Attached: RIP.jpg (318x159, 7.75K)

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is he fucking dead or what? what "intelligence" are you monitoring?


Is best korea kill?


it's nothing, glowniggers are playing their games

>Brutal dictator that did nothing to improve the life of his people
I'm glad he is in pain and suffering, he deserves it all

>believing the (((news)))


god bless our new to be leader of the world

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Then explain why North Korea has been a shithole while South Korea is a great country. Hint: North Korea has a history of facist dictators

>South Korea is a great country
It's a feminist hellhole

l know, these faggots on this image board claim that he is dead and his sister is taking over, I still don't believe it until further investigation..

MSNBC anchor claimed he was brain dead then deleted the tweet

He hasn’t been seen publicly since his surgery and his condition is unknown

Just glowies.

I would rather live in a properous feminist country than a shithole facist state

no one knows anything besides the norks. we'll just have to wait a day or two to find out if the glowniggers were just shitposting

Also Juche isn't fascism, it's more akin to NazBol.

fascist has lost its meaning. it just means dictatorship or lots of people with guns now


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He is now paraplegic. Picture from earlier today..

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Does he have a son Trump moved on Venezuela is he also going to move on good Korea what is going to happen to best korea if this is real

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Can’t take the heat, then fuck off lol

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Sadly you got neither. Canada is more or less a feminist shithole at this point, what’s left of our prosperity will dry up over the next few years.

Endless third-world invaders will continue to vote more and more liberal bullshit so they can squeeze the last few drops of gibs out of whitey.


RIP in peace sweet prince

Isn't N.Korea and like 1 other small shithole country in Africa the only countries without a "centralized" bank?

Imagine being a fucking leaf.

>getting your news from Yas Forums

not taking 400ug of LSD & reading the bible to predict what is going to happen tomorrow

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So what are the odds some glowniggers learned he'd be incapacitated because of surgery for like a week, and decided to spread the rumor globally that the surgery killed him to see what would happen?

>The goys in North Korea won’t allow me to plant a centralized banks so hate them goy

Should we invade while he is down? Think of the happening.

The only source is CNN lmao

NO! Say it 'aint so!

LOL, Pot accuses Kettle.

Even if he dies for real a double will take it's place and then they will make up some shit later


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