Being a Zoomer isn't a valid identity. It's a social construct

Prove me wrong
Pro Tip: You can't

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I mean Zoomer just means that you are born after 1997 no one talked about any kind of identity except retards on CNN. However there are groups of Zoomers that have a somewhat defined identity, for example the Zyklon Generation.
Btw I'm a zoomer myself

lmao at those Timberland high heels

What is a zoomers common identity defined by?

What are some of the ontological beliefs of zoomers?

All identities are social constructs
You don't have a point

So what? Sure it’s a social construct, why the fuck does that matter? It carries meaning because this generation has all experienced similar events at the same life stage.

>What are some of the ontological beliefs of zoomers?
"I'm outraged at _______, the government needs to do something about it."

Also using social media to whore themselves out in as many places as they can. Snap, Insta, TikTok, it never stops with these little faggots.

dial-up, pay phones, vhs, usenet don't exist

>drinking out of a jar

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>>drinking out of a jar
Its a southern thing, but it is shit if you're doing it because you are a hipster.
Its probably a BBQ place, but his delicate stomach can't eat BBQ

It is a social construct, its called a age group. Its is not an identity but it never changes, which makes it consistent which is the entire purpose of SOCIAL CONSTRUCTS... consistency... like NIGGERS ARE DUMB, sure there are smart ones, but this social construct is Consistent.

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Its not an identity, its an age group. Its also called gen z, people who say "zoomers" irl look like retarded memers.

Any identity based on what year you were born is bullshit

>drinking from a jar

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he's from illinois apparently

This may be true but living for instant gratification does not an identity make. It is the substitute commodification for long term gratification. Being a zoomer isn't a real identity. It's a label that's meant to divert you from having a greater identity that cannot be commodified.

Why/how/what are/is/did/do(es) 'X' blah blah blah Go back/away, 'X' 'X' detected/spotted/etc For me, it's 'X' How will/can 'X' ever recover? Day of the 'X' when? What did 'X' mean by this? When I say 'X' you say 'X' The eternal 'X' 'X' hate thread Wtf, I'm 'X' now What to do about 'X'? Ok, 'X' Based and 'X'pilled people lied, people died Me on the left/right/back/front God I wish that was/were me This, but Ironically/unironically What went wrong? Why is this? Who is to blame? What is their problem? What are your thoughts/opinions? How do you go from this to this? Name/find a flaw How compete? What do? He (Literally) did nothing wrong I don't get it Daily reminder Despite being Dishonest Woke Slampig Redpill me on Sweaty Manlet Tranny Janny Simp Poo in loo Smell *breathes in* I'm gonna say it Say it with me It's over Le Ypipo Can't meme Oh nonono hahaha REEEEEEEE NOOOOOOO Yas queen We wuz kangz Yeah, I'm thinking Umad Chad Stacy Have sex For free In minecraft And that's a good thing Why, yes Brap(hog) Master race Rent free Ethnostate How could you tell? Imagine 6,000,000 Incel Species Built for Pozzed Soi Boi Butthurt And it's beautiful DUDE WEED LMAO Cringe Department Normies Meds Ethnicity Phenotype Race Mixing POC Hot take Eat bugs IQ No u *tips* fedora _oof(s) Wew Timelines Clownworld Happening NothingLeafBurger Sneed Gibs tbQhwy BBC BWC SJW Protip /ourguy/ Drumpf Consent Gaslighting (((you))) __oomer(s) Flags 1 post by this id BTFO IDs Seethe Cope Dilate Show flag McDonald's arthouse 109 Wh*te genocide JUST Stunning, brave, powerful fpbp ftfy Being this Athiests Pagans t. Chang NPC Schizo Jew Kike JIDF Chink Hanz Moshe Shitskin Coalburner Mudblood Autist Sperg Rabbi Roach Smoothbrain Ivan Glow Memeflag Libtard Negro N-word Mutt Reddit Karen Brainlet Goyim Gentiles Spic Schlomo Shill Tourist Wagie Neet Thot 'X'Cuck Chimp """""racialoids""""" Bot Now that the dust has settled kys

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You guys clearly have no idea the normal type of person who drinks from mason jars

This guy gets it. Rise up.

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>Any identity based on what year you were born is bullshit
when has this ever been a thing you fucking retard?

>liek OMG i'm such a 90s kid!!!!

Where do I buy the clothes to look like them

maybe we should stop using generations as a way to easily judge people at a glance

All identities are lies, they're all frameworks formed of social constructs.

Same goes for sexuality, loser

Being a Zoomer cannot give you purpose. It is nothing. If you are a zoomer, then you are nothing. An empty vessel in a false collective. If you allow yourself to be defined by these terms then you are putting a leash around your own neck to be pulled around.

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true. so is the "teenager" which was invented by marketing kikes

>What is a zoomers common identity defined by?
I guess the internet is what defines the identity of a zoomer the most. In my case if it wouldn't have been for the internet I would have just been another brainwashed sjw because that's what the schools want us to be
I think the most shared belief of zoomers is that freedom is sacred that is why many zoomers are right wing since it is a political view that is not accepted and they adopt it as a form of protest against censorship

No. Some identities are quite valid.
A number of different places. The belt might be a problem, though

I don't want to preach about how special my generation is like millenials do but I have never ever met a zoomer that said that. Most of the time they don't trust the government to change anything and instead want to completely replace it if they have a problem with it

Yes, it is literally what you described. No one denies this. Its the same with "that 29 year old boomer"

This. Kys OP

zoomers are per capita more affected my mental health issues

This is completely true

Why doesn't little nicky have a gf?

This is without a doubt a core element in every Male zoomers childhood

he's faithful to his catboy bf

Kill yourself faggot

>>What is a zoomers common identity defined by?
Without the use of the internet how would you be able to define yourself. Where would you derive your metaphysical sense of purpose and greater belonging from? Whatever it is, I bet it goes far beyond a generational classification used for marketing purposes and the use of a man made device.

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