In the future most of brazilians will be white and by have sex with monkeys we will have bigger cocks too...

in the future most of brazilians will be white and by have sex with monkeys we will have bigger cocks too. the best from both sides

Attached: xfnr4kx2yn741.jpg (640x704, 102.26K)

i want a big brazilian to suffocate me with her round ass

Jokes's on you. We're becoming a theocracy.

IURD, Assembleia de Deus and other shit denominations are getting bigger and bigger. Pope influence is all time low.

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Are those catholic or protestants?
The current pope is satanic pedo.
Protestants aren't much better with all their love for israhell.

So the junglefags gave up their women and did not put up a fight. Sounds like cucks. You have cuck blood in you.
The northern injuns are called noble for a reason. They lived in this frozen hell hole and split each other's sculls with axes, just like Northern Europeans. We share a similar spirit. Ruthless people from a ruthless land.
The meds are all chill and fiesta just like the jungle cucks.
That is why Northern America is so much more successful. We are a nation of sick psychos and capitalism is ideal for us: survival of the fittest. They scalped us so we began scalping them. They tortured us we tortured them. I respect the fight and brutality on both sides. The veneer of civilization exists only to prevent us from eating each other. Even the Mexicans are better than you since they have the blood of vicious Aztecs.
Northern mutts>s*uthern mutts

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I want a cute native gf


i've seen that ass with the mole before

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malding by a Yas Forums post

>random neo evangelical cults
>forming any form of theocracy
What will happen is the same that has happened in most protestant countries, the different denominations shatter and splinter endlessly because they have no unity or substance and in the end the end faith as a whole grows weaker and atheism and agnosticism take place.

>Are those catholic or protestants?

>Protestants aren't much better with all their love for israhell.
That's why our president is in love with Bibi. Protestants are about 40% of the population now.

Not so fast

Mayor of Rio de Janeiro is cousin of IURD "owner", self-proclaimed Bishop
IURD has a party in our congress (PRB) with 30 deputies. Other denominations have their own parties like PR and PSC


I learned some portuguese through brazilian porn, like gostosa, morena, bunda.

>What will happen is the same that has happened in most protestant countries,
Most of those countries were populated by people with an above 95 iq. Half of Brazil is of indio origin and of the other half many are also retarded. These Evangelical cults are building their own version of the Catholic church down here. Not only Brazil, but Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina. Indios are immediately drawn to them.

i also learned Portuguese through porn! not sure if u'm writing these right but

shiera = smell
beizo = kiss

are PTbros doing anything to stop the christcucks (i.e. american assets/operatives) from threatening my waifus' culture and lifestyle?

Attached: bunda.jpg (225x225, 6.14K)


Cheira e beijo

I always have fantasies of Spanish conquistadors (yeah sorry not Portugese) violently fucking cute Aztec natives. I think of an Aztec or a southwestern native of the U.S. being taken as the faithful wife of a conquistador, and then climax as I visualize the wife's tight uncivilized godless pussy filled with the seed of a big Spanish cock.

Anyways, Brazilians should reestablish the monarchy.

Attached: Pedro II.png (740x903, 1.02M)

also, our independence was declared by the king of portugal himself, who abondoned europe to live here. Not only our colonization was better, but we also cucked the portuguese.

that's right. I think I can make a sentence too.
"Beijo me bunda"

PT influence isn't like what it was 10 years ago.

The royal family isn't like Pedro II, they are a bunch of nobody cucks. But I would agree to be emperor and impose Yas Forums guidelines.

Our prince got infected with the yellow fever, its over already.

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You mean Indian Indians or the non-Indian indans who aren't form India?

"Beija minha bunda"
Almost got it

Note: almost every verb conjugated in 6 "persons", of the each one of the 7 "times", and 3 "modes".
Meaning that almost every verb has 126 conjugations, most (if not all) written slightly different. I have no idea why.

>below freezing temperatures
You say that like it's a bad thing

Attached: the cold.jpg (1253x845, 253.66K)

That's because of Roman retardation. Germans got it even worse than us.

Cope. You’ll never be white

>tropical weather
Fuck that, shit aesthetic as well.
>brown pussy
>breeding with subhumans
Big no no. There's a reason South American is a shit hole

How amazing would it be to live during those times? To fight the natives. Just the wild undeveloped land, the frontier...

i am the black man who fucks your girlfriend when she's with her ''friends''

friends= my others jamal friends