In response to an anti-white video, Stephanie Freeman and Jeffrey Hume make an anti-nigger video which goes viral...

In response to an anti-white video, Stephanie Freeman and Jeffrey Hume make an anti-nigger video which goes viral. Chimps then dox them, they receive death threats and fear for their own safety, they get expelled from High School, they no longer get enrolled at University, they revenge porn the girl, and will never get a career all because of cancel culture. We live in a time there is no more free speech and white hate is main stream, but don't you dare say anything about the niggers. They dindu nuffin'!


The original anti-white video they responded to (The left never talks about this video):

Tl;dr Nigger makes anti-white tik tok video and a white couple responds to it with an anti-nigger tik tok video, and Cancel Culture ruins their lives.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I knew this would hap5as soon as I saw the vid
It was actually very funny. it was clever. as opposed to niggerish hate towards whites.
I said it before: where is the go find me for them?
whites have lost bc we don't support our own.

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If anything this should be a clear sign to anyone with even half a brain that social media is cancer.

If you're whit and still use it then you're part of the problem and deserve it for attention whoring.

Once all the whites stop using this shit it will evaporate.
Change my mind.

what is Yas Forums going to do about this? you faggots got trump elected and now twitter negroids are walking all over you

Did the anti white video really come first? I thought the anti black one was just dumb but if they were just copying that woman jeez

Same, I thought that one was in response.

Damn they fucking roasted niggers. Lol wow I can see why they so butthurt.
Destroying this mans career is only turnabout because niggers are unemployed.
Can niggers ever recover?

this is why good opsec is important lads

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Showcasing black fragility and making pariahs out of white zoomers is a good thing, all of the zoomers I know are racist as fuck and nigs on twitter are the direct cause.

>revenge porn the girl

I was having a discussion with my sister about this. I think not getting into the school she wanted and expelled from school was a bit harsh. She didn't even say nigger. But my sister says that it's to show that your actions have consequences in this type of situation. While she's right about that, I still think it's harsh. if anything it showed that she's racist ok big whoop, how i see it if she was making these remarks to people at her school or at the college that she was at then i can see her getting some kind of punishment, but people really want to ruin her life and that dudes life, it's too much.

I feel terrible for them, but there's a lesson to be learned here. You can never stoop the level of niggers. Ever. It's a "dog bites man/man bites dog" scenario.

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they're still gonna keep ruining peoples

I'm thinking more white zoomers need to make these videos en masse and utterly btfo niggers once and for all, the negro ego is already on life support after wilders loss and COVID 19 killing them at the highest rates.

Kek start a movement.

You made this anglo. Fuck you.

Heil Hitler \o

trailer chad and stacy btfo

>never stoop the level of niggers
fucking this, why is it so hard to understand for some people?

Link to revenge porn?

I like how Anglo culture cares more about one group above all else. Why is it Anglo Boomers care about niggers and as do Jews.

Yeah can OP explain that


Boo hoo :'(

where is the revenge porn?

Isnt Freeman a jewish name

She's fighting back on her insta accounts

if Yas Forums directed at least 1% of their energy to doxxing the people who doxxed freeman and hume, maybe people would think twice before doxxing but instead Yas Forums were too busy jacking off to asian or cartoon porn.

i don't have any social media so there's nothing i can do
i suggest you amerimutts keep making these racist videos, don't revela your face, just talk shit about niggers and post it to twitter

Yeah Anglos need to start a go fund me for that couple, their lives are ruined because they have no community to support them. Shame on Trumpers for not defending their own. Shame on them.

a nigger kid bragged on twitter about making one of these onlyfans shit named after her, then made a twitter handle w her name that was untaken.
That account only has internet ass pics and shit, but it spread all the way through Yas Forums and twitter my bro.

>if Yas Forums did thing
You fucking do it you absolute waste of space. Oh that's right, you have no functional skills in the world. Also obligatory
>not your fucking army

This is why you just do something instead you two. Listen to me.
Fuck niggers.

im not going to. i have a life

Spread this video to every single person you heard talking about the tiktok kids. People need to know how much white people are hated and how protected black people are.

you can say this about any activity. just because kikes and niggers dominate censorship on the internet, doesn't mean it's cancer.

you're using the same argument leftist use towards guns. guns don't kill people. people kill people

social media is not cancer. niggers, leftists and kikes are cancer.

it's clear what should be done. remove kikes, niggers and leftists.
that would completely fix the problem.

but can we do it? i don't think we can. at least not without an order from the government. lol

>inb4 hurr u scared

Honestly nothing pisses of SJW's more than not being able to dox someone. Of course they'll call you a "cOwArD" or some shit to try and get you to flinch but as long as you don't give yourself up, they will just reeeeee and give up.

Trolling 101

Yas Forums is a fucking joke. It's 90% Jews/Asian boiz/Redditors.

Thats what those degenerate ass white fags get

You didn't want into that (((college))) believe me the academia of your high school is HIV pozzed enough. Now attend internet with actual education, and defend it from the leftist cult.

