mess up my state of relaxation. (Heartbeat rythm)


So far I learned.
When the person who has deja vu by the owner it can get stronger by the owner. There are two deja vus. The first one: is when for example live in the woods you'll just remember you been in that place.
The second one: is you'll feel a very strong presence during deja by and they tell you things (hate,killing,demonic presenting,freemason telepathy)

To be honest. This sounds crazy but I think my family is drugging me. Because I don't have my free will. I can't get do thing I always liked doing (drawing,play certain rpg games,get a job) . It's like I get stuck were ever I go.

They also forcely tell me to worship Satan with remote viewing. Remote viewing is possible communication with any free mason. That's why you hear schizophrenics report the car beeping or synchronize lights. They also say bird people are real (birds chilling out of nowhere,harrasing)

They also tell me that Remote viewing is the new gangsta paradise. They say it's the truth.

So my neighboors make noises. They are from salvador. They must know allot of stuff.

Your best bet is to ask Dilbertman what he knows about RV.
Personally I think it's 100% BS

Voices are rife with potential ambiguity. Heidegger called ambiguity, an "everyday mode of being in the world." Thoughts are still a far cry from actual speech or action. Mind is its own sphere, and people think everything possible. Try to view it like insects in the woods. Most of it is rubbish and ambiguity and they wont stop, yet trust your intuition also.

>you think its 100% BS
You are a piece of shit, and you are seeing yourself.

It's real friend

Remember the D.U.M.B.S

Real magic Satanist hides there and remote views inside you Every time you have deja vu. They try to control your deja vu when you have it.

I saw a thread in Yas Forums about cia or fbi that claiming that phykik was real.

Couldn't tell it's real

I just can't friend. It bugs me.

I tried to tell them to help himself to stop the noises. But he refused

>drugging you
They might be, read about munchausen by proxy. No doctor will ever tell you to suspect your own family but often these things have alot to do with family. Make boundaries for yourself and enforce them. Eat only your own food. There is a point where one has to go no contact even with family.

If you read the link in my post, you cannot possibly say it is BS. It explains in detail how it is done by the military. Sounds like this high n mighty faggot has got some dirty secrets!

>not remote viewing your own future naturally since you were a child
ok man

I avoid divination, I prefer free will.

it's not voluntary, it happens in my dreams. and before you ask, yes they have a structure and uniqueness


It feels like.. When I want to go to the gym, my brain refuse my will to go to the gym.

The story is real. I can't show proof because. I just can't.

Oh yea. I forgot. To mention about the Chicas. Chicas are from salvador. Ive seen them talk about magic and stuff

Look it up. It's very cultureative. I think it has to do with remote viewing

>not knowing about ESP in 2020

I dont view either as "ill" per say. Everyone simply need to respect each others space and reality really. Often, everyone is right, from thier own POV. Non-psychics can really focus on jobs and physical world which is wonderful, while psychics can sometimes know things unavailable to a muggle. Always trust your own intuition.



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This person may have meant that, "not guilty mental illness" is how schizos are helped, legally... This topic raises further horrible and incorrect questions and i dont expect the thread to really take off because of it. There are too many past crimes that are unforgiven.

This topic is fascinating, pic/link related

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I was on the verge 8 years ago. The best possible advice is to stop masturbating, learn to transmute the sexual energy, and read the 4 gospels. The 4 gospels have a healing power over the mind because they are written with a perfect harmony in the cosmic mind.

Having inner synchronicities and intuiting that your mind is not simply within your skull means you have probably practiced meditation in a past life. Cultivate that discipline.

For a meditation system that works see knowledge of higher worlds by rudolf steiner

>the verge
What do you mean the verge?
In theory, with perfect psychic hygiene, one would be able to view anything, and be undetected.
But now I fear that (someone) are using some type of technology now to do total RV survailence. Since some of (them) do not have good psychic hygiene. As another user suggested, they probably also have hybrid humans underground that do this. ETs are typically telepathic that is why they avoid people, it overloads thier mind.

Yes there are many articles on RV in thier library. You should def see my links if you are interested.

I meant I felt like I was on the verge of schizophrenia but I came out with a healthier mind from meditation and chastity.

It’s hard to say how far intel agencies have perfected these things. I think it would be easier for them to use the physical technology they have at their disposal.

If you are worried about black magic look into catholic exorcisms or Buddhist sadhanas. Black magic only works on the subconscious, it cannot affect your real consciousness or will if you master those things. Black magic is the psychological realm of lust, anger, pride, so by freeing yourself from those things it loses power over you

Once I got my mind very quiet in meditation. It only happened once ever, but I was in a space where I knew I wouldn't think unless I wanted to think. It felt excellent. From here I could see many thoughts had been my own creations, however there were still thoughts, which I then KNEW were from outside entities. Typically, I am not in this state, in fact I only got there once but I would love to feel that way all the time.

It’s a skill or hobby like any other. Cultivate it every day, we become what we do every day. The practice of Being, meditation, encompasses all other activities, because there is no activity we practice without Being. To be adept in Being is to master your life

Hmm i remember reading that around year 1900 they taught kids that masturbation was the cause of schizophrenia! Fuck maybe all the women I've coomed too, are in my head now.

As schzio as you are, remote viewing is legit as fuck. Makes perfect sense physics wise and breaks statistical chance, human consciousnesses is not apart of space or time but interacts with it.

Take some remote viewing tests if you don’t think it’s real, see how many hits you get after some practice. Lets use it to capture some flags.

For a porn addict, a good meditation is to imagine the bones of every woman one has lusted over, in a huge pile around oneself.

I dont want to do viewing, I want to STOP doing it, and I want to protect myself and other schizos FROM it. Lol!

Not sure if I want to go down this rabbit hole

or if the glows are recruiting

I don't watch porn but I fantasize about raping anime women.

You have the gift of visions,if you think you cannot do it safely convert to mystical Orthodox or Mormonism-- they have an entire class of people that do it in the name of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Ghost.

The biggest secret in human history is that the winds of prophecy are obtainable by nearly anyone with enough discipline and confidence. Since ancient times priestcrafters have been trying monopolize this innate power of consciousness.

More than likely, it will be Mormons knocking on your door if you score too high on a test. Don't turn them down if they do.