Should obesity be treated as a mental illness? At least as much as anorexia is?

Should obesity be treated as a mental illness? At least as much as anorexia is?

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who are you asking? Shitters on Yas Forums?

No. Anorexia is a psychiatric eating disorder, a singular thing. While there are many, many causes of obesity.
Sitting in a car and in front of a desk is a mentall ilness?
Think, for Christ's sake.

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should be treated as a crime. there's no healthcare system that can survive those fuckers

That would mean all Americans are mentally ill

Only if they have hot dog eating then barfing contests...

>Should obesity be treated as a mental illness?


Yes because it's profitable and lowers population.

you'll be USA in 25 years.

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why are you laughing, canada?

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>becoming a morbidly obese fat-ass was our common destiny
lmfao the state of modern man

Yes, often they are diagnosed with binge eating. Getting to 600lbs is not normal

This, hate to be insensitive but fuck fatties

>getting to 600Ibs
bro even 300 pounds is too much unless you're some juiced-up roided lifter

That would mean only 1/4 of canadians are mentally ill.

what are you talking about?
Who are you quoting, because I didn't said that.
Some people are fat because of sedentary lifestyle, lack of proper knowledge about food.
Most obese fucks aren't morbidly obese, maybe in United Sharts of America. Being lazy and ignorant about nutrition is a mentall ilness?

Also how much strawmanning can you fit into single shitpost? All fat people work in office? All office workers are fat? All these overweight poeple are obese?

You dumb motherfucking nigger.

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That's so far off it's not funny. I make it more like 5 years. Since we're on Rona time out you can probably even reduce that estimate.

>Alistair Heap
more like heap of shit lmao

look at muh tutties

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t. fattie
lmao this guy, thinking it is perfectly normal for people to balloon into balls of fat because of modern education and work standards

I agree, op pic looks like 600 pounder

>lmao this guy, thinking it is perfectly normal for people to balloon into balls of fat because of modern education and work standards
who are you quoting you dumb, blind, motherfucking fat nigger?
Lrn2reading comprehension.

I'm BMI23.2, you fat fuck.

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I haven't seen a person with a healthy bodyfat here in a long time lol. Only pajeets, asians, and white people up north are slim. Everyone else is fat.

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stop importing processed food from United States.

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These people need to be executed.

Your dick can get that fat?
What the fuck?

How does this even happen?

I'm not sure you've noticed but besides big gut that guy has 80pound dick.

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I almost feel like these numbers are deflated. I literally just took this.

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If we had more bicycles and less cars, obesity would take a serious hit.

Makes sense though with how cold Canada is.
I went from 280 to 190 in '19 and the chill of a non-obese winter struck me as if feeling cold for the first time in my life.

........somebody needs to explain this

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that pic was from 2014, just pasted first result from Google about obesity in Canada.

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Yes I believe obesity is on the same level as anorexia. The only reason its not treated as such is because fat people are the majority.