Imagine how low your iq must be to shit post under your realname let alone make videos like that hehe what the fuck. believe me she would burn the coal at one point anyways what difference does it make? All mutts burn coal its been like this for hundreds of years


>social media is not cancer.

cancell culture bad

>they revenge porn the girl
wait wut

>what is Yas Forums going to do about this?

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she should have doubled down on the niggers, fuck it

The last thread on this got shut down because of doxxing, fucking Yas Forums has a more stringent doxxing policy than twitter does towards its negro pets.

>she's racist ok big whoop,
Yeah I don’t get why it’s considered so bad to be racist. We act like it’s as bad as being a baby rapist. It just means you don’t like a certain race. Who the fuck cares. I can like and dislike what I want, it’s my personal business.

NYPA faggot

How's your first amendment now bitches?

>i don't have any social media so there's nothing i can do
You mean beside creating fake social media accounts, you dumb fucking retard?

doxing won't hurt them and is a waste of time. Only women's minds are changed by doxing. If someone doxed me I'd probably still hate the people I hate but I'd just lie and be less vocal about it.

Play stupid games, win stupid games, good riddance.

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Lmao I've seen threads bitching about this for days but I don't use social media or care about people that I do so I never watched it until now. I can't believe niggers are so upset over that stupid video?

Based. Fuck niggers and their enablers.

How will whites deal with the nigger problem? Is there any solution? It all feels too late and impossible. I guess we can "thank" the Jewish rats for this shit. Maybe God allowed the holocaust to happen so jews would burn, like they would in hell.

niggers are the most fragile race

wypipo can't co-
>OVER 50% of the deaths for children aged 5 and under are in Africa and from starvation
>1 death per second from adult africans due to starvation
>stereotypical staples of nigger diet all invented by whites, fried chicken, jerk recipes, etc

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there will probably be some sort of race war when whites fall below 50% of the american population, and yes you can thank the jews who owned the slave ships for bringing niggers to your country

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Twitter needs your phone number, fuck that.

Well that's because Yas Forums has some faggot ass jannies that are probably redditors.


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> it's okay when niggers do it

White people are some bitch asses this is what they get thats why you weird degenerate fags stay hidden on your anonymous boards saying nigger this and nigger that here but say that in public and know none of us are taking your shit
>inb4 racist replies because shit is based

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Bump. Just remember niggers dont travel in groups they travel in bunches. Fuck a bunch of niggers.

Why they say whites don't have a culture, can't Cook and stuff like that? They don't know about european culture and wéstern civilización?

I'm trying to help this girl because I'll always support white people and she's having a tough time.

If you know her actual social media, talk to her and tell her you're sick of anti-white hate, things will blow over, and you support her.

Repost all accounts on instagram pretending to be her. it's impersonation and harassment and it's against instagram's policy.

Share this story as much as possibe. Share the video that they were responding to. make a point about anti-white hatred. That your life will be ruined for a response to someone hating you.

It's only bad because of the violence behind it. Funny enough i remember finding out some kids i went to highschool with are racist, but when they talked to me they didn't act differently. Tho in 9th grade this one girl kept on hitting me with a string and kept calling me her slave, I told my mom about it and she said that i should talk to the principal about it, but i just kept on dismissing it since i didn't want to make it a bigger issue.

I stomped a geriatric shitskin in his sleeping bag last week nigger. Cops didnt give a fuck. Get lynched tyrell.

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talk as much shit as you want, when your country balkanises among racial lines whites will prosper while the useless races starve

and i'll be watching the brown horde kill each other and writhe in their own filth from my safe anglo island

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you seriously believe this doxing was done without FBI involvement? this was a clear political hit. just like many. there is an order directing the FBI to search for this type of incidents, doxx the author, give ID info to a nigger\kike agitator, after this nigger\kike agent posts the doxxed info.

this is political head hunting to remove any competition on the battlefield.

FBI CIA is behind all this shit.
they want kikes\niggers attacking whites. they are allowing this.

you think FBI doesn't see how many laws these online sjw niggers break?? these niggers are allowed to chimp out at whites.

i'm telling you, it's all connected to the top agencies and highest levels of government.

i actually think, that the government is trying to cultivate insane amounts of hatred IN WHITE people, but contained hatred, the most powerful hatred, the hidden, the forbidden, the one you can't express or get punished.

this will create a really really angry white man, who when allowed to chimp out himself, will attack a subject of his hatred with complete ruthlessness

these is no fucking point to allow all this sjw shit. simply NO POINT. i don't think that the world is run by people who see no point in shit that is happening

they all planned it.
everyone understands that there are billions of worthless chinks and niggers.

who's gonna remove all of them without a substantial levels of hatred among white people towards all none-whites?

the old cucked generation that really is tired is going to pass on, but the new generation of white people are going to grow up hating niggers, kikes, chinks on a completely new level

a future normie.. will make an SS officer look like an amateur cosplayer. that's how the world will change.

there are simply no place in the future for all these niggers and chinks. they don't make sense. dumb, impulsive, soulless, primal. they are not human. no matter what sentimental idiots say.. there is only one type of human on earth - the white man