
Female humor is something peculiar, do you have any more examples?

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Women are fucking retarded.
I swear to God.
The Industrial revolution was a mistake.

>Inb4 it all devolves towards "muh vagina" jokes


I don't get it.

> (OP)
>Women are fucking retarded.

Fran Drescher looking primo

I have never seen a funny tiktok video. When it first came out I watched video compilations on youtube because I wanted to know ehat tiktok was all about and there wasn't one funny moment. Are zoomers really devoid of humour or am I too old for this shit?

If you starve this behaviour of attention it goes away. As simple as that.

TikTok is a cesspool of idiotic people.

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It's literally just skimpy dressed teenage thots trying to be funny.

It's the internet, they have unlimited attention due to fragile masculinity sadly.

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When the fuck will TikTok die, did we really suffer Vine for this long too?

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How can't they feel shame/cringe from these retarded videos they make? What the fuck


Nice one lad.

I know. This is why I try to tell people on here that change starts with ourselves. We literally just have to be the best men we can be.

It's a situation where we have all the power and have nothing to lose and everything to gain. But I think because it takes some form of effort it isnt enticing enough for people.


Post pussy pics you dumb thot

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tic tac needs to die.

every. fucking. time.
women are simply not funny. its biology

>Women are fucking retarded

You know what. I’m gonna have to agree with you there

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There is literally no exception to this for any gathering of people.
Everything is just stupid people.
Look at how idiotic I am.

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the tits on that. fuck.

It's not a humor. She just want attention. It's not only girls there are a lot of attention white guys on tiktok.

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And how do we do that? What power do we have?

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lol she short lmao

Robin yo feet post em

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wait they are trying to be funny? but its mostly 9 second ling lip-sync to some song while vogue dancing badly

wheres the joke?

She’s photoshopped that so badly it’s embarrassing

looks like a mutt, deport it

Shouldn't she be looking down at the camera to show non-short people how it feels to be short? Isn't showing the normal view redundant? What's the point?

I don't see what the problem is, it was cute.

nice bobs

why not just save time and money and put it against a wall?


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she's trying to shoehorn in an unfunny joke in order to show off her dance and body on TikTok... Because you want to watch her dance and body and fuck her you will not give her honest feedback.

>where's the joke?


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Humor is establishing an amusing distance between x and y. The problem lies in the way women pick the "x" and "y": unlike men, they virtually always go with the most mundane and predictable.

Tiktok is 85% teenage thots being thots for attention, 5% zoomer guys being legitimately funny, 5% thots copying the funny guys to try and get more attention, and 5% pedos trying to get in with young girls

>Isn't showing the normal view redundant? What's the point?
It's a female, so the only intention is to bring attention to an attractive feature
>Do you guys get that I'm short? Tehe
>Tehe look, guys, I'm short
>Isn't my shortness cute? Tehe

humans are fucking pathetic, most will pursue validation and praise like a dying man in a desert pursues a mirage

do with this hidden knowledge what you wish

>5% pedos
oh is tiktok where we're supposed to go now?