Atheist fags

Genuine question.

What will you do/say if at some point in your lifetime u hear the sound of trumpets and god himself descends on to earth? Will you apologise, beg for mercy, feel humbled or something else?

Obviously this hasn't happened so i'd like you to imagine it and explain to me what would change for you or your perspectives if it did happen.

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I'll fucking kill him for leaving me on this Earth with a bunch of niggers spics gooks and retards

Attached: pepepunch.gif (359x371, 404.52K)

Atheism is the way of the future, it doesn't matter if you can't accept you stupid fascist. You are on the wrong side of history. Oh and if your "God" comes down to me I would gladly let him fuck my boy pussy.

Im confidant enough that it wont happen that i haven't seriously considered it. Id probably try to talk to it and ask questions about purposes and afterlife and shit. If he gave me the christcuck answer that you probably imagine of read the kjv bible and worship me id probably be disappointed that the all mighty is such an egomaniac that he feels the need to be worshipped and created everything in the universe for that reason alone

Happy Hanukkah

Here's a great, free, pdf book that btfos most atheist arguments:

>if I suddenly provide irrefutable physical evidence for my farcical jewish fairytales will you apologize?

It will never happen. Abrahamic fairy tales are the biggest meme.

Imagine that, a faggot anti-fascist militant atheist fascist. You are steeped in delicious irony,

What if it turned out that atheists were really God all along? How would you feel? What would you do?

Once Jesus returns it's game over.
The age of grace is over at that point and if you hadn't accepted his free gift of eternal life it's literally too late at that point.

>ead the kjv bible and worship me id probably be disappointed
But would you study it?

Also consider your fellow human beings, select a random one on earth and make him a god for a day, i would expect a much more egotistical and maniacal reign than the punishment of needing to seek answers in the bible. It stimulates you to learn i guess which is rather a perk imo.

I see but how will you feel inside. Project some of the thoughts you might have.

To the other anons, dont bother replying to this thread if you dont want to take the hypothetical

I also wonder how I would react if Emily Blunt suddenly broke into my home and forced me to have sex with her.

So when faced with evidence I should change my mind?b

Imagine thinking that all that's in the bible isn't simply metaphor for how to live a just life, with sin being the way to ruin your life.

Eternal Salvation is the memory you leave behind fool.

>Will you apologise, beg for mercy, feel humbled or something else?

No, the creator of the universe, and prime mover of objective morality would be a lot more magnanimous, don't you think?

I would feel no regret in being a christian. I usually thought of the value of religion that it stimulates you to being a good human being, to be less degenerate and it makes sense in the context of history. We were much more savant like then and we needed order to keep chaos at bay. All i can say is that you were right regarding the creation of humanity and all other life but i will know that i am not and never will be degenerate or a contributor to chaos or other harm doings to other human beings. And no if you call yourself christian and commit crimes you are not a christian, you merely identify as one. That is how you could say religion does work for morals.

i wouldnt say holly shit and wait to be judged or killed or whatever god was here to do
i dont think i have nothing to apologize for and begging wouldnt do much good
humbled i guess would be inevitable but im not too prideful

If an almighty being appeared before me, refused to answer any of my questions and told me that i should read it then yeah id probably flick through it.
>we can expect the almighty god to be less egotistical than a randomly selected human
Wow truly the perfect being
>seeking answers in the bible
So whats the issue with learning through discussion? I dont think an omnipresent can waste time or get bored

Yes however i have always felt that if an overwhelming or greater force is going to overpower me i will feel helpless, humbled and sad. I talk about forces as large as an imminent asteroid impact or a black hole, ones where total helplessness are present.

> if given 100% fool-proof evidence that this specific god was real, would you believe
Yes, i would.

I see, how would you feel though?

I dont know if you could or would get the chance to discuss anything. As the story goes you as child of god would return to him. Perhaps when you are selected to return, all answers will be in your head? I cant tell you the answer to this.

>Obviously this hasn't happened

Right user, it hasn’t and it never will. If it does happen I would suspect it was an advanced alien ET wanting to use the God angle to facilitate whatever purpose they came for.

The idea it might be God would never enter my atheistic mind.

So why make the hypothetical if you arent gonna go along with it?

Interesting answer, i like it.

I am proposing the hypothetical as the bible proposes it would happen when jesus returns. Beyond what is written is not something i could tell you because i dont know how would it would work. To me discussion is fine and you may ask him what you want but whether it would play out that way is doubtful, its not something to quote from the bible. The general idea is that the time of discussion and explanation has already happened in the early days when the first followers were tasked with writing down the words of christ and asking him questions. Many questions are asked by the several followers with answers so perhaps you may get the chance too? I couldnt tell ya.

>What will you do/say if at some point in your lifetime u hear the sound of trumpets and god himself descends on to earth
Project bleu beans! That NASA guy tried to warn us

>I see, how would you feel though?
It would completely depend on he how he presents himself and his actions. If he acts like a total egotist and go all "worship me or suffer" then i would feel disappointed.
If he is understanding and starts fixing shit then i would feel grateful.
aka he will reaps what he sows with me.

Fair answer.

The sound of trumpets will be nuclear sirens

praise it
ultimate good erodes ego

I would ask him to prove that he's God.
What's truly fascinating is that the first possibilities that came to your christcuck mind were:
>Will you apologise, beg for mercy,
Why would I do any of those things? Why are you so delirious that you think you can know what a god is up to and his intentions? Why would a god care if you believe in him or not, let alone get very angry and upset? In a way, humans have created a relationship with their pets where they are seen as gods by their pets, that's why the word dog is the inverse of god. Imagine punishing your dog like burning him alive or something for some goofy ass reason like he didn't believe that you can howl or something. You are silly.

Yeah, I'd do all of that. I don't think it's very likely though. I don't begrudge or look down on you for believing it will because I'm not an obnoxious faggot. I'm a dumb human like anybody else perhaps even dumber.

thats because you're dumb

what if peepee poopoo

>Why would I do any of those things?
When i am informed i could be obliterated soon i would apologise and show love to the ones i hurt, if something like a meteor would be the cause of my demise i would not beg to it for mercy because it would not understand me. However both of the aforementioned actions i could do to and for god, he could communicate back to me but he is also everything that could end me for the better or worse. As a hyptohetical non believer that is what i would do and thats why i wrote those examples down.