I am half black and half Jewish

yes you heard it right Mazal tov my nigga, my mother is Ashkenazi Jewish, my father is Ethiopian but obviously jewish aswel.

I am proud to both Israeli and African and honestly looking over this website i see a lot of jealousy, you hate us because we are God's chosen people. God rewards us and loves us more than you.

We make more money than you, we own the house you live in, we marry your woman, we have better education and university acceptance.

I thank god I never had to work hard in my life because my father is a great business man and my mother a phd in chemical engineering.

I have a great life and hopefully my enemy you do too

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Just imagine your town’s drinking water supply being bathed in by a 1000 members of this community after a hot summer’s day before the liquid is sent unprocessed into every tap and bottle in the area. Just magnifico.

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See you tomorrow, poorfag

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So you inherited the low IQ of your father and the genetic diseases of your mother?

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says the one from Brazil, my friend we all know you are black also

Well I am Half Jewish and half black. I also think you are a faget that should drink Bleach.

You are very jealous maybe learn from other cultures

I think this is great. I hope you impregnate a nice Jewess from Jdate.

Jews could use the diversity and new perspective.

Most of our Jewish complaints aren't about you. We're fighting Ashkenazi privilege here too.

I bet your pp is smol.

Get off ma board you fucking kigger

You do realize that with the ability to tell both Black and Jew jokes you could be the ULTIMATE stand up comic.

show flag kushi

yes israel is has a lot of inequality and preference towards ashkenazi, because i am half ethiopian i look like sephardic jew, unfortunatly people there assume i am either sephardic, arab or south european and i faced discrimination when i was growing up in israel.

But these are small errors within the country, america has these issues also, what is your first impression when seeing a young black girl holding a young baby? you will assume she is teenage and pregnant but it could be her little sister.

Obligatory KIKE NIGGER
Jews are the synagogue of satan, and niggers are animals. Gues what that makes you.
The reward you get from god is constant suffering, paranoia, hatred, unbelievable jealousy, and death on earth, and then an eternity in hell.
You try to control everything around you with usury and corruption and to some degree you succeed, but it's not going to last. You try to get revenge on gentiles and destroy them from within like cowards, obsess about your past of shame and humiliation, trying to enact multigenerational revenge against Europe, but instead, you will get retribution for the crimes of your people in your lifetime.
You will soon be found out and everyone will know that you are the enemy of all gentiles.

Why do you hide behind a meme flag if you proudly proclaim to be israeli?
We know you are really a disgusting pajeet.

Because i believe we should all be one country.

1 country
1 language
1 culture

1 race also, America keep up the great work

>black Jew
Like pic related?

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Not errors, stereotypes are based on reality and are often justified. You deserved the discrimination you experienced here, nobody wants you here, nobody wants Ethiopians here, and nobody wants the Arabs with kippas that call themselves Mizrahi here. You are here because pedophile cock sucking rabbis took over positions of political power as per Jewish tradition. Secular European stock envisioned and built this nation. Get out.
>My inferiority is so great I need to mix all nations into a mulatto underclass

As if any israeli would say that

> arabs with kippas
educate yourself and know how to distinguish north africans (moroccans and those who call themselves "french") and near east (iraqi, persians)

it doesnt matter

the only thing that matters is if you are on the side of

are you for or against him because he is the leader king call it what you like of the TRUE TIMELINE

What Language is that?

Also, doesn't that run counter to the moral of the Tower of Babel?

bro, he's literally inside Israel, and he's Blacking the Jews.

That's pretty based.

>I am a matzo nigger


Go back to Israel

>I thank god I never had to work hard in my life

Why? You are all the same brown savages. I don't give a fuck about that. I already know that just like I know that Turks and Iranians don't like to be called Arabs. Shitskin goatfuckers is a more inclusive definition, do you prefer it?

lol pajeet is jewing the jews
and they are as butthurt as everyone else about the BBC

>nobody wants you here
Didn't you government literally fly them in?

I'm a hapa-mulatto. I'm Black, White and Asian. You deserve to die, you fucking kike. And fuck you halbenegerjuden freaks. No such thing as half-Semite. You're a fucking jew and Novuterans will smoke your ass if you even try larping as a mulatto or a quadroon or anything else. You're not one of us and neither is Drake and Lenny Kravitz you niggerjews never will be Novuteran.

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Read the post dumbass.
>You are here because pedophile cock sucking rabbis took over positions of political power as per Jewish tradition.
And didn't all western govt fly in niggers and arabs? Didn't your let chinks take over? I guess all strayas want that LOL
Traitor governments taken over by a zealot minority are the global standard, and we are no exception.

Fucking lol. A reminder that nobody can by definition be an American citizen except for free white persons of good character, period.

I am a bit concerned for your mental health, if you need anybody to talk to, i am here for you.

Is that like top level Wakandian shit?

You should know it would be classic, kike. Your kike buddy, Coudenhove-Kalergi is destroying Europe and the West in general for this. My people will not slave for your people. We would murder your kind before you fucking things ever feel like it would happen. When the civil war pops off here, we will enslave your kind. Any jew slut we find will get it. Hooknosed faggots.

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Non whites don't belong in America, faggot. We have your subhuman kind to thank for that.

Oh wow Kalergi? What a redpill! It's not like the Kalergi plan is literally specifically what I was referencing you ducking idiot

if you were from israel you wouldnt use a memeflag.

Literally google it.

I want to hear more of what you would do against me people, what will you do against the jewish community?


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