Uh oh, someone got caught selling senate seat to CCP

Uh oh, someone got caught selling senate seat to CCP.



(Pic related ;))

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Other urls found in this thread:


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That is not a link I would willingly click of my own accord.

Fucking coward faggots. Please leave. NOW.

I've been on the internet since /r/spacedicks and /r/greatapes and /r/coontown were around

Try being here before gui interfaces.

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>No one represents the marriage of American policy toward China and doing business with the PRC better than Feinstein. Her promotion of trade with China to advance the interests of her constituents turned into apologetics on behalf of the Communist Party, as it aided her political ascent and augmented her husband’s portfolio. In October, USA Today listed Feinstein as the sixth-richest member of Congress, with a net worth of $58.5 million—a sum that vastly understates her actual wealth. Richard Blum, her husband, is himself worth at least another $1 billion.

Exactly. Dont think this is going un-noticed in Administration.

What does this have to do with Q exactly?

Get out of here, faggot.


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Q has been talking on relevant subjects like this.

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>typing command strings

Attached: witch doctor.jpg (640x480, 49.35K)

Way too long. Please give a tldr or get out

>I'm getting sleepy, user
>have sex
>take your meds schizo
>I ain't clicking that link nigga
Shill tactics are plentiful, but predictable. Do you glowniggers really think you're dissuading anyone with this shit? If they've come to Yas Forums then it is because they know something is wrong. More of the same-old shit pushes them into our arms.


I am my own intelligence, while happy that you think I could be a glownigger...sadly Im just a family man.

Fuck off retard

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>shill! shill! you're a deep state shill!
Yep. That BlackPilled animation on bitchute was spot on. You faggots are insufferable. bitchute.com/video/YP1oKWaqMExl/

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Did you know Sessions started investigation into JE? Wouldnt that be a legal conflict of interest in HRC? Yeah it would. Sessions will be remembered as a hero after all is said and done.

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Nigger, I was born on the internet. Molded by it. Muh spacedicks? Nigger, try Ogrish, Rotten, TOTSE and NG as little brothers. SA was the new baby of the family. Try using the internet with protocols other than HTTP (WWW) on a daily basis because the WWW was the new weird kid on the block. Flamewars on USENet, flooding IRC channels, getting the hottest warez out of some college student's gopherhole... nigger please. Spacedicks was 5 minutes ago.

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>when the cringe is too strong
when your shit is packed too tight. Thought you were getting sleepy, nigger.

You keep posting that, but you don't even know the meanings of the posts.

It means you’re being played like a fiddle while thinking you’re gaining special knowledge that everyone else it too dumb to understand. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so damaging to actual truth movements. Poisoning the well

Please tell me the secret meaning behind

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Do you deny the 10s of millions of people reached by the "Q" information operation that anons have spread?


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Hiiiii and welcome
>think about it for a second
>think about what he has done
>absolutely brilliant
>very interestingly
>the deep state
>the central bank
>the patriots in full control
>the peoples economy
>Q has told us
>end of FED?
>sound money
>interest free
>optics are very important
>timing is everything
>main stream media
>pushing recession
>Andrew Jackson on the wall
>enjoy the show

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