

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-21 17-11-32.png (1920x1080, 1.54M)

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Here's why this is significant.

fuck the shills, Trump is getting ready to kick out the shitskins, guarantee the moment he wins 202 he will

>Trump is getting ready to kick out the shitskins, guarantee the moment he wins 202 he will
Can't just kick out shitskins without massive collateral damage user. The art of politics requires one to only set up laws that forces people to leave on their own choice. So he won't be KICKING them out as much as he'll be making it very very difficult for them to stay.

yeah I understand he has to swing the Overton window right enough someone else can do it, but he is paving the way for it

This is good. Anyone who says otherwise is either stupid of a shill. Temp workers only come in because they want green cards. Employers won't have any incentive to support them over high schoolers or someone who lost their job to Corona

>Temp workers only come in because they want green cards. Employers won't have any incentive to support them over high schoolers or someone who lost their job to Corona

It just delays getting their green cards. It's useless.

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If its good, why did he wait until election year to do it? Lets be real, this is gonna be just until the election is done. Once he's won and its his last term he'll have nothing to lose and go full Kushner.

Notice this ban didn’t include migrant farm workers. Why? Because 75% of the food you eat is gathered by those workers. If we didn’t have them you would starve. Why don’t YOU start picking crops. Idiot

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And you’re an uninformed moron


Anglo American and A filthy spic

they would have to pay more than $1 an hour to get a non illegal to do it.

>If its good, why did he wait until election year to do it?
This is his trump card. If had played this last year, he wouldn't get elected this year. Now, Republicans will come out in mass.

He can extend it

Bingo! So how much more are you willing to pay for your produce?


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> extending uselessness
great. thanks.

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I buy it at my local farmers market and they don't hire illegal beaners so probably the same amount.

>very very difficult to stay
this is the point i always try to make to normie senpai and friends. the idea isn't to muh genocide them. it's to just stop the gimmedats and make them leave or let them die of their own inability to survive without handouts

Milk? Eggs? Beef? Pork? Packaged or processed foods? restaurants? Animals are feed with grains. All those prices go up. So I’ll ask again, how much more are you willing to pay?

Fuck you nigger. I'll pay as much as it takes to get them all out of my country.

Sure you will, neck beard! I bet you shop at Walmart. Lol

Gladly most people would pay more. Also would mean more jobs.

Wonderful response retard. Go fuck yourself. I'm not a fucking jew and I am happy to have higher prices if it means that money is going to Americans that hire actual Americans and not slave labor.

Triggered much, asshole? like shooting fish in a barrel. Lol


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So you agree that hes just pandering to his base pre election?

One last question for you, what do you think of unions? Union works picking those crops. Lol

>So you agree that hes just pandering to his base pre election?
Nah. He's playing it by the book. If he had passed this last year, then he'd have to pass something far riskier this year. U.S. presidents usually do a lot of shit in the second term. The goal of the first term is to get a second term. The second term is where you do stuff.

Puppets playing the goyim like a fiddle

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So ignoring his voter base and reneging is election promises was how he planned to get reelected?

Okay, so Trump is only stopping legal immigration, he still permits illegal immigrants to walk across an open border.

In reality it is political bullshit he is feeding his base and they are eating it up say, thank you sir may I have more.

what subhuman OS is that? ubuntu?

that is patently false. While I wish we had gone further with the visa thing, illegals are self deporting through infection or shutdown economy.

I can understand the farmers's position, but those farms are multinational farms. Local, small farms hire their family. Farmers refusing to pick cotton brought us the nigger problem. What sort of world will we have when we discover the folly of hiring Mexicans to pick our veggies?