*huff* *huff*

*huff* *huff*

Attached: 1587437408237.png (1280x844, 1.88M)

Running to her chad harem

Is this nu-kpop?

those baggy suits are aesthetic

>Off to execute some dissenters
Is this what Yas Forums meant by "gentle femdom"

a country full of short twinks has chads

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Just praised her, fuck might praise her again.

Attached: 46656656.jpg (603x512, 60.37K)

Having enough body fat to fill a suit is a status symbol and goal

Someone shoop a piece of toast in her mouth.

>Oh, shucks! I left the nuclear football behind.

checked and praised

Oh no my toast wouldn’t cook so I had to become a sailor scout

Attached: 2BA46FF2-5145-41A7-9CF4-B4AEBECDFE75.jpg (211x239, 11.06K)

UwU I'm late~
OwO I'm late~


>When you're late to the prisoner torture session

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Who do you ship with her? In theory, Kim Taehyung, but he's really too immature to pamper, spoil, and cherish her like she deserves.

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Looks like she is into BDSM

Attached: 20200421_203609.jpg (720x1036, 261.6K)

very, very based

Attached: 1587519266999m.jpg (1024x675, 96.95K)

Israel USA's master.

kek was going to suggest this

F*moid spotted, show your tits or GTFO roastie.

What's with the toast?

Where have you been the past 20 years?

Weeb meme, kawaii anime girls running late with their breakfast.

I want to protect that smile

contemplate the aroma

Attached: sniff.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

is she Yas Forums's new waifu?

Attached: imlate.png (500x281, 148.18K)

Attached: 1587518688792 (1).png (1280x844, 1.39M)

Based, thank you. Very kawaii.

In a Nork sex slave camp. She never ate toast when she abused me which is why I'm confused.

Ahh. Thank you user. Do they not realize she's Korean and not Japanese? Does NK even know what anime is?

Conceptualize the olfactory inputs

>Mfw thinking about how her feet smell after being in high heels all day
Move over Poklonskaya, daddy's got a brand new waifu.

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needs toast in mouth

Is this mutt's law at work?

>american humor