I voted for this fuckhead thinking he was based, now he is reopening everything, tattoo parlors, massage parlors all of it, with half the state being nigger and having the busiest airport in the the country. I live on the coast and there are a shitload of New York and Jersey plates. These arrogant fucks are going to spread this shit all over. Thanks dude. If you play this wrong, that gap tooth ape will be my next gov because you are a slave to the (((Chamber of Commerce))) in Apelanta.

Well on the upside, it will take out alot of nigger voters, but they vote more consistent after they are dead.

Attached: index.jpg (270x186, 8.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Georgia doesn't have people living on top of each other, and doesn't have communal public transport.

abloo hoo hoo
guess what? you were promised only one thing the day you were born, that someday YOU WILL FUCKING DIE

is it considered irony if you get covid19 while getting a coronavirus tattoo on your chest?

Babby learns elections have consequences.

“White Boi, betta not open anything! And forget me being Governor of your lousy state. I’m going to be VP.”

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user what is the death rate again?

Have you ever been to Atlanta?

Wear a mask.
Wash your hands.
Keep your distance.
Outlive the stupid people.

>(((Chamber of Commerce)))
Name some of the members you feel are the worst offenders.
>1 post by this ID
Never mind.

He’s trying to kill the niggers. He’s based stfu


Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta

White people don't ride that shit nigga.

How in the fuck did this guy win???

What good will waiting do? Lol

The virus isn't just going to leave

>chink virus gives a fuck
>not coming into contact with niggers in GA

Attached: 1584306318110.jpg (685x920, 751.68K)

Nobody rides that shit anyways.

Shits a nothing burger you massive faggot. I'm a perimeter fag and I don't know any sick or anyone who knows a sick person. Show proof you're in GA. You can't you demokike shill, glowing piece of shit, go get vacc by daddy gates you queermosexual, degenerate, aids having, fecal matter ingesting mongoloid.

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Shareblue faggot working hard for that shill check. Fuck off Chang.

Fuck this kike-nose having, gapped tooth dike, ape, shit was rigged to make it look like she had a chance. One of the demokikes shills, supposedly she went to the bilderberg meeting. No way, she could win without the institutions help.

I have lived here since 1980. I had family in the klan in the 50's. I was alive when Carter was president and am in the Sons of the Confederacy, League of the South and every other do nothing organization. Do you know how I know you are a jew? Re read your post.

Attached: 1994-awb-900px.jpg (900x497, 106.95K)

Im North and OTP and same here, fren. Don't know anybody infected as well. It's all a fucking hoax.

Try harder faggot. I've been here since 06.

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No effort you larping cunt. And been here since '80. Go back to Plebbit and shill this shit there.

I think he’s still based desu.
The only people who will catch COVID are the coal burners in lawrenceville and all the stupid nappy headed niggers.
It’s based as fuck.
Let niggers be niggers. Let nature cleanse itself and quit intervening.
It’s already bad enough white people brought niggers here.
Just stfu and let nature do the rest.

>I'm not the jew, you're jew
>using all the classic tricks
Yea, Yea, have fun with your faggot thread, your handlers are content with your work, Mr confederate man you.

Attached: you.png (600x315, 68.41K)

OP shills like a boy raped fag. Shareblue payment will be small tomorrow.

Why not open things up but make participating voluntary?

Nigger you voted for that she ape dump truck Abrahams.

Share blue is shilling like it's the election

I voted for Kemp and unironically support this. LET IT SPREAD!

Besides, Kemp is just a cuckservative who road the maga train.

Attached: YIKES.jpg (1136x852, 96.83K)

Seriously, we all would be dying coofing by now if this shit was real. At least would know somebody who has it at this rate, and the numbers are deceiving, where's the recoveries, the numbers should have gone down. Fuck the MSM. Fuck the fear mongerers, fuck glows, fuck jannies.
This though.
Kek, these pieces of shit know things are changing, the people aren't as gullible as they thought, noones falling for this shit anymore. They're scared.

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>were all gonna die man!
Meanwhile, nothing has changed since this bullshit "virus" started.

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Are you a paid shill? Coronavirus isn’t real.

Hi Festus! Or is it Cletus? Jim-Bob? Something-Bob or Ray-Bob? Whatever.

Looks like about 57% of the ICU cases are terminal countrywide. Two decades of the Vietnam War killed 56,000 Americans....this has killed (now) 44,000+ in two months.....shove the flagpole up your redneck ass, Festus!

Attached: ussIOWA.jpg (800x1020, 208.83K)

Florida, Texas and now Georgia are doing the right thing. Unfortunately our economies are fucked because of this manufactured fucking hoax and literally should have never closed down. CoronaChan has a fucking lower mortality rate than the flu.

Anybody who uses Newsweek as a fucking source is a total retard. The numbers are skewed to scare the normies. I bet you wank to CNN coverage too, faggot.

No, the metric...among many...will be.. Covid Don did nothing while the fake virus killed more Americans than Vietnam. Commercials write themselves.

You are so touchingly enamored of your pig-lord. Some piglet!

Attached: trump-pig.jpg (1024x768, 775.77K)

818 dead as of today.


fucking obvious kike rat who needs the gas chamber now.

If you’re really this based, then why are you scared to death of catching a cold?